Elder martial brother Meng, who fell on the ground, burst out a bloody arrow in shock.

Up to now, he didn't dare to believe it. He was hurt like this by a boy of Tianjie.

"Damn it."

Elder martial brother Meng scolded, and then a little amulet flew out of his storage bag.

as like as two peas before Cao Haigen's summer struggle, he is trying to play the same trick.

The master of building foundation was forced to use the magic talisman when dealing with a Tianjie. If this matter spread out, no one would dare to believe it.

However, there is no way for elder martial brother Meng at this time.

The magic weapon of the other side is too powerful. He feels that if he doesn't use it now, he won't have a chance to use it later.

Elder martial brother Meng is powerful. Naturally, Cao Hai can't match him in the speed of moving the talisman. It's just a few breaths. The whole talisman is moved by him, and a strong and suffocating breath fills the field in an instant, which makes the thirteen elders and Cao Hai, who are the "war watchers", feel that they are going to be unable to breathe.

When the urge is completed, with his violent drink, the talisman attacks Xia Jue who is carrying the sword in front of him.


Maybe the powerful talisman in front angered the dragon sword. Xia Jue could clearly feel that the sword in his hand had a sense of anger.

After two breaths, the distance was enough. He raised the dragon sword in his hand and attacked the flying talisman.

The collision did not make a loud noise again, but produced some "zizizi" sparks, and the two sides were deadlocked in the same place.

After about ten breaths, the power of the talisman seemed to be exhausted and became more and more dim. Then it was directly split in two by the Tai Long Sword.

"What, run Caohai!"

Elder martial brother Meng did not expect that he could not resist his opponent's sword when he used the talisman. In this way, they would be in danger. This is why he told Cao Hai to run fast.

Although he is seriously injured and can't escape now, as long as Cao Hai runs back to wanguzong, he will never dare to poison him under the Fangtou Warlock.

Hearing this, Cao Hai was not slow. He turned around and ran back to wanguzong.

But before he ran far away, a sword Qi attacked his back at a very fast speed.

A stuffy hum, Cao Hai's body like a broken kite fell from the air.

"Son of a bitch, you dare to kill the people of wanguzong!"

Seeing this scene, elder martial brother Meng is about to crack.

"Xiagong, the other side is a man of wanguzong..."

wanguzong has ruled this area for such a long time, no matter what, the thirteen elders still dare not form a death feud with the other side, so the thirteen elders quickly came to Xiajue's side to persuade him.

"Elder thirteen, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to yourself!"

Xia Jue has made these two guys like this now. If they let them go, how can they let them go? I'm afraid the next trouble will be even bigger. In order not to make things worse, it's best to solve each other now.

Although there is a risk of being found out by wanguzong, he has so much control in the company now, so he can only go one step at a time.


the thirteen elders wanted to say something, but Xia Jue ignored him and went around him to elder martial brother Meng.

"To build a foundation, to build a foundation, but that's all!"

Xia Jue's condescending sarcasm.

"If you dare to kill Wanzong people, I'm ready to fight you!"

On the verge of death, elder martial brother Meng didn't mean to beg for mercy at all. Instead, he threatened.

"Ha ha, wanguzong, sooner or later, I will step on you wanguzong, but I don't think you have a chance to see it."

"Ha ha ha ha, you deserve to step on my drum master?"

Brother Meng seems to have heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Then you can keep your eyes wide open below."

With these words, Xia Jue struck Cao Hai, who was lying on the ground in the distance and seemed to have some breath.

With a bang, Cao Hai's body was torn apart.

After solving Cao Hai, Xia Jue ends up with elder martial brother Meng again the next moment. After finishing all this, he and the thirteen elders return to the direction of di lingzong.


the soul card Hall of wanguzong.

Every disciple who joins wanguzong will have a soul card here.

This soul card is connected with the spirit of each disciple.

Once the disciple dies, the corresponding soul card will be broken.

Wang he is the disciple who is stationed in hunpai hall. He is the middle cultivation of Tianjie.

This job is a dull one.

Moreover, in Lingnan, no one dares to kill them.It's been a long time since he heard of the broken soul card of youzongmen.

This makes him feel sleepy every day when he comes here.


Just as he leaned against a big red stone pillar and was about to fall asleep, a slight sound aroused him, and his sleepiness was swept away from his mind.

"No way?"

Wang he murmured to highlight such a sentence.

He felt that he might have heard something wrong or that something was making a sound.

But when he came to the place where the soul card was placed, he was shocked.

One of the soul cards was broken.

In a hurry, he ran to the fast soul card to check.

"How could it be elder martial brother Qin Haiqin? What's the matter?"

Wang he's face was full of shock, but before he could get back to his mind, a similar sound sounded again.

"Meng fan, elder martial brother Meng, how can this be...

Wang he is a fool this time. You should know that elder martial brother Meng is a basic level figure. How could he die so easily?

After thinking for a while, he assured that the two things were absolutely related, and then he ran out in a hurry.

Even if Cao Hai is dead, but even Meng fan who built the foundation is dead, which is a great event for WAN guzong.

Soon, the five powerful elders of wanguzong gathered in the meeting hall.

"Tell me what you've got so far."

An old man in the first seat said that he was the nine elders of the ten thousand drum sect.

"Elder nine, I found out something. Today, Cao Hai had a conflict with a man who came to pay for the resources and was defeated by others. Finally, Huang Rui and some of them came forward to stop it. This didn't make the disturbance expand. Do we think it has something to do with it?"

The seventeen elders said thoughtfully.

"What's the matter with xiazong?"

Nine elder turn to ask a way.

"It's like this..."

the seventeen senior generals told the whole story about Cao Hai's fight with Xia Jue today.

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