"Yes, I have the ability to go to the challenge arena and see if I don't beat you to shit."

Several strong men scolded one after another.

"Don't make any noise. You're waiting for you to fight there." As soon as the owner saw that the situation was not good, he immediately pushed these strong men into the dressing room.

In a few minutes.

Ah, the dogs and their little brothers are coming up one after another.

These little brothers are black and blue one by one, and some even can't stand on the road.

"What a pile of rubbish." Seeing this, Xia Jue was even more angry.

How to protect Su's real estate when Yaoshi meets some tough characters?

Seeing Xia Jue angry, the dog and others dare not breathe.

"Come and stand up, you punks." Xia Jue came to the venue given to them by the owner.

Ah, the dog's men came here and stood side by side in two rows.

"You come out!" Xia Jue named a gangster.

This hun hun was ordered by Xia Jue. He felt guilty, but he still stood up.

"Give me a punch."

"Ah?" Hear Xia Jue this want autumn this Hun is a little hoodwinked.

"When I say hit me, are you deaf or something?" Xia Jue yelled.

But Xia hunjue didn't dare to fight against the dog.

"What the hell are you looking at me for? Didn't you listen to Mr. Dorothy?" Ah, the dog didn't scold.

Hearing the curse of the dog, the gangster shrunk his head, and then summoned up the courage to hammer Xia Jue gently.

"Are you not full or something like that? Can you work harder?"

Things to this point, the little gangster no longer hesitated, gritted his teeth and hit Xia Jue.

"Hiss ~"

it hurts.

The little gangster's fist seemed to hit on an iron plate.

"Push harder!" Xia Jue gave a big drink.

The little gangster bit his teeth and hit Xia Jue's body.

"Try harder!"


about five minutes later.

The little gangster can't remember how many punches he threw at Xiajue's body.

All he knew was that his hand seemed to be broken and there was no pain.

Other people in the field felt a little creepy when they saw the little gangster's bloody fist.

What surprised them even more was that Xia Jue was still like a nobody, as if the Thug's fist didn't hurt him at all.

The defeat of the little gangster makes Xia Jue look for a new goal in the field.

Little gangsters and people are afraid to see this scene, for fear of being named by Xia Jue.

"You, come out." Xia Jue ordered one of the biggest gangsters in this area.

The gangster was ordered by Xia Jue and looked a little scared, but he still came out with a stiff head.

"Come on, hit me!"

The big fellow shivered at the thought of his brother's tragedy.

Hum, I don't believe your body is made of iron.

There's no way to avoid it. Big gangsters have to bite their teeth.

He swung his fist from the sandbag and hit Xia Jue on his stomach.


There was a slight noise at the scene.

The pain from his fist made the big guy's teeth rattle.

Now he finally understood the pain of being a brother.

"Waste one, are you tickling me?" Xia Jue spoke lightly.

When the big bastard heard this, he got angry again.

He swung his fist again and threw it at Xia Jue's stomach.

In a few minutes.

He was sweating and sitting on the ground, gasping and gasping, and his hands were unconscious.

The other thugs' legs were shaking now.

Is this still human?

How could such a heavy fisted thug have no effect on his stomach?

Is this iron cloth shirt?

"Dog... Brother dog, I don't want to play anymore." A little gangster can't stand it any more. He's afraid that he will follow the lead of his two brothers.

"Brother dog, I won't play any more."

"I don't want to join the security department."

Some gangsters see that they have to go through such a cruel test when they enter Su's real estate, and say they want to quit one after another.

Ah, when the dog heard this, his face came down.

Don't these little brothers embarrass him in front of Xia Jue.

"Well, who else will quit first now, I don't want to force it!" Xia Jue said aloud.

After Xia Jue finished speaking, another five or six gangsters came out.

"dog... Brother dog, we are just ordinary gangsters, not special forces." A thug said cautiously."Damn you...

" well, I don't want to force you to join us. You can go now. " Xia Jue interrupted ah Gou.

"I'm sorry, brother dog!"

"I'm sorry, brother dog!"

Ten boys turned around and left after apologizing.

Looking at the ten boys who quit voluntarily, ah Gou is angry and sorry for them.

What can I do for Mr. Hua Rongxia?

Ah, the dog shook his head.

"Well, now there are only about 20 of you left behind. My request to you is very simple, that is to beat these rubbish to the ground within 15 days." Xia Jue pointed to the strong men who were fighting there.

The younger brothers were a little bit embarrassed when they heard the elder brother's request.

They have seen the skills of those strong men just now.

The fist is as fast as lightning, and the body method is extremely quick to avoid. It's no problem to do ten of them one by one.

How could it be that they had beaten them in half a month?

"Try another damn curse."

The space of the boxing hall is almost closed, so they can basically hear Xia Jue when he talks here, so the strong man over there naturally hears Xia Jue scolding them.

"Don't make trouble here, Yuan Bing As soon as the owner of the boxing house saw that these strong men were ready to come to find Xia Jue's fault, he came to stop them.

"Boss Zhao, get out of the way for me. Today I have to teach this ugly man a lesson. It's hard for anyone to come." Several Xiajue of the Zhuang and Han Dynasties surrounded.

"Don't make trouble, this is Wu..."

"why do you look so ugly? Don't think how powerful these rubbish are. I can smash one of them with one blow." Xia Jue saw that these gangsters seemed to have no confidence, and immediately lit a little hope for them.

"Ha ha ha ha."

A few strong men almost laughed and hurt when they heard Xia Jue's words.

"You're so ugly. You have the ability to challenge me. I'll give you one hand." One of the strong men pointed to Xia Jue and said arrogantly.

"I'll take care of you." Xia Jue took off his shoes and went to the challenge arena.

A few strong men didn't expect that Xia Jue really dared to enter the challenge arena. They were stunned for a while and then scrambled to speak.

"Let me do it. I've endured this ugly monster for a long time. Today I have to kill him!"

"Brother Bing, you are already a lightweight boxing master. I'll give you the ugly eight. I'll let him have a long memory."

"Let me do it. I'm going to make a pig out of this ugly monster."

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