With this finale of Zhuji Dan won by the people of Wumo mountain, the auction is officially over.

Out of the auction hall, Hou ling'er immediately said: "Dad, the strength of the five magic mountains will increase greatly with the foundation building elixir. Maybe there will be one more master in the foundation building period soon. Then our Di Ling sect will be in danger."

How can Hou Xiaotian not know what Hou ling'er said? But now things have come to such a point that Zhuji Dan has fallen into the hands of the other party. He can't rob it by force.

Even if he is a master of trading, he does not dare to build for the market owner.

"Suzerain, ling'er is right. This foundation building elixir falls into the hands of Wumo mountain, which is extremely dangerous to our clan. Once the other party adds another master in the foundation building period, how can we stop it?"

"Lord, no matter what, for the sake of the safety of our dilingzong, we can't wait to die. While the other party hasn't relied on this building base pill to increase strength, I suggest we start first."

Several elders knew that it was extremely dangerous now, so they began to persuade one after another.

"Of course I know what you said, but what should we do now?"

Hou Xiaotian's face was wrinkled, and he didn't pay any attention in his heart.

"Suzerain, why don't we kill them on the way

Just then Xia Jue spoke slowly.

Xia Jue's words can be described as a surprise to Hou Xiaotian and others.

Naturally, they have thought about this idea, but it is not easy to implement it.

After all, the five demons mountain sect leader is not a vegetarian, and the elders of their sect worship them. It's very difficult to kill them.

"It's... It's too difficult."

"That's right. We're not flattered."

Several elders said again.

"You don't have to worry about this. As long as you entangle Lin Tianyi, you can leave the rest to me."

Xia Jue is very confident. As long as Hou Xiaotian can stop the five devil mountain sect leader from interfering with him, he is confident that he can solve the rest of the people.

As long as the elders worship and others are settled one by one, then Xia Jue and Hou Xiaotian will attack Lin Tianyi, the leader of Wumo Mountain Gate together. In this way, he should be able to win each other.

Hearing this, Hou Xiaotian and the elders suddenly realized.


They still have Xia Jue.

Once Hou Xiaotian entangles Lin Tianyi, how can other people in the five devil mountain stop him?

Waiting for them and Xia Jue to settle down all those elders in Wumo mountain and attack Lin Tianyi together, the odds are really great.

"Suzerain, Xia Jue is right. We can't let the other side take Zhuji Dan back to the clan gate safely. We can kill them on the way."

"Lord, for the future of our local lingzong, do as Xia Jue said."

Several elders asked Hou Xiaotian to agree to the plan.

Hou Xiaotian looked around for a long time and then said, "now it's the only way to do it. Ling'er, you should go back to the sect immediately. If we have a mistake, you should immediately dismiss the sect and let the disciples run for their lives."

It's a matter of great importance. No one can guarantee what will happen. As the head of a clan, Hou Xiaotian must prepare for the worst.

Hearing her father's last words, Hou ling'er's face was very ugly, but she also knew that it was not the right time to be hypocritical.

"Father, God bless me. You will come back safely. Then I will lead the clan's children to welcome you and the elders back."

"Well." Hou Xiaotian nodded and looked at several elders and Xia Jue: "let's go to Lianshan road. It's the only way to Wumo mountain. They will pass here."


The crowd nodded and then left for Lianshan road.

Lianshan road.

It is a good place for ambush and shadow hiding.

Before long, a group of figures came here. These people were Xia Jue and Hou Xiaotian who had plotted well in the trading market.

"Elder Zhao, you should go to the front ten miles away to sneak down quietly and pay attention to the situation in front. Once you find that the people of Wumo mountain are coming, you should report them immediately. Be careful."

Hou Xiaotian said.

"Yes, Lord."

The master of Zhao turned and left.


the distance is about 50 miles away from Lianshan road.

A team is coming from the sky.

Among them, the leader of Wumo mountain is Lin Tianyi, and the rest are worshipped by the elders of Wumo mountain.

"Sect leader, I always feel that the people of dilingzong will not give up. After all, they know very well what will happen if this building pill falls into our hands.""Yes, sect leader, this local lingzong might jump over the wall in a hurry. We'd better be careful."

"If I were Hou Xiaotian, I would choose to do it at this time, otherwise I would not have this chance in the future."

Several elders of Wumo mountain expressed their worries.

"Ha ha, I hope that they will jump over the wall in a hurry and clean up together at that time, which will save me more effort."

Lin Tianyi didn't have the worried mood of the elders. Instead, he looked very relaxed, as if everything was under control.

About half an hour later, Hou Xiaotian and Xiajue, who were resting in the woods, felt a breath coming towards them.

It turned out that elder Zhao came back in a hurry.

"Lord, they are coming."

Hearing this, Hou Xiaotian's face was cold, and his whole body sent out a breath of killing.

"Get ready."

Just for a while, a team of people came from the sky.

At this time, Hou Xiaotian, Xia Jue and others no longer hid their shadows, and they all came out of the woods.

See Hou Xiaotian and Xia Jue and others, five devil mountain and others all stopped, with a look of vigilance at them.

"Master, I said they would jump out of the wall in a hurry. You see, I'm right."

"You people of dilingzong are so brave that they want to kill us!"

Two of the five magic mountain elders spoke out.

"Hum, you five devil mountain thought that you would have no worries when you photographed Zhuji Dan. Maybe you would have made wedding clothes for others."

Elder Zhao sneered.

Hearing this, Lin Tianyi didn't have any angry look, instead, he laughed.

"Maybe I'll kill all of you today, and then I'll go and kill your dilingzong."

"Don't be ashamed. Take it."

Hou Xiaotian didn't talk too much nonsense. He directly attacked Lin Tian in front of him.

At this time, Lin Tian a strange smile, and then a pat storage bag, a palm size wave drum fly out.

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