Hearing this, Hou Xiaotian's heart suddenly sank, and his joy was swept away.

Now that the matter has been settled, the next step is to consider what to do.

"Lord, I don't think it's necessary to kill this guy for the time being. It might be useful to keep him."

Xia Jue said to Hou Xiaotian.

"Yes, suzerain, it's not necessarily a good choice to keep this guy so that his son in wanguzong can cast a rat's fear on him."

Elder Zhao agreed with Xia Jue.

"Well, Mr. Zhao, you should press him back to the clan first and take him into custody. Xia Jue, you can go to Wumo mountain with me."

Hou Xiaotian said.


Elder Zhao agreed.


it's about thirty miles from Lianshang to Wumo mountain. At the speed of Xia Jue and Hou Xiaotian, it's only half a fragrant time.

"This is Wumo mountain. Who are you?"

The two disciples stationed at the gate were very alert when they saw the arrival of Xia Jue and Hou Xiaotian.

"Ah, ah!"

It's just two minions. Xia Jue waved his sleeve and solved it.

After solving these two minions, Xia Jue and Hou Xiaotian kill them all the way in. Even Lin Tianyi is solved. How can the five demons mountain resist? Soon the whole clan is cleaned up.

"Hou... Lord Hou, this is all the valuable items in our Wumo mountain storage Pavilion. Please accept them."

A disciple who wanted to live gave Hou Xiaotian one of the storage bags.



After a while, the guy couldn't take it off.

"Do you know why I killed him?

Hou Xiaotian turns to look at Xia Jue.

"It's useless for a guy like this to stay in the world who can even sell his own clan. He should be killed."

Xia Jue said quietly.

After hearing this, Hou Xiaotian nodded with a smile.

"that's right, this kind of guy is a waste, you should kill him."

"Lord, shall we go back now?"

Asked Xia Jue.

"Don't worry, Xia Jue. Do you know why Wumo mountain is called Wumo mountain?"

Sir Xia shook his head to show that he didn't know.

Hou Xiaotian took a few steps forward and looked at the distance with deep eyes.

"A thousand years ago, the first sect leader of Wumo mountain sent out a spirit spring here. The spirit spring was very effective and could make incredible changes to monks. But the only defect was that the spring could not be stored for too long. If it was stored for too long, it would lose its efficacy and could not be transplanted. So he established a sect here."

After listening to Hou Xiaotian's words, Xia Jue realized some of his meaning, and then said: "Lord, is this Lingquan still there?"

"After such a long time, and the five devil mountain has bred so many disciples for so many years, Lingquan will always dry up, so Lingquan is hidden by the five devil mountain. Now only the core disciples of the five devil mountain can enjoy it."

Hou Xiaotian said meaningfully.

"Then where is this holy spring now?"

Asked Xia Jue.

"Good question, follow me."

Hou Xiaotian leads Xia Jue to a small hill in the back mountain and stops.


Hou Xiaotian punched the XiaoShanBao, and the XiaoShanBao split in an instant.


XiaoShanBao broke apart, and Xiajue felt a very pure vitality of heaven and earth.

"What a rich vitality of heaven and earth."

Xia Jue was a little surprised and walked forward. He saw a one meter wide well in front of him, from which the strong vitality of heaven and earth came out.

"Xiajue, go on."

At this time, Hou Xiaotian threw a small bottle at Xia Jue.

Xia Jue turns to take the small bottle in his hand, and then looks at Hou Xiaotian with puzzled eyes.

"Xia Jue, this is the foundation building pill. You can break through the foundation building in this holy spring. I will protect the Dharma for you!"

Hou Xiaotian then sat down.

Hearing this, Xia Jue finally understood why Hou Xiaotian wanted to tell him about Lingquan. He originally intended to let him break through here.

To understand this, Xia Jue no longer hesitated, he turned and jumped out of the spring.

When he went down to the spirit spring, the spring water immediately flooded into Xia Jue's chest, and suddenly bursts of strong vitality of heaven and earth gathered into his body, while the spring water seemed to wash his body.

Seeing this, Xia Jue no longer hesitated. He directly opened the bottle and poured Zhuji Dan into his palm.

This building elixir is green, and there is a thin layer of fog on the surface. If it is left on the earth, an ordinary person will definitely sigh that it is a elixir."It is worthy of building a foundation."

Xia Jue sighed, and then raised his hand to his mouth.

The entrance of the pill was melting, and it soon became a warm current, wandering in his body and pounding back and forth.


Does the impact of the medicine make Xia Jue's face a little painful? He can only grit his teeth and keep on insisting.

Half a ring.

The meridians in his body were pounded by the drug force, which nearly doubled.

At the same time, he can feel the energy stored in his body become more abundant.

At this time, not only his face became extremely twisted and red, but also his whole body became extremely red. If someone touched his skin with his hand, he would be burned.

"Goo Goo."

Soon, something strange happened.

The well water around Xia Jue was boiling.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

The vitality of the surrounding world began to become manic.


Hou Xiaotian, who is meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly opens his eyes.

Looking at the vitality of heaven and earth in the well around him, his fists were clenched unconsciously.

Although we know that Zhuji Dan has a high chance to break through, everything is not without exception. In short, success or failure depends on it.

At this time, Hou Xiaotian's expression suddenly changed, and then he stood up and looked at the distance, as if waiting for something to come.

About ten old people came here to breathe.

"Hou Xiaotian, you are here."

One of the old men in yellow robes was surprised to see Hou Xiaotian here.

"Brother Hou, you have killed the whole Wumo mountain."

Another bearded old man also asked in surprise.

"Three old friends, what are you doing here?"

Hou Xiaotian didn't answer their questions, but threw out the question.

"Don't get me wrong. I have nothing to do with Wumo mountain. We are just looking for a way to come here to have a look."

The old man who came here and didn't open his mouth turned his eyes and said.

"Now that I've finished, can I leave?"

Hou Xiaotian looks at these people with a smile.

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