"Who is your excellency? This is a matter between Bai Yi and them. Are you sure you want to step in? "

Originally, Bai Yi didn't pay attention to each other, but when the other came out, he felt that he had the cultivation of building foundation on him, and he frowned.

If he is alone against each other, he is naturally not afraid, but there are still four guys at the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage on the scene, which makes him feel more difficult.

"Daoyou, we have found two genius treasures here. If you can help us drive this guy away, then we are willing to give you those two genius treasures." One of the experts in the later stage of the heaven stage turned his eyes and said.

"Hum, you are too young. This skill is useless to me." Xia Jue skin laughs sarcastically.


the four masters at the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage were choked by Xia Jue's words.

"Ha ha, Daoyou's right. How about you and I take care of these four guys and then divide them into two natural resources and local treasures?"

Bai Yi was relieved to hear that the other party had not made an alliance with the four.

But on the surface, what he said was just a temporary tactic.

He plans to wait until he has taken care of the four hindrances before turning to Xia Jue.

As long as there are no four people standing in the way, he is absolutely confident to defeat the man in front of him.

Xia Jue said with a smile: "don't worry, Taoist friends. I'm going to ask for their natural resources and treasures. I'm going to ask for their token, and I'm going to ask for your token, too!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene was not only the stupid eyes of the four top experts in the later stage of Tianjie, but also Bai Yi, who had seen countless storms and waves, was stunned.

He has seen many arrogant people, but he has never met such arrogant people.

If Li Xiyi and Wang Xifeng are convinced, they will say something.

But what is this unknown guy?

Even dare to say such words to Bai Yi.

"You're looking for death!" Bai Yi almost gritted his teeth to say these four words.

"Your honor is very generous. Do you really treat us as dead people?" One of the four also said angrily.

At the same time.

In addition to the big battle, the confrontation between Xia Jue and Bai Yi also attracted the attention of many people.

After all, Bai Yi is well-known in Lingnan area, and the situation he is facing is very interesting, so he naturally attracts many people.

"Who the hell is this guy? How can he not only offend the four top experts in the later stage of the heaven level, but even Bai Yi?"

"This young man is really a little arrogant. The best way to achieve this situation is to join hands with Bai Yi or with the four experts in the later stage of Tianjie. He is very good. Once he comes out, he offends them all. It's strange that the two sides don't attack him first."

"Alas, young people are so young and vigorous. If Bai Yi is really so easy to deal with, how can he be free here in Lingnan for so long?"

Although the people on the scene can't hear the dialogue of the people in the scene, they have the perspective of God. After watching the general process and analyzing the expression, they quickly analyzed the situation on the field.

"Xia Gong is too reckless. How can he offend both sides at once? Now what should Bai Yi and the four later experts of heaven level do to deal with him?" After seeing the situation in the field, the five elders are also dissatisfied with Xia Jue's recklessness.

"Suzerain, did we leave out Bai Yi in the drawing we gave him? That's why Xia Gong didn't know him."

Enough with the three elders think it may be this reason, otherwise how can Xia Jue be so confident.

"It's impossible. I made the drawings myself, not to mention Bai Yi. I've recorded Tianjiao who has a little strength in Lingnan area, unless Xiagong didn't look at them carefully." In addition to this reason, Hou Xiaotian really can't think of any other reason.

"Then... What should I do? Dad, Bai Yi is so powerful that it won't be dangerous to offer sacrifices to Xia." Hearing that Xia Jue was in such a dangerous situation, Hou ling'er began to panic.

Don't say it's Hou ling'er, elder Hou Xiaotian and others are in such a mood at this time.

If they could remind Xia Jue at this time, they would not hesitate to remind him. Unfortunately, no matter how anxious they were.

Just when people outside have different ideas, Xia Jue and others in the field have already started.

I saw that each of the four masters at the peak of the later stage of the heaven level took out a magic weapon and killed Xia Jue.

When the four of them started, Bai Yi on the other side was dissatisfied, and he also moved.

"How can the light of firefly compete with the bright moon?"

Xia Jue looked at the four people with disdain, and then a big vacuum fingerprint was made.

"No, what kind of martial arts is it? How can it be so powerful? Let's work together to stop it."

The four masters at the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage felt the power of Xia Jue's martial arts, and then they got close together and showed a shield of internal Qi.There was a bang.

No matter how powerful the four were, they were just the cultivation of the heaven steps. Xia Jue's strength of building foundation and the powerful martial art of vacuum big handprint, how could they resist it? So they were directly shocked out by one hand.

This is just an instant. Bai Yi, who is still killing at the other end, suddenly stops when he sees that Xia Jue has solved the four guys so cleanly.

"Who are you? I can't have never heard of a person of Lingnan's age who has your strength."

The other side can solve the four people's problems so cleanly. Even he regrets that his strength is inferior, so Bai Yi doesn't dare to do it rashly.

"Do you think it's necessary for a dead man to know too much?" There was no expression on Xia Jue's face.


before, Bai Yi thought that he was just a young man who didn't know the greatness of heaven and earth. Now, his arrogance is based on his strong strength.

"You and I have the same strength. It's not worth the loss to fight against each other. In this way, these guys belong to you. I'll turn around and leave. What do you think?"

The reason why Bai Yi can still be free under the covet of so many people is not how strong he is.

It's his wisdom.

For example, he never fights uncertain battles. For example, he can shrink and stretch.

He always believed in a principle.

That is, those who achieve great things don't care about small things.

If he doesn't feel sure that he can beat the other side, he can make peace in a low voice, and then keep a low profile and wait for the future to fight back.

This is his rule of life and the magic weapon for him to live safely to the present.

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