"Thank you for coming to the meeting. Please keep order first and wait for the master of the six major sects to urge the great array of the Taoist temple first."

Seeing that the crowd had almost arrived, a thick voice came out.

This voice, the scene no one dare to make a noise, the scene completely quiet down.

Soon after.

Xia Jue saw the people of wanguzong appear in the distance.

He also saw some acquaintances, such as Chang HUFA and Na Linkui.

After Lin Kui appeared, he used his eyes to sweep back and forth in the field, as if he was sweeping something.

Soon, his eyes stayed on Xia Jue's body, and then his expression slowly became gloomy.

Soon after the appearance of wanguzong, the other five major sects also appeared one after another.

When all the people of the six major departments appeared, one person came out of each of the six directions.

After these people came out, they all did the same action, that is, clapping the storage bag with a big hand, and then flying out.


The disks in the six positions floated directly into the sky, followed by a series of lights shining down from the disks.

After about half a column of incense, the light curtain gradually formed a thick layer, so that people can't see what light curtain wall is inside.

"Well, the grand array of the Taoist temple has been opened. I'm the host of this trial. Now I'm going to tell you the rules of this trial." The owner of the previous voice stood up again.

"It turned out to be elder Qiao. I said how familiar the voice was just now."

"Yes, I didn't expect that elder Qiao was in charge of the test."

When people saw the host, they immediately discussed the matter.

"The test of the Taoist temple is carried out on this big array. Everything you see in the big array is the result of the virtual array, but one thing is true, that is, if you die inside, you will really die, and there is no way to return to heaven." Elder Qiao said some cruel words.

Hearing such cruel words, there were many voices of fear.

"It's a cruel fact that the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle in your path of cultivation. I believe you should have this consciousness since you set foot on the road of cultivation.

This time you are in the trial, anyone may be your enemy. You need to survive in it until the end. Only in this way can you be regarded as the final victory. " Elder Qiao then said a more cruel thing.

Hearing this, those young people who had not enough determination appeared to be restless.

Among the young people who come to the meeting are some young people. Once they are found to have outstanding talents, most of them will be cultivated as flowers, and they seldom experience those desperate struggles in the world of monastics.

Now I hear that there will be life and death at any time, so I'm not calm.

However, although many young people were uneasy, Wang Xixue, Li Zhuifeng and others did not have any waves, as if they had already broken the matter of life and death.

"The mind of Tao is so stable that these guys are really hard to deal with."

After looking at these people in the field, Xia Jue murmured.

Just when Xia Jue looked at the people in the field, many people were looking at him.

In Lingnan area, most of the people who have built foundations at this age will never be unknown, but they have never seen Xia Jue before, which is why they are curious.

"I have already reminded you about the cruelty in the test of the dojo. If there are people who want to quit, there is still time. Otherwise, once they enter, no one can come out except death and the final winner, so now those who want to quit should hurry." Joe continued.

"Father, I have reached this level. I don't think it's necessary for me to enter that Taoist school for trial."

"Headmaster, I think it's good for me to stay in our sect for practice. There's no need to enter any six major sects."

As soon as elder Qiao's words came to an end, some young people who had been dazed by fear immediately asked to go back.

"Son of a bitch, it's really rubbish. What's the purpose of zongmen training you to do? You are scared to be like this before you enter the Taoist temple. It's really rubbish."

"Rebellious son, it's a great honor to be able to attend the Taoist assembly. How can you refuse?"

It's not easy to train the children of the clan to become talents. It seems that they will soon have a chance to become famous. How do these clan leaders think of giving up, so they should even swear.

"Alas." Hou Xiaotian also sighed.

He can guess what elder Qiao said just now. Although tomorrow is a reminder, it is a test in secret.

The test is how the hearts and minds of these young people in this Daoist trial are.

Now it's just a test in words, and many people are scared out of their wits. It's really very sad.

However, he turned his head and saw that there was no fear on Xia Jue's face, which made him feel relaxed.Although Xia Jue may not be the highest one here in terms of strength, how can he get a place with such strength and such disposition.

"Young people can't help themselves. It's better to quit early so that they won't be killed if they get into it.

Well, I won't say much. Let me introduce the rules to you first. When you enter, everyone will have a token. This token is very important. You must protect it with your life.

Because it is an array card. Once you lose this array card, you will be strangled by the Daochang array in half an hour. You don't want to use your strength to fight hard. Even the experts in the later stage of foundation building can easily strangle.

So if you want to have a foothold in it, you must have array cards. If you are robbed, then you have to hurry to grab others' cards, otherwise you will die yourself. " Elder Qiao introduced the rules to the public.

"Elder Qiao, since we all have array cards, why do we want to rob each other and hide our own?" A young Tianjiao seems to have found a loophole in it, so he said immediately.

"That's a good question." Elder Qiao said with a smile: "there is a vast world in the big array of the Taoist school. The task of this time is to collect the heaven, material and earth treasures from the Taoist school test. Who can collect the most points will accumulate points. This is the scoring standard of this test.

If you want to collect more natural materials and local treasures, you need to go to the most central area. The more you go to the central area, the faster time you spend on your array cards. So you only have enough time to enter the central area, which needs other people's array cards as a supplement. "

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