Cruelty can exercise the ultimate mind and potential. There is no big mistake in this move.

Shaking his head, he arranged his mood, and Xia Jue went south again.

At this point.

Hou Xiaotian outside the big array of the Taoist temple was secretly relieved to see that Xia Jue had killed the man who wanted to sneak attack so easily.

"It seems that the guy who wants to sneak attack doesn't have much cultivation." Five elder relaxed say.

"That's right. I have to thank this man for his sneak attack. After all, with his move, Xiagong will enter the state more quickly." Hou Xiaotian also said.

Although Xia Jue killed a hero with no effort, no one noticed this scene except Hou Xiaotian and Huang family.

Because the focus of the field is on Wang Xixue, Li Zhuifeng and the disciples of liudachangmen, and Xia Jue, an unknown person, naturally won't get much attention.


I don't know how far I went, Xia Jue saw a towering tree that about seven or eight people couldn't embrace.

"It's not easy to imagine this kind of thing."

Seeing the tree, Xia Jue also sighed.

After sighing, suddenly he saw something on the top of the tree.

"Is that... Ganoderma lucidum?"

Xia Jue is not sure, but the shape is very similar.

However, regardless of whether the tree is Ganoderma lucidum or not, it must be a treasure of genius.

Adhere to the last is to calculate the point ranking with these talent and treasure, so he naturally will not let it go.


Xia Jue tried to rise from the sky.

However, when he jumped to a height of ten feet, he suddenly found that he seemed to be limited by something.

"I didn't expect that the imperial air would be restricted in the great array of Daoists."

Xia Jue was very helpless. He could only land on the ground first, and then climb up to the towering tree.

It took him nearly half an hour to climb to the top of the tree.

A closer look, this is really a Ganoderma lucidum, no doubt, with a little sense of exploration, he found that this Ganoderma lucidum contains a strong medicinal power.

From this, he can be sure that this is indeed a natural treasure.

Without ink, Xia Jue carefully took it off and put it down in the storage bag.

After putting the Ganoderma lucidum into the storage bag, he felt that the token in the storage bag had changed slightly.

After exploring with sense, a number of "1" suddenly appeared in the token besides the time.

What does this number mean?

Does this Ganoderma lucidum add a little more points?

Very likely.

Later, I will try to find a natural material and a local treasure, which will confirm my conjecture.

"Clang clang."

"Asshole, we found this spirit grass first. Why do you want to rob me?"

Just when Xia Jue was still in the tree, there was a sound of fighting in the distance.

The sound caught his attention, and then he jumped down from the tree to see what was going on.

The fighting place is not far away from Xia Jue. Although he can't fight in the air now, he arrived at the scene in a quarter of an hour with his speed.

There were five men in the battlefield at this time.

Among them, four masters of the peak cultivation in the later stage of the heaven stage stood on one side, while the other was a master of the foundation period.

And Xia Jue knew him.

In the drawing Hou Xiaotian gave him at that time, in addition to Li Zhuifeng and Wang Xixue, there were many famous Tianjiao, one of whom was Bai Yi.

It's said that Bai Yi is a monk with no school and no school. No one knows what cultivation he relies on to grow so fast. However, many people say that he bumped into a cave left behind by great power when he was young. Only in this way can he make great progress without any school background resources.

Because he has no family or sect, and it is said that he has so many opportunities, many people in Lingnan region have been coveting him for a long time, but he is as cunning as a thousand year old fox. He seldom hears any news of his trace on the road, which makes the covetous people have no way to find him.

If it wasn't for the beginning of this test, the world would not know when to see him.

"I think this guy is also fed up with the days of hiding, so he wants to come to the Taoist school for a test. After he succeeds, he will join the six major gates and have a place to live to relieve his worries." Xia Jue guessed in his heart.

"It's not necessary for you to compete with the two of us to build the treasure, right Bai Yi and a confrontation of the late peak of the sky level master looked at him with fear.

"Ha ha, I don't allow others to bargain for what Huang Yi likes. Turn over your token and go away, or you will die!" Bai Yi looks cold."You...

hearing this, the four top experts in the later stage of the heaven order were very angry.

If you can't snatch someone else's token after handing it over for half an hour, you will be hanged by the Taoist array. Where do they go to snatch someone else's token in half an hour?

It's clear that Bai Yi wants them to die, so how can they not be angry.

"Don't you think about it!"

"If you want a token, take it from my body!"

"Today, either four of us die or you, Bai Yi, die!"

Although they are only the peak strength in the later stage of the heaven stage, their minds are naturally different if they can pass the test of elder Qiao's words and get here. How can they be scared by a few words.

What's more, there are four of them here. They are the pride of their families. They have a lot of treasures. Even if they are building foundations, they may not have the strength of the first battle.

"Ha ha ha ha." Bai Yi gave out a burst of wild laughter. "You four deserve a decent way to die. But before that, I have one more thing to solve."

After saying this for a long time, Maoyi turned to the right side of the jungle and said, "I'm tired."

I didn't expect to be discovered by Bai Yi.

It seems that this guy can hide for such a long time under the situation that the whole Lingnan people covet. There are really two brushes.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

Now that he has been found by the other party, Xia Jue decides not to hide any more, and then he comes out of the jungle.

The four people didn't expect that there was someone lurking at them, and they were even more shocked when they noticed the breath of Xia Jue.

Think of these four people suddenly feel a burst of fear, if Bai Yi did not find this person.

No matter who wins or loses next, they will make wedding clothes for the man in front of them.

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