After hearing this, the nine elders kept tossing and turning in their hearts.

Cao Hai and Meng fan belong to the same master. Naturally, their feelings are very deep.

Now that they both have an accident at the same time, there is no need to think that they are absolutely involved.

But this Meng fan is the cultivation of building foundation. What's the reason for his being killed.

"It's impossible. Even if the boy has a sense of attack, he can't build a foundation."

Before the nine elders came up with a reason, the sixteen elders said with a little pledge.

"Sixteen is right. It seems that this matter is involved, but in fact it doesn't work at all. It's hard to escape from the Tianjie realm under Zhuji's hands, let alone kill the master."

"To be able to do it so cleanly, at least it should be the cultivation in the middle of foundation building."

Several elders expressed their views one after another.

"I don't care about that. I'll give you three days to dig out more clues. The ten thousand drum disciples can't be killed at will."

Nine elder finish saying this words and then turn to leave.


half a day later, they returned to dilingzong.

After returning to dilingzong, Xia Jue went directly back to his room.

On the other side, everyone in the meeting hall of di lingzong looked like a ghost.

"Thirteen, what do you say? You say that Xia Gong killed a master of building foundation and the peak of Tianjie in wanguzong. Are you crazy?"

Hou Xiaotian and others can't believe it.

You know, that's Zhuji and his Hou Xiaotian. How could he be killed by Xia Jue? It's too strange.

"Suzerain, believe it or not, is this thing absolutely true? But this is not the time for us to discuss it now. If wanguzong comes to our house...

the thirteen elders are worried about this problem now. Once wanguzong's people come to our house, it will be a big problem.

Thirteen elder this words is a language to wake up the person in the dream, all over the body suddenly out of a cold sweat.

If this is true, then they killed the people of wanguzong.

It's a big crime.

It's not too much to keep them in the family.

It's scary enough to think about it.

"Thirteen, is there anyone to see this except the one beside you?"

Hou Xiaotian asked in a hurry.

"I don't think so."

"If there is, there will be. If not, there will be none."

Hou Xiaotian's heart was raised in his throat at this time, so he was angry to hear the ambiguous words.

"No, I didn't see anyone at the time."

The thirteen elders said in a hurry.

"Well, from now on, we're all rotten in our hearts. No one can tell us anything. Otherwise, we'll be responsible for the consequences. Besides, if we don't expect anything, wanguzong will send someone to check it. We must not show our flaws. We must bite the blind. Do you know?"

Once this event is discovered, it will be a disaster for wanguzong, so Hou Xiaotian is not nervous.

"I see, Lord."

They all agreed in a loud voice.

"In addition, you should go to the Xia temple to have a talk, so as not to cause any trouble at that time."


three hours later, several uninvited guests came to dilingzong.

This is the investigation team sent by Wangu sect.

"Why do some Taoist friends come to our lingzong?"

After a few days, the atmosphere of Xiaoqiang appeared.

"Lord Hou, there is something we wanguzong want to ask you to cooperate with us. Please let Xia Gong and elder Zhang from your clan come."

Wan guzong, a foundation builder named Chen Bai, swept Hou Xiaotian's face back and forth with suspicious eyes.

"Oh? What's the matter? "

Hou Xiaotian pretended to be very interested.

"Lord Hou, don't ask so many questions. You'll know when everyone arrives."

Chen Bai said with an unquestionable voice.

"OK, I'll arrange it now."

Hou Xiaotian didn't dare to say any more. He turned around and arranged.

Before long, Xia Jue and others were called to a hall.

"Are you the Xia Gong and the thirteen elders?"

Chen Bai sweeps back and forth on Xia Jue with sharp eyes.

"Yes, can I help you?"

The two of them returned with one voice.

"Just a few hours ago, a man named Zuo Caohai and Meng fan in our Wangu sect was killed. One of them was the cultivation of building foundation, the other was the cultivation of the peak of the later stage of the heavenly ladder."When Chen Bai said this, his eyes were fixed on Xia Jue's facial expression. He wanted to see what kind of reaction he would make,.

"What, how!"

After hearing this, Xia Jue and the thirteen elders were shocked.

"Who did it, even the people of shangzong dare to kill it!"

Whether the thirteen elders can pass or not depends on this, so he tried to pretend that he had nothing to do with them.

"Cao Hai? This is not the Taoist friend I met with before. How could he...

Xia Jue also said.

"Yes, that's the man who fought with you before. Do you know if there was anything unusual about him at that time?"

Chen Bai then asked.

"Back to the master, at that time, I just had a normal fight with that Taoist friend, and I didn't find any abnormal situation in that Taoist friend. Alas, I didn't expect that this situation would become like this soon..."

Xia Jue sighed helplessly and looked very depressed, which made Hou Xiaotian and elder 13 admire his excellent performance.

"Very good, but I have another problem. As far as I know, you left Wangu city at noon, and according to the distance from Wangu city to here, you can arrive in about three hours.

But someone found that you didn't approach the steps of the Earth Spirit sect until you. It took five hours. I want to know what's keeping you so much time? "

Chen Bai looks at Xia Jue and elder 13 with straight eyes again.

At the same time, he is also secretly preparing, he is preparing, as long as the two people can not answer or answer a question, then he will not hesitate to take the hand.

Hearing Chen Bai's words, thirteen elders and Hou Xiaotian secretly said a bad word in their hearts.

The reason is that they have taken everything into consideration, but they have not.

They didn't take into account the time difference, and they didn't take into account that the other party even found the witnesses, which caused trouble.

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, Xia Jue on one side spoke first.

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