Thirteen elders hate Wumo mountain to the bone, so when they see such a good opportunity, they can't help laughing.

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you!"

"Damn it, you dilingzong bastards!"

Hearing the sarcasm of the thirteen elders, the people of the five devil mountain couldn't help it.

"Shut up

In the five magic mountain a crowd can't help but want to move, Lin Tianyi indifferently highlighted these two words.

It has to be said that Lin Tianyi, as the leader of the five devil mountain, is still powerful. After he gives this shout, he immediately closes his mouth.

"You are Xia Jue, aren't you?"

When the scene is quiet, Lin Tianyi turns his eyes to Xia Jue.

In the face of Lin Tianyi's indifferent eyes, he would have been scared to stand unsteadily.

But who is he?

He even slaughtered Meng fan, the master of foundation construction, who would be afraid of Lin Tianyi.

"So what?"

Xia Jue stood up without any fear.

"That's good. The people in the array Pavilion will have a good talk with you."

"Array Pavilion!"

Hearing this, the thirteen elders on one side jumped out as if they had been stabbed by a needle and said, "Lin Tianyi, don't talk nonsense. How can the enmity between our di lingzong and you get involved in the array pavilion?"

"Ha ha, it's no use explaining to me. You're going to explain to the experts in the array Pavilion."

Lin Tianyi said sarcastically.

"Enter the market!"

As for Hou Xiaotian, he didn't think they could do anything better after today.

After hearing this, the people of Di Ling sect took back their eyes on Wu Mo Shan and others and walked towards the trading market.

At this time, however, a shocking thing happened.

That's Lin Tianyi's sudden move.

See his body shape turn into a remnant shadow, toward the summer Jue that is preparing to enter the market grabs.

Some people in dilingzong could think that Lin Tianyi was so shameless and took advantage of the fact that everyone was ready to enter the trading market to get distracted.

Even Hou Xiaotian didn't expect this. It was too late for him to react, because Lin Tianyi's figure was less than five meters away from Xia Jue's forehead.


"In summer."

The impact sound and the cry of the people in the Earth Spirit sect were almost sent out at the same time.

However, to the surprise of the people of the di Ling sect, the scene they imagined did not appear.

Lin Tianyi retreated two steps, while Xia Jue at the other end retreated seven or eight steps. There was a trace of blood in the corner of his mouth. He obviously suffered a lot.

However, even so, people on the scene suddenly became stunned.

You know, Lin Tianyi is a master of building foundation.

Generally speaking, if the following master has been sentenced to death, that person can be sentenced to death according to the general situation.

And in front of Xia Jue not only did not die also even if, the appearance unexpectedly also so relaxed, just suffered a little injury, this also somewhat too evil?

The people on the side of dilingzong were just a little shocked and relieved.

Because they knew that Xia Jue Ju had even killed the foundation building experts of wanguzong before, and now they just took the other party's move. It doesn't seem to be a big surprise.

A group of people in Wumo mountain have no such good mentality as dilingzong.

At this time, they thought that if it goes on like this, when Xiajue grows up in the future, it will be the day when their Wumo mountain will be completely destroyed, which makes them feel mixed.

"Lin Tianyi, you are the master of the five evil mountains and a master of building foundation. How can you do this to a younger generation? Do you still want to show your face?"

Hou Xiaotian stands on the opposite side of Lin Tianyi and has a great momentum that he is about to fight.

"I'm not tired of deceit. The lion is still fighting with all his strength. This boy has killed so many people in Wumo mountain. No matter what, I will take his life!"

Lin Tianyi scoffs at Hou Xiaotian's words.

"Ha ha, I'm here. If you can help him, Hou Xiaotian won't have to be the leader of the Earth Spirit sect!"

If Hou Xiaotian doesn't respond to Xia Jue's sneak attack in front of him, he has no face to gain a foothold in Lingnan, so he has begun to urge his strength to fight against him.


When the situation between the two sides was on the verge of breaking out, several noises came from the transaction.

"No, Lord, the auction will start soon. If we don't go in, it will be too late."

Thirteen elders reminded Hou Xiaotian."We don't have to worry about the wuzushan in the future."

Xia Jue wants to get the Zhuji pill at the auction, where he has time to entangle with the other party. As long as he gets the Zhuji pill and breaks through to the realm of Zhuji, can he wave his hand to destroy the Wumo mountain?

"You're lucky. We'll settle this later."


Lin Tian's mouth is slightly raised, and he looks very confident.

Entering the market, people soon came to the entrance of the auction.

"You really know how to choose time. In ten breaths, we'll be ready to close down."

Auction door in charge of a guard of the master depressed said.


At this time, the venue is full of friends. After taking a seat, Hou Xiaotian keeps saying hello to some familiar people.

It was almost time, and a sixty year old man came to the stage.

"Well, welcome to our auction. I'm Wu Kong, the vice president of the auction. I don't want to say much. I'll delay your time. I'll take the first item first."

Then, a beautiful maid took up a delicate box and put it on the table in front of Wu Kong.

Wu Kong picked up the box carefully and opened it. A red fruit with vitality appeared in front of everyone.

"It's the dragon blood fruit. It's said that it's a kind of fruit associated with real dragon in ancient times. Whether it's used to refine medicine or directly take it, it has great magical effect. It's a thousand yuan stone."

Xia Jue was surprised to see this fruit.

At the beginning, he swallowed many of these fruits in the earth's underground palace and forest.

I didn't expect this fruit to be called dragon blood fruit.

But I have to say that this fruit really has a great effect on monks.

For example, the reason why he can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth more quickly than other monks of the same level is probably because he swallowed these fruits.

"A thousand stone."

"One thousand five."

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