On one side, di lingzong and others were overjoyed to see Xia Jue slashing one of them with a sword. They all took a long breath.

"Boy, you dare!"

Seeing Xia Jue coming again with his sword, elder martial brother Lin Kui panicked.

This sword will split him to the ground and hurt him badly. If we use another sword, there will be no way for him to survive.

"Summer worship, wait a minute!"

At this time, the five elders came to him and stopped him.

"What's the matter, elder five?" Xia Jue turned to look at him.

"This man is a man of wanguzong. He must not be killed here." Elder five lowered his voice.

Before the five evil mountain also even if, after all, five evil mountain is not wanguzong people, but Lin Tianyi has a good son was taken in.

At most, he was retaliated by Lin Kui.

However, if they were killed on the spot, they would definitely be retaliated by the whole clan of wanguzong. Then they would have no way to survive.

After hearing what the five elders said, Xia Jue also understood the key, and then put out his intention to kill.

"Hum, you dare to come to our local lingzong to be wild with your skills. I suggest you learn your skills well in wanguzong before you come out, otherwise you won't come out to lose wanguzong's face."

Seeing that Lin Kui was defeated, and that he had torn his face, Hou Xiaotian would not be polite.

"You... You..."

Lin Kui's face turned red with anger.

"Lin Kui, do you think your father is really dead?" Hou Xiao continued.

"What do you mean?" Lin Kui looks at Hou Xiaotian.

"Go back. If you don't make trouble, release your father within a year. Otherwise, even if our dilingzong is dead, your father will have to be buried with us."

Hou Xiaotian already has some plans, that is, if Xia Jue doesn't succeed, he will take the other party's father out and ask the other party to cast a rat's fear on him. Then he will try to move the clan out of Lingnan within one year.

"What, you mean my father is not dead, he is still in your hands?" Lin Kui was surprised to hear the news.

"Of course, the dead Lin Tianyi is valuable to us. Only the living Lin Tianyi is valuable to us." Hou Xiaotian sneered.

"No way. My father died long ago. How can he still live? You can't bluff me." Lin Kui didn't believe it.

"Well, look what it is." Hou Xiaotian throws a bead toward Lin Kui.

This is impression bead, a kind of bead that can record the picture of a certain time, which can also be regarded as half a magic weapon.

After taking this impression bead, Lin Kui checked it on the spot.

Sure enough.

Hou Xiaotian was right. He saw his father in it.

At this time, his father was locked in a place with a special iron chain. It is not known where he was locked.

"Damn, where do you keep my father?" Lin Kui's eyes were red, and the green veins on his forehead appeared. He was extremely ferocious.

"You don't have to think about it. We locked him in a mysterious place. If something happened to our dilingzong, your father would not want to live."

Seeing Lin Kui's expression, Hou Xiaotian understands that he must be extremely concerned about Lin Tianyi, which makes him more confident.

"Hou Xiaotian, if my father lost half of his hair, then I, Lin Kui, vowed that I would destroy your whole family, and no one would stay!"

"Well, if you are honest, I will surely keep your father safe within one year. If you want to play any tricks, I will not be afraid to burn with you." To this situation, Hou Xiaotian where will be afraid of each other's threat.

"Cluck cluck." Lin Kui's teeth cackled, and the bracket in his fist was embedded in the flesh. He didn't know it. Finally, he turned his head to his elder martial brother, "elder martial brother, are you ok?"

"Younger martial brother Lin, the sword in that boy's hand is too powerful." Elder martial brother Lin Kui covered his stomach and stood up tremblingly.

"Elder martial brother, let's go."

His father is now in each other's hands, and the two of them can't defeat each other, so they have to go back first and then make plans.

"Well." Elder martial brother Lin Kui takes a look at Xia Jue and goes to Lin Kui.

"Well, I remember you!" Lin Kui looked at Xia Jue one fiercely.

"Oh, by the way, Lin Kui, this is the Xia offering of our di lingzong. You will meet again at the Taoist trial. Please give me more advice."

Hou Xiaotian almost forgot this stubble. It's a matter that can make the other party worry more. He must let the other party know.

Sure enough.

After hearing this, Lin Kui and his wife looked at Xia Jue again.

"That's good. I'll wait for you in the Taoist school. Don't worry. I'll take good care of you then."

Lin Kui no longer ink, and then the two turned to leave."Hoo."

Seeing the two powerful enemies leave, the people of dilingzong are relieved.

Anyway, today's disaster has been avoided. As for what will happen in the future, I don't know.


after Lin Kui and Lin Kui left dilingzong, Lin Kui could not restrain his anger.

He raised his hand to attack the mountain below. Soon the mountain was smashed by him.

"Younger martial brother Lin, calm down. Calm down first." Elder martial brother Lin Kui kept comforting him.

"Elder martial brother, my father was imprisoned in that dark and humid place. As a son, how can I calm down?" Lin Kui roared out.

"Younger martial brother, even if it's like this, it's useless for you to worry. The most urgent thing is to think about how to save your father first."

Lin Kui doesn't know the truth.

But now the other party is holding the idea of burning with him, no matter what method he uses, can it be useful?

"Elder martial brother, what do you think I should do now? I want to rescue my father, but I don't want my father to be hurt. What do you think I should do?" Lin Kui had no choice but to ask his elder martial brother.

"Younger martial brother Lin, I think you can ask Chang HUFA to come forward in this matter. Although he is arrogant, he should not dare not give Chang HUFA face." Elder martial brother Lin Kui said.

"But if you ask the master to come forward, I'm afraid the other party will think that I want to use the force to suppress others. Then they will jump over the wall and kill my father, and it will be irreparable."

"Younger martial brother, you think too much. As long as you ask Chang HUFA to come forward and say this, you can ask Chang HUFA to give the other party a guarantee that you won't do anything to them. What else can they say then? Do you still dare to question whether the guarantee of constant protection is successful? " Elder martial brother Lin Kui said.


After hearing this, Lin Kui patted his thigh.

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