"Suzerain, maybe..." the five elders seem to want to say something.

"Elder five, this is it. If you have anything to say, just say it!" Hou Xiaotian said.

"Suzerain, the trial of the six major sects is about to begin. The age of Xiagong is just right. I think we can have a try." After five elders finished saying this, they looked at Xia Jue.

Ruozhen seemed to be thinking about this.

"Suzerain, maybe you can try this method!"

The thirteen elders knew that Xia juezhi was not here, and they also knew that he wanted to go to a higher platform. Just as the five elders reminded him, the trial of six major sects was about to start, which might be a good opportunity.

As long as Xia Jue is successfully taken care of by the six major sects, then their local lingzong has a backing. This is the only way to resist Lin Tianyi's son's revenge on them.

But the only pity for him is that if Xia Jue is elected, then they will lose this powerful arm.

"This..." Hou Xiaotian looks at Xia Jue.

To tell you the truth, the five elder's method is good, but it needs Xia Jue's permission.

"What is the admission ceremony of the six gates?"

Seeing the problem coming to him, Xia Jue is not easy to shirk. However, he doesn't know much about this so-called Daochang trial.

"the six major gate Daochang trial is a trial set up by the six major gates in Lingnan. The purpose of this trial is to recruit potential and talented young talents in Lingnan. Once they perform well in it, they will be punished by the six major gates If you are elected, you will get the chance to practice in the six major schools. " Five elders explained.


After hearing what the five elders said, Xia Jue was a little interested. He didn't know that there would be such a test.

However, this test is a good choice for him at this stage.

At present, his cultivation has reached the realm of the earth level, which has little effect on staying in the earth lingzong. He should go to a higher and broader platform, so that he can get rid of it to a higher level.

"Elder five, when will the trial of this Taoist temple begin?" Asked Xia Jue.

"Count the days, it should be seven days later."

Not everyone can take part in this trial. First of all, he must be young, and his cultivation must reach the later stage of the heaven level. Although Xia Jue is a little older now, his cultivation is completely qualified because he has reached the foundation.

For so many years before, they had never had such a gifted disciple, so they never took part in it. I didn't expect that they would have the chance to take part in it this time.

"Well, I can take part in this trial." After thinking clearly, Xia Jue did not hesitate.

"Ready to submit your application to the six major companies!" See Xia Jue promise Hou Xiaotian when command way.




In a quiet courtyard.

A figure came in in a hurry.

"Younger martial brother Lin, younger martial brother Lin, something has happened."

After the figure came in, he called to a young man who was meditating on a lotus leaf in the middle of a small lake in the courtyard.

"What's the matter, elder martial brother?"

The man called Lin Shidi came back to the man on the bank from the lotus leaf.

"I heard that you Wumo mountain has been closed!"

"What Hearing this, the young man surnamed Lin was shocked.

He is Lin Kui, the son of Lin Tianyi.

Since he was accepted as a disciple by changhufa, he has been practicing in wanguzong.

But where did he want to get it? It didn't take long for such a terrible thing to happen in their Wumo mountain.

"Elder martial brother, are you sure about this?" In order to determine the truth of the matter, Lin Kui had to be cautious.

"It's true. Now this kind of thing has spread all over Lingnan."

"Damn, who did it!"

Lin Kui, who has confirmed the truth of the facts, can't restrain his anger. At this time, the vitality of the world around him is manic and restless. It seems that he wants to devour people.

"It's said that it was the work of Di Ling Zong, but there's no definite conclusion about the distance."

"Damn it, I knew they did it. I must defeat them."

In fact, after hearing that Wumo mountain had been destroyed, Lin Kui immediately thought of dilingzong.

Because since this period of time, he has seen the deterioration of their relationship between Wumo mountain and dilingzong.

Both sides can be said to have you without me.

Originally, he planned to help Wumo mountain destroy dilingzong after he built the foundation for a while, but he didn't expect that the other party would take the lead.

He hates it.I wish I wasn't in the sect at that time, otherwise things might not have come to such a state.

"Younger martial brother, I think you have to be patient. Chang Dharma protector has prepared a high-quality foundation building pill for you. It's not too late to go out for revenge after you have successfully built the foundation."

"Don't worry, elder martial brother. I won't be impulsive."

Now is a crucial time for him. He can't act rashly. Once the foundation is built successfully, he will be more favored by his teachers. If he can't succeed, it will be very troublesome, so he still needs time anyway.

Half a month passed in an orderly way.

The local lingzong people thought that there would be trouble soon.

But I didn't expect that this period of time was calm, which made Hou Xiaotian and others confused.

In the room, Xia Jue is practicing a skill.

After the foundation was built, the strength increased countless times.

At this time, the usual way to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth is no longer enough to maintain the huge vitality demand of building foundation. At this time, it is necessary to practice Gongfa to assist.

This is the cultivation method given to him by Xiaotian.

It is said that he and a few people went to a site and went through a lot of hardships to get it.

Before the five demons mountain also coveted his skill, so they did not hesitate to choose to fight with the Earth Spirit sect, which shows the value of this skill.

In half a month's time, Xia Jue had a little success in this skill.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

On top of his head, absorbed bursts of rich vitality of heaven and earth constantly converged to his head.

"It's really a treasure. It absorbs the vitality of the world so quickly."

Even though Xia Jue only practiced this skill, he knew it was not simple.

The mental determination he got before is similar to this skill.

However, there is a huge gap between the two methods.

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