"How much time is there in a token, elder Qiao?" Asked another young man.

"Each token has ten days. The ten days are normal time, but the more you go in, the faster time will pass.

For example, when you are outside, the time on the token passes according to the normal time, but if you enter more and more, the ten days may quickly pass into eight days, six days and five days. OK, do you have any questions? " Elder Qiao said.

After hearing this, everyone woke up in an instant. It turned out that the real function of the token was so.

But at the same time, a lot of people who used to have a light face began to have a little worry.

If you want to enter the central area, you must grab other people's token, and the fighting must be extremely fierce.

"Mr. Qiao, I have another question. Is there any other danger in the Daochang trial besides my competition?" Asked another.

"Of course, there are demons, mosquitoes and all kinds of natural dangers in the trial of the Taoist temple. I can't explain them to you, because every time the grand array of the Taoist temple is opened, there will be different changes. I can only tell you to be careful."

Elder Qiao's words made the hearts of the young heroes sink.

seems to be careful not only of others' robbery, but also of the simultaneous interpreting of the monster and all kinds of inexplicable dangers.

"Well, I've told you all the questions. Now let's invite the six mages to open the entrance to the big array of the Taoist temple." Seeing that the time was almost over, elder Qiao stopped writing.

The words fall, six directions six array masters stand out.

I saw that their palms injected vitality into the array disk in the sky, but between a few breaths, the six array disk sent out rays.

Soon, the light curtain wall under the six array disks gradually melted, forming a small door.

"The gate of the array is open. Please take your token and enter the Taoist school." See array door open, Qiao long eldest brother drank a signal.

"Xia Jue, this trip is extremely dangerous. Don't be impulsive. Plan everything before you move."

After hearing elder Qiao's explanation, Hou Xiaotian suddenly felt that although Xia Jue had the ability to build a foundation, he didn't seem to be so safe.

"I see. Patriarch, elders... And miss ling'er, I hope we can meet again." Xia Jue arched his hand to Hou Xiaotian and others.

"I can see it. Xiagong, you can come back safely."

Before waiting for Hou Xiaotian and others to say anything, Hou ling'er is the first to say it.

But as soon as she said this, she regretted it, because she seemed to be in a bit of a hurry.

Thinking of this, Hou ling'er's face was a little scarlet. Then she turned her head and looked at other people secretly. When she saw that her elder was also looking at her playfully, her face became more red.

"Well, by the good words of miss ling'er, Xia has gone!" Xia Jue then turned to walk towards the array gate.

"Why are you so reluctant to sacrifice in summer?"

When Xia Jue leaves, Hou Xiaotian looks at Hou ling'er jokingly.

"Dad, what are you talking about? Xia Gong has done so many things for our di lingzong. Isn't it normal for ling'er to care about him?"

When Hou ling'er said this, she had no confidence in her heart. At the end of the speech, only he could hear her voice.

"Father, don't worry. I will take the first place in this trip." Li Zhuifeng arched at his father and then turned to walk towards the gate.

"Suzerain, Xueer is sure to get a good place this time and win honor for our clan." After making a promise, Wang Xixue turned and walked towards the array gate.

Soon, the field's heroes will almost all step into the array gate.

At this time, a group of young people came out of the six directions.

These people are the heroes sent by the six major schools to participate in the test of the Taoist school.

Compared with Xia Jue and even Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng, the remaining elders of the patriarchs who accompanied them knew that these people were the real favourites of heaven.

Despite Li Zhuifeng and Wang Xixue, they are famous in Lingnan.

That's because these people have reached this level at this age in addition to the six major schools. If they have reached this level in the six major schools, no one will find it strange or have such a great reputation.

In other words, any one of the heroes sent by the six major schools to participate in the Taoist trial may not be inferior to Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng.

"Xia, this time I will peel your skin and tendons to relieve my hatred!"

Only after his elder martial brother was easily defeated by Xia Jue last time, in order to prevent him from being defeated by the other side in the Taoist trial, he asked his master Chang to protect the Dharma and give him some treasures. This time, he believed that he was absolutely sure to kill the other side after he met him in it.When all the heroes from the six major schools entered the Taoist array, six array masters from six directions came out again.

They made a decision with their right hand, and then the light of the array plate in the sky shone down again. It was only two Kung Fu, and the time array door closed.


After the gate of the array was closed, the six mages made a decision again, and then everyone saw that the light curtain wall of the big array of Daochang began to show shadows.

The shadow began to become more and more clear, and soon there were some clearly visible flowers and plants, as well as some natural scenes of mountains.

"This is the scene in the array. We can see it!" An elder accompanying his own hero said in surprise.

"Don't make a fuss. This is the God's perspective built by the six array masters for our audience. Here we can see every move of each contestant."

Seeing that many people in the field made a voice of exclamation, Joe explained.

"I see. It's wonderful. It's a feast for our eyes."

Compared to the mood of uneasy in waiting for the results, people in the field still prefer to be able to directly watch every move inside like this.


after stepping into the gate of the array, Xia Jue only felt a whirl of heaven. Fortunately, when he went to Wangu city with the thirteen elders, he took the teleportation array, which made him adapt to it quickly.

After about thirty breaths, Xia Jue felt that the scene in front of him was gradually clear. Before he could recover, he found himself in a jungle.

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