If you give him another period of practice with the help of pills, he believes that he will soon break through to the middle of foundation building.

Just as he was practicing, suddenly his strong sense of building foundation realized that two huge breath were coming towards the earth lingzong.

"Ah, ah, ah."

The screams even reached his room.

"Those who come are not good!"

Xia Jue quickly stood up and went out.

Looking up at the sky, I saw two figures in the sky above. From time to time, they attacked the disciples of the Earth Spirit sect below.

"Dare to ask us when did di lingzong offend you?" Hou Xiaotian also came from the attic of zongmen.

"Hou Xiaotian, you are very good. You dare to destroy my five demons mountain and kill my father. Today I'm going to frustrate all of you Lin Kui said maliciously.

"I didn't kill your father, but your father wanted me to die. I was just defending myself. What's wrong? Why don't we just stand there and kill him? "

Strictly speaking, it's right that Hou Xiaotian took the initiative to do it first, but if he doesn't do it, the other party can't tolerate him. It's just a matter of time, so there's nothing wrong with what he said.

"Ha ha ha ha." Lin Han burst out laughing, "well, well said, you're right, but I'll kill all the people of your di lingzong today. I believe that's right. After all, the weak eat the law of the jungle, and there's nothing to say about being inferior to others."


Lin Kui's words infuriated all the people of Di Ling sect.

The other party clearly regarded them as a group of chickens and ducks, and said to kill them!

"Lord, don't talk nonsense with them. Let's fight with them!"

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated. Many people in dilingzong are not afraid of death, but when they come to their sect, they dare to be so arrogant, which makes them unbearable.

"Fight with us, it's up to you?" Kuilin disdained to look at these people.

"I'll kill you!"

Several young impulsive disciples didn't want to be humiliated any more. They rushed to Lin Kui immediately.

"Don't be impulsive!"

The five elders wanted to stop the disciples, but it was too late. Lin Kui waved his sleeve and the disciples burst out like a cloud of blood.

"You can't shake the tree, you can't measure yourself." Lin Kui didn't blink an eye to kill these ants.


The other side still slaughters his disciples in front of him. If Hou Xiaotian doesn't point out, what face does he have to be a disciple of di lingzong?

"Well, let's get rid of you old man first."

Lin Kui was not willing to be outdone. He saw that the war was about to break out, but at this time, the arrival of a person made them suddenly stop preparing.

It was Xia Jue who came.

Seeing such a young foundation builder coming, Lin Kui and the man beside him were also shocked.

What they know is that there is only Hou Xiaotian, a master of foundation construction in the dilingzong, but they did not expect that there is a master of foundation construction hidden here.

But when he thought about it carefully, Lin Kui figured it out.

He said that his father, a master of building foundation, and Tongtian drum, a magic weapon to protect his body, could not have been killed by Di lingzong. If the other side had two master of building foundation, it would make sense.

Thinking of this, Lin Kui had to cast a resentful look at Xia Jue.

"This is my enmity with di lingzong. Who is your name?"

Although he resented Xia Jue in his heart, Lin Kui decided that it was better to ask about it first.

After all, such a young foundation builder is likely to have some forces behind him. He doesn't want to be remembered for no reason.

"Ha ha, who? I want to say that I'm the one who destroys the five demons mountain. Will you be happier? "

If the other party dares to kill the people of di lingzong, he will be the enemy, so Xia Jue will not be polite.

"Very good, you are the first person who dares to be so arrogant in front of me when I grow up. Don't worry, I will never let you die too easily."

Originally, Lin Kui was afraid of the power behind him, but now he can't bear to hear his opponent's words of killing people. He decided to kill him no matter what the price he paid.

He didn't believe that there was something wrong with Lingnan, which was often wronged by wanguzong and his master.

"Shake the tree!" Xia Jue tone sarcastic, before the other party to the earth lingzong people say that sentence back to him.


No more words, Lin Kui immediately started, he immediately took out a small drum from the storage bag.

"Tongtian drum!"

See this small drum, Hou Xiaotian and others look changed.

Last time, they suffered from this drum.

"Dong Dong Dong."

"Ah, ah."Lin Kui's right hand kept swinging the Tongtian drum. The deafening sound came out, and some of his weak disciples fell to the ground in pain.

"Xiagong, do it!"

Hou Xiaotian knew that if he let the other party urge the Tongtian drum to go on, the casualties of his di lingzong disciples would be extremely heavy, so only a quick fight and quick decision was the best choice.


Xia Jue didn't neglect him either. He immediately clapped his right hand, and the Tai Long Sword of the storage bag flew out in an instant.


As soon as the Dragon Sword came out, the Tongtian drum in the other side's hand was just like the one held by Lin Tian last time. He lost his spirit instantly.

"What's the matter?" The abnormality of Tongtian drum surprised Lin Kui.

"Younger martial brother Lin, the sword in his hand is strange."

The man beside Lin Kui found that the sword in Xia Jue's hand was not simple.

"No, elder martial brother, be careful."

Before Lin could figure out what was going on, Hou Xiaotian and Xia Jue had killed them, which made their mind tense.

"Bang bang."

It wasn't long before Lin Kui Gang broke through the foundation building. Without the help of Tongtian drum, he couldn't beat Hou Xiaotian, an old master of foundation building. Before long, he was almost out of breath.


There was a loud noise, and Lin Kui's elder martial brother flew out more than ten meters.


Elder martial brother Lin Kui had a burst of Qi and blood in his lower abdomen, and then a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

Then he tore his hands to his chest, which revealed a piece of soft armor. At this time, some tiny cracks appeared on the soft armor.

This soft armour is a magic weapon that he won after years of contribution in the clan. The protective effect is needless to say.

Even if the top experts at the early stage of building foundation hit hard, they would not be able to cause any damage to this soft armor.

I can't imagine that he was cut like this by the boy across the street today. How could he not be surprised.

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