"Make things up, master. They dare to do it even though they know I'm your apprentice. This is a crime to be punished." Lin Kui is not going to argue with Hou Xiaotian.

"Well, I can't control the grudge between your di lingzong and Wumo mountain. Since you have captured my apprentice's father first, please release me as soon as possible."

It's impossible for Chang HUFA to kill the people of di lingzong as soon as he comes here. If it comes out, it will have a great impact on him and the image of Wan guzong.

So this time he just wanted to save his apprentice Lin Kui's father. He didn't want to get involved in other things.


hearing Chang HUFA's words, Hou Xiaotian didn't know what to do for a moment.

If you really handed over Lin Tianyi, Lin Kui, who had no scruples, would not take revenge on them. That would be a strange thing.

It's easy to dodge the gun, but it's hard to defend it. He and Xia Jue are not afraid of each other, but he is afraid of each other.

For example, it would be troublesome to massacre the disciples of the Earth Spirit sect.

"Why, don't you?" The Dharma protector's face suddenly turned cold.

"No, since you often protect the Dharma, how can we not agree? It's a bit complicated. Our Di Ling sect is just a small sect. I'm afraid..." Hou Xiaotian glances at Lin Kui.

His meaning is very obvious, that is, he is afraid that Lin Kui will take revenge on their di lingzong by the powerful force of Wan guzong. He believes that Chang HUFA should be able to understand their concerns.

"I've also heard about your agreement. Your request is that my apprentice can't attack your di lingzong within one year, right? I can help him as a guarantee. I will guarantee that he won't attack your di lingzong within one year." Chang said.

"Thank you, Dharma protector."

Hou Xiaotian is very happy to get the guarantee from the Dharma protector.

No matter how much Lin Kui hated them, but now changhufa has promised that he would never dare to do it, otherwise changhufa's reputation will stink.

"Why don't you go and bring my father here?" Lin Kui said in a hurry.

"Elder Zhao, go and bring Lin Tianyi." Hou Xiaotian orders.

"Yes." Elder Zhao turned and left immediately.

After this matter was solved, Chang HUFA began to turn his head and look at Xia Jue, who had not said much.

"Boy, I heard that you have a very powerful sword. Can you take it out and show it to me?"

Before that Chen Lei came back and told Chang HUFA about it in detail. When he heard that the other side had such a magic weapon, he was also surprised to see it.

Being said by the Dharma protector, all the people in the field cast their eyes on Xia Jue.

At this time, Xia Jue hesitated.

After listening to Gu Qingying about the origin of Tai Long Sword, he naturally knew that it was a rare treasure, and few people could be indifferent to it.

He was afraid that with the strength of the regular Dharma protector, he would directly pull down his face and take possession of it. What could he do then?

"No? It doesn't matter. It's human nature. It's said that you have also signed up to participate in the test of Daoism. If you are so young that you can reach the level of building foundation, it's enough to enter our wanguzong school. If you can play better in the test of Daoism, I can recommend you to some of my old friends as disciples. " Chang HUFA seems to appreciate Xia Jue.

"Thank you, Chang Fu. I will try my best to get a good result in the test. I won't let Chang Fu down." Xia Jue arched his hand.

These words naturally made Hou Xiaotian and others very happy.

I didn't expect that it was not a bad thing for Chang Dharma protector to come here today.

As long as he gets good results in the test, Xia Jue is recommended by Chang HUFA to his good friend as a disciple.

And the friends who often protect the Dharma, needless to say, naturally exist at the same level as him. At that time, what reason would Lin Kui dare to deal with them?

Unless he wants to stir up civil strife in the clan.

Thinking of this, Hou Xiaotian and others are even more excited. It seems that this crisis will be resolved in front of us.

Some people are happy, others are sad.

It's a happy thing for lingzong people, but it's Lin Kui who worries about it.

He not only hated all the people in dilingzong, but also held the attitude of killing Xia Jue.

If the other party has really entered the wanguzong, how can he do it?

You know, the most serious rule of Wangu sect is to prohibit the disciples in the sect from killing each other.

Once found, he will be abandoned and put into the prison of the clan until he dies.

Such punishment is not heavy.

"You bastards, my son won't let you go. Wanguzong won't let you go."

At the time when people's minds were different, a harsh cry came.

Everyone looked up and saw that it was Lin Tianyi who was brought by elder Zhao."Daddy Looking at his father's disheartened and disheveled appearance, Lin Kui wanted to kill all the people immediately.

Hou Xiaotian didn't expect that his son was here. He was stunned at first. Then he turned his head and looked at the old man standing beside his son. When he saw the old man, he was very happy.

This old man is no stranger to him. He is a regular Dharma protector.

Changhufa came here with his son. What does that mean?

It means that his son will come to ask the crime of dilingzong. How can this make him unhappy.

"Kui'er, kill all these assholes for me. Kill all these assholes to avenge us on Wumo mountain." Lin Tianyi screamed wildly.

Lin Kui did not neglect, he immediately toward Zhao elder's side and go, "Dad, you don't talk."

"How can I not say that these bastards have destroyed our five demons mountain. Even if I am a ghost, I will not let them go. I will always protect the Dharma. You will be the master for us!" Lin Tian turns his head and says to Chang HUFA.

"Well, take this pill first." Chang HUFA ignores Lin Tianyi's words. Instead, he shoots a pill in front of him with a flick of his fingertip.

"Thank you, master." Lin Kui took the elixir and then put it in Lin Tianyi's mouth. "Swallow it quickly, Dad. This is the blood returning elixir. After taking it, your injury will soon be cured."

"Good." He was about to swallow the pill.

Soon after swallowing this pill, I saw that the injury he had left after fighting with Xia Jue and Hou Xiaotian recovered at the speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, his breath began to stabilize, then began to climb, and soon recovered 70% or 80% of his strength.

This scene surprised Xia Jue, Hou Xiaotian and others.

"Is this Shidan medicine? How can it have such a powerful effect? "

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