Hearing this, the three people looked at each other, and the old man in yellow robe continued: "brother Hou, I don't know which old friend is breaking through underground?"

The reason why they were able to come here was that they were not just passing by as they said, but were attracted by the fierce vitality of the world around them.

"Of course, they are from our local lingzong."

Hou Xiaotian smiles.

"The people of dilingzong?"

Three people immediately suspicious.

As far as they know, although many of the old people of dilingzong are in the late stage of Tianjie, it's impossible to break through the foundation.

That's right.

Is it the boy who recently killed the Deputy headmaster of Wumo mountain?

But does that boy really have this evil spirit? Can he break through the foundation so young?


If they had such a good idea, they would have been taken away by those big sects. How could they get his lingzong.

I think the boy underground should be trying to break through. As for whether they can break through, they think it is impossible.

"Hoo Hoo."

Just as several people had different ideas, a yellow gas came out of the wellhead.

Seeing the gas, the three old men suddenly became frightened.

"It's... it's impossible."

The old man in Huangpao murmured in his mouth, which seemed incredible.

You know, it's hard to break through the foundation building, or they are small sects.

There are at least seven or eight elders in each of them, but most of them have reached the foundation period, and few of them have two.

Before they recovered, a figure in the well jumped up.

Seeing this man, the three elders were even more shocked, because it was Xia Jue.

When Hou Xiaotian saw that Xia Jue had successfully broken through the realm of building foundation, he was also ecstatic, but on his face, he was very well hidden, and it was natural for him to defend everything.

"What can I do for you, seniors?"

He broke through to the realm of building foundation and felt the surging power in his body. Xia Jue was very confident.

"Taoist friends, you and I are all in the same realm now. Just call them peers."

At present, Xia Jue has broken through the realm of building foundation, and Hou Xiaotian is here beside him. Of course, the three dare not support him.

"Lord, let's go back to the clan first."

After breaking through the foundation, it was useless to stay here, so Xia Jue proposed to go back to dilingzong.

"All right, three old friends, goodbye."

After saying this, Hou Xiaotian takes Xia Jue and turns to leave.

The three elders looked at their blurred figure and then withdrew their eyes.

"How on earth did they do it?"

The old man in Huangpao really doesn't understand how these two people destroyed the whole Wumo mountain. You should know that Lin Tianyi of Wumo mountain and a group of elders at the peak of the later stage of Tianjie are not vegetarians.

"I don't know. That boy is too evil. In a word, we should have less conflicts with the Earth Spirit sect in the future."

Xia Jue can join hands with Hou Xiaotian to destroy the whole Wumo mountain before breaking through the foundation, but now his strength can be imagined.


an hour later, Xia Jue and Hou Xiaotian returned to the clan.

After returning to the sect, Hou Xiaotian immediately ordered a sect meeting to be held. A group of elders did not dare to neglect the meeting.

"Dad, are you ok?"

As soon as Hou ling'er arrives at the scene, he asks Hou Xiaotian with concern.

"Nothing serious."

Hou Xiaotian waved his hand.

"Are you... OK?"

After Hou ling'er inquires about hou Xiaotian, he turns to Xia Jue.

"Thank you, miss. I'm fine."

Xia Jue said thanks.

"Suzerain, you come back..."

elder Zhao walked into the assembly hall and just wanted to ask Hou Xiaotian, but suddenly he seemed to feel something. Then he turned his head and looked at Xia Jue with shocked eyes.

"Xia Jue, you... You broke through the foundation building to build for!"

Hearing elder Zhao's words, Hou ling'er also looks at Xia Jue with shocked eyes.

"Yes, Xia Jue, he successfully broke through the cultivation of building foundation."

Before waiting for Xia Jue to reply, Hou Xiaotian here is the first to speak.

"What, did Xia Jue break through to build the foundation?"

At this time, a large number of elders and worshippers came in.

"Well." Xia Jue nodded.

"That's great. Our local lingzong is on the rise."

"That's right. If there are two foundation building masters in our local lingzong, how can we be bullied by Wumo mountain?"

"Ha ha, Lord, God bless meA group of elders worshipped and others were very happy to hear that Xia Jue had successfully broken through the foundation.

"Think about how Mo Taizong should be happy now."

Hou Xiaotian's excitement about Xia Jue's breakthrough in building foundation has been extinguished. What he worries about now is what to do in the future.


Hou Xiaotian's words were undoubtedly like a basin of cold water, which instantly quenched everyone's excitement.

Now they have one more master of building foundation, but the master of building foundation can't even count as an ant in front of such a huge thing as wanguzong.

"How is Lin Tianyi now?"

Hou Xiaotian asked.

"Back to the Lord, he has been held in iron prison by me."

Elder Zhao said.

"No, elder Zhao, you immediately take Lin Tianyi to a safe place to be locked up."

Hou Xiaotian is afraid that there will be any change in time, so he decides to transfer Lin Tianyi to a secret place.

"Understand the Lord, I will do it now."

Elder Zhao also knows what Hou Xiaotian means. He immediately turns around to arrange it.

When elder Zhao left, Hou Xiaotian said again, "you elders, it's time for our lingzong to live or die. What do you say to do?"

"Suzerain, why don't we move to the north of the five ridges? They don't belong to the sphere of influence of wanguzong. They can't reach there."

One elder suggested.

"It won't work for a while. If you want to move to Lingbei, you have to apply to the Lingbei forces, and it is likely to be rejected. Even if you can succeed, it will take a year and a half, which is not as good as before.

In addition, it is also a question of where the clan will be located in the area where Ju Zong moved to Lingbei. "

One of the worshippers objected.

"Qian gongfeng is right. It's impossible to move to Lingbei for a short time. In Lingnan, no matter where we move zongmen, we can't escape from the influence of wanguzong. We can say that the plan of moving zongmen can be abandoned."

"Lord, can we hide things or blame others?"

Hou Xiaotian shook his head. "It's still too difficult. Everyone around us knows that we are in the same boat with Wumo mountain. Even if it's not what we did, Wangu sect will suspect us."

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