"Damn it."

Bai Yi cursed in his heart.

It's not the only way for him to go on like this, but it's also very dangerous.

Once the other side can attack the scope, then his back can be exposed to the other side unprepared.

No, there's no way out.

There's no way. Bai Yi can't run away any more. He suddenly stops and cuts a sword behind him

Bai Yi's sword didn't hit Xia Jue, but chopped on a towering tree.

"Are you tired of running?" Xia Jue's face was still wearing a faint smile.

"I don't want to fight with you for life and death. This is for you. Let me go." Bai Yi takes out a flower with two petals from the storage bag.

"Natural resources and local treasures?" Xia Jue's eyes brightened when he saw the flower in Bai Yi's hand.

He didn't expect that the other party had just come to the test of this Taoist temple and got a treasure of natural materials and land so soon.

It's just as lucky as him.

However, I didn't expect that there were unexpected results in this trip.

"Bring it." Xia Jue stretched out his hand in the opposite direction.

"So you agreed to my proposal?" Bai Yi looks shocked.

"Do you want me to say it again?"

"Well, I hope you are a man of your word." Bai Yi directly throws the treasure in his hand to Xia Jue.

After taking the Tiancai Dibao thrown by the other party and putting it into the storage bag, I saw that the token inside changed again in an instant.

It used to be 1, but now it's 2.

"Sure enough!"

Xia Jue finally determined that the above number is the record of Tiancai Dibao points.

Now it seems that Bai Yi's Tiancai Dibao is at the same level as the Ganoderma lucidum he got before, so they all accumulate the same points.

"Well, since you've got the natural resources and treasures, Bai will leave." With these words, Bai Yi turns around and wants to leave.

"Wait!" Just after Bai Yi wants to leave, Xia Jue suddenly stops him.

"What do you mean, sir?" Suddenly stopped by the other party, Bai Yi turns around and looks at Xia Jue.

"When did I say you can go?"

"You..." hearing this, Bai Yi's face suddenly became angry, "the heaven material and the earth treasure have been given to you, do you still want to tear up the promise?"

"What promise? Have I promised you anything?" Xia Jue thinks this guy is too naive.

Let's not say that we have not promised him anything. Even if we have promised him, what can he do? In this cruel place, is the commitment important or is the interest and life important?

"I'll fight you to death!"

What should be said and what should be done have been done. What can Bai Yi do now? He has to fight to the death, even though it is something he is extremely reluctant to face.

He didn't worry about anything any more. He first took out a pill from the storage bag.

This pill is called xiaozengdan.

Its function is to quickly improve one's cultivation, and there are also some defects.

That is when a stick of incense after he will be in a very weak state.

At this time, not to mention he met a master of building foundation, even a master at the peak of the later stage of Tianjie could kill him.

If he was not too afraid of Xia Jue, he would never take this pill.

After his accomplishments soared, Bai Yi took out a palm sized mirror from the storage bag again.

However, some people in Daochang Dazhen were shocked when they saw the mirror Bai Yi took out.

"Is this... Magic mirror?"

"This is the magic mirror. It's the 96th magic weapon on the list of heaven and earth magic weapons. How did it fall into Bai Yi's hands?"

"Isn't it said that Bai Yi got the chance of a powerful cave? It's very likely that this magic mirror was obtained from that powerful cave."

"It's reasonable to say that before, it was just a rumor that Bai Yi got the treasure of Da Neng. After all, no one could know the truth of the matter, but now it has been confirmed."

The people who are watching the war in the Daochang formation scream out one after another.

And because the name of magic mirror is too big, many people who were paying attention to it at the scene were attracted.

"Suzerain, I didn't expect that Bai Yi had a magic mirror in his body. Xia Gong was confused. He shouldn't be so aggressive just now. He should just let the other party go."

All the things happened before were in the eyes of the five elders, so at this time he beat his chest again for the stupid decision made by Xia Jue.

"Don't panic. The other side has a magic mirror, but Xia Changlao doesn't have no other means. What's more, the magic mirror is just something in the legend. How can Bai Yi get it?Even if the magic mirror in Bai Yi's hand is true, how can he afford to use up the huge energy required by the foundation building strength? "

Although everyone is talking about the magic mirror Bai Yi is holding, Hou Xiaotian is still not worried.

First, he didn't believe that the other side was holding the real magic mirror. Second, he knew that Xia Jue had a huge card.

That's the powerful sword.

Although Hou Xiaotian didn't know the origin of the sword, he judged that it would not be much weaker than the real magic mirror.

"Yes, we are still too worried. Maybe the magic mirror of the other party is just a textile. It's nothing to be afraid of."

"That's right. Xia Gong hasn't used that sword yet. As long as he used that sword, his imitation magic mirror won't be blown to pieces."

After Hou Xiaotian's analysis, at this time, the five elders and thirteen elders also wanted to understand the key, and their heart was slightly released.

Just as people are talking about their thoughts, Bai Yi in the field has already started.

After swallowing the pill, his strength soon rose to the peak at the beginning of foundation building.

Then he frantically urged the huge vitality in his body to pour into the mirror in his hand.

Xia Jue on the other side would not wait to die. When the other side took out the mirror from the storage bag, he felt that this magic weapon was not simple.

Although he didn't know what magic weapon it was, he was sure that it was the most extraordinary magic weapon he had ever seen in Yuan kingdom.

In the face of such an extraordinary magic weapon, for the sake of safety, he naturally can't let the other party urge to complete, so at this time, he tried his best to show the wind, and finally ran away in front of the other party.

"If you dare to come, let's try the taste of magic mirror."

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