As long as you ask his master to come forward like this, it's really possible to save his father.

As long as his father is rescued, there will be more room for operation.

For example, he can make a secret trip to the Earth Spirit sect.

Anyway, in view of the fact that he is favored by changhufa, changhufa will at most scold him for a few words. What can he do to him?

This plan is feasible. Lin Kui has a fierce smile on his face.

Di Ling Zong, the ceremony hall is in the middle.

"Lord, I always feel that Lin Kui will not give up so easily."

"Yes, I can't stand it if I were to do it."

"Lord, what shall we do?"

All the elders, what you say and what I say.

"Now we still don't have a way. We have the ability to cover the water and the earth." Hou Xiaotian said helplessly.

"Elder Zhao, can Lin Tianyi's place of detention be safe?" Asked the elder.

"Don't worry about that, absolutely." Elder Zhao vowed.

"That's good."

"No, it's coming again."

All of a sudden, Xia Jue, who had been sitting among them and didn't speak much, became more and more powerful.

Because he had already felt that there was an extremely strong breath coming from the distance towards the earth.

Judging from the momentum, it can be said that Xia Jue met the person with the highest accomplishments in the yuan kingdom.

"No, maybe it's Nalin who invited the master of wanguzong."

Hou Xiaotian also felt the arrival of that powerful breath.

"Go out and have a look." Whether it's a blessing or a disaster, Xia Jue decides to go out first to see what's going on.


The people led by Xia Jue and Hou Xiaotian went out and saw three figures in the distant sky, flying over with a fan like magic weapon at a very fast speed.

"Fast speed, what's that...

" it's a flying weapon! " Hou Xiaotian, who has seen a lot, looks a little ugly.

The flying magic weapon is not something that ordinary people can own. In addition, people have such momentum. So he guessed that the person who came here should be the regular Dharma protector of wanguzong.

Chang HUFA is a powerful person of the ten thousand drum sect. His accomplishments are all over the sky. People of this level can kill them with a sneeze. Hou Xiaotian suddenly feels that he has more heart than strength.

"Flying magic weapon, it can't be that changhufa came here in person."

"No, changhufa is a great man of wanguzong. How could he condescend to come to our lingzong in person?"

"It's hard to say. Lin Kui is regarded as a level 8 talent, and it's normal for the Dharma protector to value him."

"Look, it's really a regular Dharma protector!"

The flying weapon is getting closer and closer. People can see the figure on it.

When we see that the disciples are really regular Dharma protectors, the people of Di Ling sect are a little weak.

You know, this is a famous person in Lingnan. Now they come to lingzong to ask for punishment. How can they not be afraid.

"Calm down, it's still our grudge with Lin Tianyi in the final analysis. He often protects the Dharma at most. If you want to do it, even if Lin Kui is his disciple, you don't have to panic!"

See a public mind chaos, Hou Xiaotian immediately is to comfort.

After hearing Hou Xiaotian's words, people turned to think that their mind was finally stabilized.

He was right.

Although they destroyed Wumo mountain and captured Lin Tianyi.

But how to say that this is also the grudge between di lingzong and Wumo mountain. Wangu Zong really has no big reason to interfere.

And Chang HUFA estimated that he just came to support the scene for Lin Kui. It's very likely that he didn't dare to attack them.

Just think about it.

A powerful Dharma protector and a famous figure in the whole Lingnan area, if you condescend to attack their little Di Ling sect, what kind of criticism will it bring?

It's impossible to protect the Dharma.

Between thoughts, the flying magic weapon had already arrived in front of everyone.

At this time, Xia Jue's shadow was clear.

One is Lin Kui who was defeated and left here today, the other is a thin old man, and the other is a woman with better face and figure.

"Welcome the Dharma protector Da Jia Di Ling Zong."

Waiting for the old man to come down from the flying weapon, Hou Xiaotian and others immediately bowed down to greet him respectfully.

In the face of people's greetings, Chang's face didn't have any waves. With a flick of his right hand, the fan-shaped flying weapon slowly shrank and then fell into his palm.

"How dare you destroy my disciple's clan and arrest my disciple's father?" Chang Dharma's voice is not big, but it has a kind of power to capture people's heart and soul. People can't help kneeling down."Dharma protector Chang, Wumo mountain attacked our lingzong a few months ago and almost destroyed our lingzong. Since then, our two families have been feuding for a long time.

Some time ago, we found a chance to revenge. At that time, we didn't know that Lin Kui had become your disciple. We didn't know that he had been accepted as a disciple by the Dharma protector. But it was too late. If we had known that he had become your brother, we wouldn't dare to do anything! "

It has to be said that Hou Xiaotian's remarks are very well founded.

He first explained that his own lingzong didn't mean to fight against each other. It was the other party's heart to kill them first, so they started to fight back. It was a matter of course.

Secondly, they didn't know that Lin Kui had been involved with wanguzong before they killed five demons and captured Lin Tianyi, let alone that Lin Kui had become a disciple of changhufa.

If they knew, they would never do it. Among them, they secretly complimented Chang Dharma protector.

The words have already said this duty, Hou Xiaotian believes that even if the Dharma protector wants to do something to them, he has to worry about it.

"Nonsense, my father was holding the Tongtian drum at that time, and it was at that time. I don't believe my father would not tell me about my relationship. You know clearly that I am still a member of the Earth Spirit sect. It's just a further crime." Lin Kui retorted immediately.

"That's very important. You Wumo mountain and our local lingzong have been in this area for so many years. We have never heard of the relationship between you Wumo mountain and Wangu Zong.

At that time, we thought your father didn't know where to steal the magic weapon of wanguzong, so we wanted to capture your father and ask the superior of wanguzong to release it. But we didn't expect that when we wanted to go to wanguzong to report the incident, you would kill him. " Hou Xiaotian continued.

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