However, a pill given at random has such an effect, which makes people have to sigh about the profound foundation of wanguzong.

"Kui'er, what are you waiting for? You, my father and my son will join hands today to leave the whole place alone!"

The first time Lin Tianyi wanted to get revenge was when his injury strength recovered almost the same.

I think the headmaster of Wumo mountain was imprisoned for such a long time like a pig and dog. No one can imagine the humiliation.

"Dad, don't be impulsive. Master and I have already talked with them, that is, we won't fight against dilingzong in a year. Let's go."

No matter how much Lin Kui wanted to destroy dilingzong, his master changhufa was still here, and it was the guarantee that changhufa had just made. If he dared to do it on the spot, he would be beating changhufa in the face. He would only do it if he was stupid.

"What, you...

Lin Tian looks at Lin Kui after he looks at eye protector Chang. Finally, he puts his eyes on Hou Xiaotian and Xia Jue.

"Cluck cluck." His fists and teeth clucked.


If Lin Kui didn't make these promises, how could the bastards of di lingzong let them go so easily.

But now that the guarantee has been made, it is still made by protecting the law. How can he disobey it.

"Let's go!" Finally, Lin Tianyi looks at Xia Jue and Hou Xiaotian fiercely and says such a sentence.

"Well." Lin Kui took Lin Tianyi to the side of the Dharma protector, "master, let's go."

Chang hugfa nodded slightly, and then his fan-shaped flying weapon flew out again and landed on the ground. After landing on the ground, the flying weapon slowly expanded, and soon expanded to accommodate about five people.

"Congratulations to Chang Hu FA."

See often protect a law to want to leave, di Ling Zong etc. is to bend over respectfully to say again.

Before leaving, the young woman beside Chang HUFA didn't know whether she was intentionally or unintentionally. She glanced at Xia Jue.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

The flying magic weapon slowly soared into the air, and then left the earth lingzong at a very fast speed.

Seeing Chang HUFA leave, many of the disciples of di lingzong are sitting on the ground and gasping.

It has to be said that the pressure of regular Dharma protection is too much.

Although he didn't deliberately release his power to frighten them, even if he didn't deliberately release his momentum, it would give a great sense of oppression to the low-ranking monks.

"Suzerain, we can rest easy this time with the law as a guarantee."

Elder five really relaxed a lot.

Before Chang HUFA came, he was worried that Lin Kui would do something in secret, but now Chang HUFA came and made a promise that his worry was gone.

"Well." Hou Xiaotian nodded, "the reputation of changhufa is trustworthy. Now hurry up and ask about Lingbei or Lingxi."

Although Xiajue is likely to be favored by the six major sects, the survival of so many people in dilingzong can't be depended on one person. They have to be prepared to chop their hands. If something really happens to Xiajue, they still have a way to go.

"I see, Lord."

"Xia Gong, this matter is over for the time being. We are going to the Daochang meeting soon. In the meeting, all the talents from the whole Lingnan area will come to attend. Among these talents, there are many crouching tigers, hidden dragons. Don't be arrogant. Be careful."

Hou Xiaotian was afraid that Xia Jue would expand when he built the foundation. At that time, the expansion might cause him to fail. That's how he reminded him.

"Don't worry, Lord. I understand."

Having been in Yuanjie for a long time, Xia Jue is no longer Xiaobai who didn't know anything at the beginning. Of course, he knows that crouching tiger, hidden dragon and whatever he does in this world can never be taken lightly, especially the big event that affects the nerves of people in Lingnan.

"If you understand, you should not only watch out for those talented people who have become famous in Lingnan area, but also for those who are hiding in the dark and are going to make a big splash. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and your enemy, you can win every battle. Later, I will ask someone to list out some people's information for you. You should know them first." Hou Xiaotian said,

"there will be the master of labor."


at night.

In the room, the glazed light shines brightly all over the room.

In the middle of the table, a large piece of paper spread out neatly, on which there were many dense handwriting.

"Li Zhuifeng, the heavenly pride of Li in Lingnan, was the peak of the later stage of the heavenly ladder a year ago. It's unknown now. Given the resources of the Li family, it's very likely that the foundation has been built."

"Wang Xixue, the jade girl, was born in Tianjiao. She was born holy and pure. Her unique skill of becoming famous was holy and shining. She reached the peak of Tianjie two years ago, and now it is predicted that the foundation has been built."This is Hou Xiaotian's information drawing of Tianjiao in this Taoist trial. Xia Jue is a little surprised with a cursory sweep.

Originally, he thought that it was rare for him to break through the foundation building at his age, but he did not expect that there would be more mountains on each mountain. According to the drawing, it is predicted that there will be dozens of people who have reached the foundation building in his cultivation.

Although he already had an estimate in his mind, now it seems that he underestimated these talented beauties in Lingnan.

However, he didn't believe that he couldn't stand out in the test of Daoism because he was armed with Tailong sword and luanshen stab.


at the same time, there is a ring road and a room in Wangu city.

Lin Tianyi and Lin Kui are among them.

"Kui'er, if I don't take revenge, I might as well die."

Wumo mountain can be said to be his painstaking efforts. Now his painstaking efforts have been destroyed, and his wealth resources have been swept away by others, which makes Lin Kui's brain completely occupied by hatred.

"Father, don't worry, master. His old man has just made a promise. At this time, if we do it rashly, it will cause master's anger. Let's do it after some time. Let's do it after master forgets it." Lin Kui said.

"Bang." Lin Tian smashed his fist on the table one by one, looking extremely ferocious. "I don't want to wait for a moment. Now I want the four unique skills of lingzong, even at the cost of my life!"


seeing Lin Tianyi like this, Lin Kui really didn't know how to persuade him.

There is no doubt about it.

He could understand his father's hatred, because he was also angry in his own heart.

But the point is that it's not yet time.

At present, the test of Daochang is about to begin.

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