"Liu Kui, forget it. We've made a lot of money these years. Why don't we retire early and live a smart life?" Xiao Yu said.

"Well, I've worked hard for decades in Zhonghai City, and it's hard for me to create this foundation. Do you want me to give it to Wu Shan? No way. " Said the man called Liu Kui.

"We can't get into trouble because the other side is so powerful." Liu Yiming thought of Xia Jue and sighed.

"I'll ask you if you want to join us?" Liu Kui ignored Liu Yiming's words.

Xiao Yu, Liu Yiming and Chen Guan thought for a moment.

Based on their understanding of Liu Kui.

The reason why this man can do so much business is that he never does anything that is uncertain.

And Liu kueming knew that the other side was powerful, and he found them in such a hurry, so he should be a bit sure.

"Liu Kui, you have to give us some information to make a decision." Chen Guan's eyes turned.

"The Su family sent me an invitation to see Su Jianwei's grandson Su Junhao's engagement banquet in two days." Liu Kui said.

"Su family? It's just a second rate family. It's worth your support. " Xiao Yu is puzzled.

"The Su family is not worth it, but the Wang family is."

"Wang family, which Wang family?"

The three are interested.

"Kyoto kings!" Liu Kui spat out four words.


The three stood up from the bed.

"You mean the Su family and the Wang family are married?" Xiao Yu said in shock.

"That's right."

"How is it possible that a family like the Wang family would marry a small Su family in Zhonghai?" Liu Yiming was also very surprised.

"It is said that the daughter of the Wang family happened to meet Su Junhao, the grandson of Su Jianwei, when she came to Zhonghai to play. She fell in love with him at first sight, which made the Su family get on the big boat."

"This Su family is really lucky." Xiao Yu sighed.

"Yes, by marriage with the Wang family, the Su family will be able to walk across Zhonghai from now on, but what's the matter with us?" Liu changed his mind.

"Su Kui's family had a chance to get a share of the real estate industry long before he came," he said

"But now it's not what it used to be. With the help of the Wang family, the real estate industry in Zhonghai city is like searching for something."

"You mean let's take refuge in the Su family?" Chen Guan was not stupid either. He understood what Liu Kui meant.

"Although we have been closed down for the time being, the foundation is still there. I have already talked with Su Jianwei, the owner of the Su family. After they entered the real estate industry, we nominally merged into their group. In fact, our own group is still in our own hands. We are no different from being the strategic partner of the Su family."

After hearing this, the three couldn't calm down for a long time.

The conditions of the Wang family are very rich.

At present, although they are forced by the situation to bow to Xia Jue.

But if you want to ask them if they're willing, it's definitely No.

No one is willing to give up their hard-earned foundation to others.

"Well, would you like to join us now?" Liu Kui has a smile on his face.

Three people are thinking fast.

Although Xia Jue has some energy.

But how can they compare with the Wangs.

The Wangs are a deeply rooted family in Kyoto.

As long as they say a word, not to mention the real estate industry, as long as he wants something, I'm afraid no one in the business tycoons of the whole Zhonghai City dares to say no.

So the three soon made up their minds again.

"We're in."

The smile on Liu Kui's face grew stronger when he heard this.

Hum, Wu Shan, I'll see how you die this time.


here, Su Yihan and others have been waiting in the hospital until late at night. After the bone marrow was sent to the hospital for surgery, they were completely relieved. Then they returned home and fell asleep.

The next morning, Su Yihan got up early.

"Why do you get up so early and go to bed again?" Xia Jue still couldn't open his eyes.

"I'm going to work."

"You're already the president. What class are you in?" Xia Jue said discontentedly.

"The president is just what you gave me. I will rely on my own ability to let me take the position of president." Su Yihan's words are full of energy.

"Well, well, since my wife is so self-motivated, I can't fall behind my husband." Xia Jue then propped up to sleep and get up.

After brushing teeth and washing face, Xia Jue and Su Yihan came to the company in the car of the master last week.

Just joined the company.

Wu Yiyi, deputy general manager, hastily welcomed him."No, Mr. Su, the staff we sent to receive Longteng group, Shangshui group and northern group were directly expelled by them. Some of the staff who talked with them were even beaten up by their security department."

"What's the matter?" Su Yihan couldn't believe it.

Yesterday, Chen Guan, Liu Yiming and Xiao Yu spoke well. Why did they change their mind today?

Su Yihan rushed to the office to call the leaders of their major groups.

But no matter how Su Yihan hit, the other party didn't answer at all.

These are really two-and-a-half kids. It seems that the lesson is not thorough enough. Xia Jue also frowned.

But when it comes to the company's injuries, Xia Jue seems to think of something.

It seems that their company has not set up a security department.

How can we do that? As a leader of a company, we have to protect the lives of our subordinates.

If you can't guarantee the life safety of your subordinates, then you really feel ashamed to be a leader.

thought of the first mock exam.

Yesterday Ren Zu gave him a business card, and he kicked it in his pocket.

He dialed through according to his business card.

"Who the hell called so early? I want to die!"

Ren Zu's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's me!"

Just these two short words let Ren Zu, who was holding a girl under the quilt, push her away and stand up from the bed.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xia. I... i..." Ren Zu didn't expect that Xia Jue would find him, so he was at a loss.

"The dog yesterday asked him to come to Su's estate to look for me." Xia Jue had no time to talk nonsense with him, and then he hung up directly.

Here Ren Zu didn't know what Xia Jue meant, but he didn't dare to neglect him, so he quickly gave ah Gou a few words.

Su Jianzhong's manor.

At this time, a dozen guests came to the living room.

If a reporter is here, he will be surprised to find that these ten people are the real estate tycoons who often appear on TV.

"Well, everyone's here, so listen to my dad." Su Changqing's head was raised high, obviously extremely excited.

It's not exciting.

If change for before these big guys and where will look at their su family.

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