"Two thousand..."

soon, the auction began to ring in an endless stream.

In order to fight for the dragon's blood, they went to fight for it.

After about half a pillar of incense, the dragon blood fruit was directly raised to the high price of 5000 yuan stone, which made Xia Jue a little surprised.

I didn't expect that he had eaten tens of thousands of Yuan Stone directly in the forest of the underground palace. If other people knew about it, they would be shocked for a long time.

"Five thousand more?"

After reaching the high price of 5000 yuan, the voice of on-the-spot auction has disappeared.

"Five thousand once... Five thousand twice... Five thousand three..."

"six thousand!"

Just as Wu Kong was about to announce the capture of the dragon blood fruit award, a voice came out.

Hearing this sound, the people of di lingzong looked back conditionally.

It turned out that it was Lin Tianyi who called out this.

"The bastard snatched so many dragon stone fruits."

For Lin Tianyi unexpectedly willing to take out so many yuan stone to grab such a pitaya, thirteen elders seem a little surprised.

"Don't worry about it. Let him spend more yuan and stone for a while, so as not to compete with us for the others."

Hou Xiaotian said nothing.

Lin Tianyi yells out the high price of 6000 yuan stone, and no one dares to compete with him. In the end, the dragon blood fruit is successfully won by him.

The first item was successfully auctioned, and soon the second item was delivered.

The second item is a powerful magic weapon.

Hou Xiaotian and others were not interested in such a magic weapon, and they were finally won by others with 4000 yuan stone.

Next, several pretty good treasures were photographed one after another, but none of them were needed by Di lingzong, so Xia Jue and others watched the situation quietly.

After the observation of these rounds of bidding, Xia Jue analyzed that there are four powerful forces.

One is Fantian valley. There are several foundation building experts in this force. Their strength is not comparable to that of dilingzong.

There is also Jianqi sect in Qingshan Pavilion. These two forces are also rich and powerful, and they often raise their prices in the presence.

But if it is normal for the above three forces to have strength, then the last one is more surprising to him.

Finally, the one he thought was more powerful was Wumo mountain.

From the next five kinds of magic fruit to the first one.

Although not all of them were won, they also won three or four treasures and spent tens of thousands of yuan.

This kind of writing naturally makes Xia Jue and Hou Xiaotian and others confused.

"Is it true that the five evil mountains are not going to bid for Zhuji Dan? They are buying so much."

Some of the thirteen elders didn't understand what medicine was being sold in each other's gourd.

"It's impossible. They lost so many experts in Wumo mountain, and their strength was greatly reduced. Lin Tianyi estimated that he wanted this building base pill more than anyone else, so that the clan's strength could be improved quickly."

Hou Xiaotian said thoughtfully.

"Since they still want to build the base Dan, why dare they consume Yuanshi like this? Does he really think that we are all dead and won't compete with him?"

Elder thirteen is still puzzled.

Hou Xiaotian shook his head. Obviously, he didn't understand it.

"Well, the next item is Bihai snail iron. It's a peerless treasure bred from the nut shell in the deep sea. I don't need to tell you what level the magic weapon will reach?

Now it's four thousand yuan Wu then called out the price.

"Five thousand!"

This is the item that di lingzong must strive for this time, so the thirteen elders didn't hesitate, and the first one called out the offer.



the price has been rising all the way, and it soon broke through the ten thousand pass. Yuanshi continues to increase.

"Eighteen thousand stone."

Although I knew that it would be very difficult to get this piece of blue sea snail iron, I didn't expect that it would be even more difficult than I imagined. The thirteen elders finally gritted their teeth and cried out the high price.

By this time, the price is not low, and now the auction is at the end. All the major forces in the auction are ready to use Yuanshi to fight for the final building pill. So when the thirteen elders called out the price, no one said anything.

Seeing this, the thirteen elders and Hou Xiaotian felt relieved. After paying such a high price, they were able to collect the blue sea snail iron.

"18001... 18002... 18003..."


Just as the bidding was about to settle down, another voice disrupted the order in the field."Son of a bitch!"

For this voice, thirteen elders and others are too familiar to be familiar with any more, that is Lin Tianyi's voice.

"The owner of the five demons mountain is asking for 20000 yuan stone. Is there anything higher?"

As the organizer of the auction, Wu Kong is happy to see that the higher the price of the goods, the better.

"Lord, we...

" twenty two thousand. "

Before the thirteen elders finished saying this, Hou Xiaotian could not hold his breath and yelled out the offer.

"Well, Lord Hou asked for twenty-two thousand. Is there anything higher?"

"Twenty five thousand."

Lin Tianyi throws out the price again, as if the 20000 yuan stone is nothing to him.

Hearing the price, Hou Xiaotian's face turned pale, because the price was beyond the range of the Earth Spirit sect.

Heart like a knife cut as uncomfortable, finally Hou Xiaotian or give up.

"Well, then the blue sea snail iron belongs to the owner of the forest."

Next, several treasures were pushed out, and dilingzong also successfully photographed them.

"The final treasure is Zhuji Dan. I don't need to say more about the effect of Zhuji Dan. I believe there are many friends here who come to build Jidan. If you don't say more, you can start shooting with 5000 yuan stone."

"One hundred thousand, I want five magic mountains!"

As soon as Wu Kong's voice fell, a voice like thunder came out.

"One hundred thousand, master Lin, are you serious?"

Wu Kong, who has seen countless scenes, is also shocked by this sudden scene.

"Yuanshi is here. Vice president Wu, please make an inventory."

Lin Tianyi directly ejected a storage bag toward Wu Kong on the stage.

Take the storage bag, a little investigation, Wu Kong immediately confirmed that Lin Tianyi did not lie.

"The owner of the forest has a hundred thousand. Is there anything higher?"

Hearing this, the crowd recovered from the state of shock.

A hand is a hundred thousand days step, this who can play, many forces are helpless to see Lin Tian one eye, then shook his head.

Xia Jue and others on this side also look ugly.

He can't afford a hundred thousand yuan stone, and neither can di lingzong.

It's just that he doesn't understand how the five magic mountains have so much energy.

"There are people behind the five magic mountains."

Hou Xiaotian gave his guess.

But even if they guess it, it's useless. In a word, they miscalculated today, and they couldn't get Zhuji Dan.

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