"Ha ha, Lin Tianyi, I said you've lived for so many years. How can you be so naive? Do you think I'll let you five magic mountains go when things get to this point?"

Today, the purpose of Hou Xiaotian's coming is to rob Zhuji Dan and destroy Lin Tianyi by the way. Now things are going to be successful. He will only let the tiger go back to the mountain if his brain is broken.

"Hum, Hou Xiaotian, do you want to know how I got this Tongtian drum?"

Lin Tianyi said.

Hearing this, Hou Xiaotian had a good heart.

To be honest, he is still worried about this problem.

He was worried about whether the five demons mountain would have anything to do with the ten thousand drum sect. Even if they killed all these people today, they would not be able to rest easy.

Seeing a change in Hou Xiaotian's expression, Lin Tianyi was delighted.

"Let me tell you, Hou Xiaotian, the Dharma protector of wanguzong will form a family with my son. If you dare to move our Wumo mountain, you should consider whether your di lingzong can bear the anger of wanguzong at that time. You should weigh it yourself"

when Lin Tianyi said this, his face showed a trace of complacency.

"Ha ha, Lin Tianyi, what kind of person is the Dharma protector of wanguzong? How can he come down to be a relative with you? Don't you think it's funny?"

Hou Xiaotian thinks it's true that this guy has a little connection with wanguzong, but he says Chang HUFA will form a family with him. He won't believe it.

Wanguzong is one of the six giants in Lingnan, and the Dharma protector is a powerful person in wanguzong. How can people look back on a small Wumo mountain.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, Hou Xiaotian. My son had eight levels of potential on the drum altar of wanguzong last month. He has been accepted as a closed disciple by the regular Dharma protector. It will be officially announced after the end of the Taoist trial next month."

Lin Tianyi said with a smile.


After hearing this, Hou Xiaotian was shocked.

The magic weapon of wanguzong is Tongtian drum.

The first rule to join wanguzong is to have the potential to manipulate tongtiangu.

The potential to manipulate Tongtian drum is divided into one to ten levels.

You only need to have three levels of potential to join wanguzong.

After reaching level 5, they will receive the attention and training of wanguzong. As for reaching level 8, it can be said that it is the genius among the talents, which will be fully cultivated by wanguzong.

In other words, Wumo mountain is not only close to the thigh of Wangu sect, but may even be supported by Wangu sect in the future.

If so, the trouble of di lingzong would be great.

Now hou Xiaotian is hard to ride a tiger.

If Lin Tianyi has any loss here today, wanguzong will not let them go.

After all, in the eyes of wanguzong, their di lingzong was not even a root hair. As long as Lin Tianyi's son mentioned it to changhufa, changhufa would never refuse him.

But if they let each other go today, with Hou Xiaotian's understanding of this guy, their di lingzong has no way to survive.

That is to say, they all died this time. It was just a matter of early death and late death.

"Lord, what are you waiting for? It's the right thing to kill this guy now."

Just when Hou Xiao didn't know what to do, Xia Jue came to Hou Xiaotian.


" bang. "

Before Hou Xiaotian could finish speaking, Xia Jue chopped Fang Lin Tianyi's right hand with a sword, because he found that this guy wanted to use the Tongtian drum again just now. If this guy urged the Tongtian drum again, they would return to the situation immediately.

"Lord, no matter what happens, we'll try our best to kill this guy now."

Xia Jue knew that there must be a reason why Hou Xiaotian suddenly hesitated and stopped at such a critical time. He could only pull the other party's thoughts back first.

Hearing Xia Jue's warning, Hou Xiaotian wakes up and knows that he almost made a big mistake just now.

Then he made up his mind not to think about other things. He solved the eye problem first, and then he made plans for other things later.

"Damn it, you little boy, what is this sword?"

Lin Tianyi looks at the sword in Xia Jue's hand with great fear.

This sword almost threatened his strength just now, but it could not hurt his strength.

Suddenly, something came to him.

That is, before he had a good Tongtian drum in his hand, he suddenly felt something that he was afraid of.

Is the Tongtian drum in his hand afraid of the sword in this boy's hand?

In the mind does not stop tossing and turning, Lin Tianyi thought this matter eight or nine inseparable.

The Tongtian drum in his hand is a magic weapon, and the sword in his opponent's hand is obviously a magic weapon.It's normal for high-level magic weapons to deter low-level magic weapons.

"Well, it's useless for a dead man to know too much."

Xia Jue raises his sword to kill Lin Tian in front of him, and Hou Xiaotian next to him is not slow. He attacks Lin Tian with a sudden speed.

"Hou Xiaotian, you wait to be skinned and skinned by wanguzong."

Lin Tian one by one to see each other or you don't have any scruples to the hand, he can only threaten a word in the speech, and then in a hurry to meet the enemy.

"Bang bang."

Lin Tian wanted to resist the attack of Hou Xiaotian, the opponent of the same level, and at the same time he wanted to guard against the attack of Xia Jue Na's powerful sword. He soon became embarrassed.

"Ah, ah!"

"Lord, help me

When Lin Tian was in a mess, the elders of the clan nearby were almost slaughtered. Only a few of them were still gnashing their teeth to resist, but soon they couldn't support it.

These people's cry and cry for help scattered Lin Tian's thoughts. Lin Tian was accidentally cut to the ground by Xia Jue.

"You two bastards, I will not let you go as a ghost."

Lin Tian yelled.

"Hum, I don't know if you are a ghost or not, but what we have to do is to send you to hell."

Xia Jue raised his dragon sword again and struck Lin Tian.

Another incense burning time passed. At this time, the elder of Wumo mountain and the offering were all killed by GE, and Lin Tianyi lay on the ground like a dead dog.

"Lin Tianyi, if you didn't covet the skill I got, you wouldn't have fallen to such a state now. You'd have to blame yourself for all this."

Hou Xiaotian stands with a negative hand and looks down at Lin Tianyi on the ground.

Lin Tian on the ground smiles, and the blood in his mouth emerges again.

"If you want to be a king and defeat the invaders, you can kill them, but you dilingzong will bury them with us."

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