"I think it's easy for you to hand over your token and then let you go, but you don't have to be afraid. I believe it's not difficult to snatch another token with your strength. What do you think?"

Xia Jue's tone was light, as if he was talking about a trivial thing.

"I think you want to die."

Although Bai Yi never fights with uncertainty, it doesn't mean that he is a complete counsellor. At present, the other party doesn't just want to take a shit on his head, and let him eat it after taking a shit. As long as it's unbearable.

What's more, he is still such an excellent foundation builder.

When he made up his mind, he would not neglect it. When he patted the storage bag with his right hand, a long sword, smooth as a mirror, flew out and fell into his hands.

"So many people in the outside world can't stand you. It would be interesting if you died in my hands."

Xia Jue received the seal with both hands, and then a big vacuum fingerprint came out of his hands again.

Bai Yi, who is fighting forward with his sword, knows that his opponent's skill is powerful, so he doesn't dare to neglect it.

I saw his right hand holding the sword constantly gesticulating in the air in front of him.

Soon, the sword Qi He drew turned into a solid light and interlaced with each other.

If one looks closely at these interlaced bursts of light, one can see the word "Po".


After drawing the broken word with Jianbi, Bai Yi holds the sword's right hand to the central area a little, and the word "broken" will definitely strike away at your big vacuum handprint displayed by Xia Jue at a very fast speed.


The surrounding plants and trees are broken and scattered by this wave. If someone looks down from the sky, they can see how destructive this area is.

"What a destructive force."

"Who on earth is that stranger? He not only solved the four top experts in the later stage of the heaven level with one move, but also fought with Bai Yi like this."

"This person has never heard of it. Is it a disciple trained by an old monster hiding in Lingnan?"

"It's very possible that this can be done in such a situation. That's not ordinary people?"

Outside the big circle of the Taoist temple, all the people who are observing this scene are making a series of startled comments.

At first, they thought that Xia Jue, a nobody, had offended Bai Yi and the four top experts in the later stage of Tianjie, which must be doomed.

But did not expect the other side is just two moves will turn the situation around, this also had to let people start to face up to Xia Jue.

"How's Xia Gong?"

Xiang Bi and everyone in the field are shocked by Xia Jue's strength, while the five elders are concerned about the situation in the field.

However, because the two sides collided with each other in the past, there was a lot of smoke in the field, which made them unable to see what the situation was now.

"Xia gongfeng didn't suffer a loss when he fought with Bai Yi. Don't worry too much."

Hou Xiaotian, as a master of foundation construction, saw more things than ordinary elders. Based on his experience, he felt that Xia Jue had not suffered a loss in that blow just now.

Without too much conjecture, the smoke began to disperse, and the perspective of God was restored again.

"Ha ha, Xia Gong is really OK!" The smoke dissipated. Seeing that Xia Jue had told Hou Xiaotian that he had suffered too much from Yangmei crude oil, the five elders were relieved.

"Bai Yi doesn't look like that. There are still many ways for Xia Gong to do it. If Xia Gong does his best, Bai Yi can't resist it." Thirteen elders boast.

"It's too early to make a conclusion now. Bai Yi is the one who is said to have got the powerful treasure. No one knows what other means he has. Let's have a look first." After saying this, Hou Xiaotian's eyes stare at the two people in the field.

"Your skill is definitely not a common skill. What's your name, I want to know?"

Bai Yi has been in Lingnan for such a long time. He has never seen such a powerful martial art, which makes him curious about each other's martial art.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you that my martial art is called vacuum fingerprinting, which sounds like an ancient martial art."

Xia Jue looks at Bai Yi not far ahead with a playful look, as if a cat is teasing a mouse.

"Ancient martial arts, how could you have such a thing? Who are you?" Bai Yi suddenly looks surprised.

At this time, he seemed to have something in mind.

The other side was so bold and fearless before, and this ancient martial art was on the side, which means that the other side must have a bright future.

Not only that, the other party can easily disclose this information to him, which means that the other party may have many powerful means.

It's not wise to fight him to the bottom.

At this time, Bai Yi's heart has been withdrawn."Whew, whew."

After making up his mind, Bai Yi doesn't hesitate any more. He turns around and uses his body method to escape quickly.

"Bai Yi, the so-called heavenly pride is nothing more than that!" Seeing that the other side chose to run away after fighting with him, Xia Jue was a little disdainful.

At this time, the people who are observing this scene are shocked.

"What's the matter? How did Bai Yi run away?"

"It's just a fight. Both sides can't even warm up. Why is Bai Yi so determined? Is the other side really terrible?"

"Although it is said that Bai Yi's name is as good as that of Li Zhuifeng and Wang Xixue, now it seems that he is just a coward. He was scared by an unknown boy."

Originally, everyone had opened their eyes to watch the next two people's life and death war, but the War didn't come. What they were waiting for was the picture of Bai Yi's direct escape. How could they not be disappointed? So at this time, everyone kept disdaining Bai Yi.

Bai Yi doesn't want to fight. He wants to leave to protect himself. But how can Xia Jue let him do what he wants? He immediately uses Yufeng to catch up with him.

Bai Yi, who hasn't run far away, suddenly finds that Xia Jue in the rear is catching up with him at an extremely fast speed, which is also a surprise.

He asked himself that his body method was superior among people in the same realm, but what he didn't expect was that he was chased up by the other party in such a short time.

"This bastard is definitely not an ordinary person."

First of all, the ancient vacuum fingerprint has the advantage of speed and body method. Bai Yi has determined that this guy is definitely a disciple of some old monster.

Otherwise, how could Tianjiao, who was born in general, have such a remarkable ability.

Thoughts only see, the distance between the other side and him has drawn a few points.

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