But now, it's not sitting here listening to them and letting them arrange.

"Cough." Su Jianwei moistens the lubrication.

"Thank you for looking up to our Su family. From today on, we are all allies. It's time for us to create brilliance together in Zhonghai city." Su Jianwei said.


after receiving Xia Jue's phone call, renzu street and brother Gou came to the downstairs of Su's real estate.

"Hello, Mr. Xia, I went downstairs with ah Gou." Ren Zu calls Xia Jue.

Xia Jue put down the phone and came to the first floor.

"Mr. Xia!"

Two people say hello.

"You bark, don't you?"

To tell you the truth, dogs don't understand why Xia Jue brought him here early in the morning.

But since it was Xia Jue's order, he didn't dare to neglect it. He came here at the first time.

"Yes, Mr. Xia." Dog replied.

"Are you interested in joining the Security Department of our company?"


Isn't he going to be Mr. Xia?

It's better than being a worthless gangster.

Ah, the dog said happily, "I'd like to, Mr. Xia."

"Well, how many brothers do you have?"

"Thirty or forty." Ah, the dog answered honestly.

Let them all come here.

"Yes, Mr. Xia." Ah, the dog immediately picked up the phone and yelled.

About half an hour later.

More than 30 gangsters came to the door of Su's real estate.

"Tell them that those who don't want to join the Security Department of Su's real estate can leave on their own. In addition, after joining the company, they have to get rid of their little gangster habits." Xia Jue said to the dog.

Ah, the dog nodded, and then told the boys.

As soon as the younger brothers see that the elder brother has joined in, they are not stupid. Naturally, they know that they have meat to eat with the elder brother.

"Very good. Now that everyone has joined, I will train you later. Su's real estate doesn't raise waste. If it doesn't reach my standard within one month, you can leave." Xia Jue looked at the crowd.

Hear to want to carry on training, the little hoodlums all big eyes stare small eyes of, don't understand Xia Jue this is what meaning.

"Hello, Wu Shan, arrange a training hall for me immediately."

Five minutes later, Wu Shan called to tell Xia Jue an address.

"Take your men with you and come with me to the speed ring." Xia Jue said to the dog and got into master Zhou's car.

The fast boxing center is located on the seventh floor of the sky tower in the city center.

When Xia Jue and his party came here, the people in and out of here were shocked.

Because the dozens of thugs behind Xia Jue are fierce, as if they are going to make trouble here, which naturally makes people worried.

Fortunately, Ren Zu and ah Gou explained to the security guards at the door that they were released.

"You guys wait for the next one or the next one. Mr. Xia and I will go up first." Ah, dog dare not let so many people and Xia Jue squeeze the elevator. He can only let my younger brother go to other elevators.

Just when ah dog wanted to press the elevator, a stout arm rotted in the elevator door.

Ah, the dog looked up and saw that he was a big man, and there were five or six people behind him. They were all as big as him.

"What can I do for you?" Ah, the dog looks at these guys discontentedly.

"Nothing. We're going to take the elevator." The strong man opened his mouth.

"Next time." Ah, the dog said and pressed the elevator key again.

However, the strong man still put his arm in the elevator door and didn't want to loosen it.

"What the hell do you mean?" Ah, the dog has been out for so many years. Naturally, it's also hot tempered.

"It's not interesting. It's a public elevator. It's a bit overbearing for you to take only three people in one elevator." The great man had no fear at all.

"You're looking for fault, brothers. Cut him for me." Ah, at the command of the dog, dozens of younger brothers rushed to the strong man immediately.

With the help of younger brothers, no one blocked the elevator door. Ah, dog and Xia Jue came to the boxing hall on the 23rd floor.

Although it's in the morning, there are a lot of people in the boxing hall.

"Hello, you are Mr. Xia, right?" The owner of the boxing house immediately welcomed Xia Jue when he saw him coming.

"Yes, I am."

"The training ground has been arranged. It's there. Do you think it's enough?" The owner pointed to a deserted area on the left.

This area is about 300 square meters, including sandbags, boxers, dumbbells, levers and other training items.

But more than 30 people, such a large space is enough, Xia Jue nodded to the boxing boss.

"Let me know if you need anything." The owner doesn't know why Xia Jue wants so much equipment and so much space.However, Mr. Wu himself explained this, and he did not dare to ask more.

"Why don't your men come up?" Xia Jue turned to ask ah dog.

Ah, the dog thinks again.

But it's just a lesson to a few strong men. There's no reason why his younger brother in his thirties needs such a long time.

"Why don't I go down and have a look." Ren Zu volunteered.

When Ren Zu wanted to go down, a few more people came in.

These are the people who wanted to get on the elevator before.

Seeing this scene, the dog and Ren Zu were confused.

What's going on?

But it didn't take them long to come up with an explanation.

These people came up safely, which proved that his younger brothers must have been beaten.

"You little brothers are a pile of rubbish. You can't even clean up a few people. Let them roll up and give them half a month. If you can't even beat these rubbish, you can roll away." Xia Jue was dissatisfied.

This makes the dog's face burning.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xia. I'll let them get out of here." Ah, the dog ran down in a hurry.

Several big men who came in were furious when they heard Xia Jue's words.

"Ugly, who do you think is rubbish?"

"In half a month, I want to fight us. Do you think it's upgrading to play games and fight monsters?"

A few yelled and taunted.

"Ah, misunderstanding, this is Mr. Xia. Don't look for trouble." The owner of the martial arts school rushed to adjust as soon as he saw that these big men were fighting with Xia Jue.

"Hum." With the adjustment of the owner of the boxing house, the big men glared at Xia Jue and then went to one side to change their clothes.

"Mr. Xia, I'm sorry, these guys are all boxers, so they have a hot temper." The owner of the boxing hall apologized to Xia Jue.

It turned out to be a boxer. No wonder more than thirty little brothers of the dog were killed. This makes sense.

"It's OK. I'll worry too much about a few rubbish." Xia Jue doesn't care.

Xia Jue's words were heard by the strong men not far away.

"You ugly bastard, you have the ability to fight alone!"

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