Now that he took xiaozengdan and took out the magic mirror, Bai Yi naturally thought that he would kill Xia Jue at one stroke, otherwise he would be blind.

At this time, he is also full of confidence.

Although this magic mirror is an imitation he got, you should know that the real one is a magic weapon on the list of heaven and earth magic weapons. Even if it is an imitation, its power is definitely beyond the ordinary friars in the early days of foundation construction.

However, when he was about to finish his plan to attack Xia Jue, he suddenly felt that his brain was in a chaotic state, and then he lost consciousness for a short time.

There is no doubt about it.

The reason why Bai Yi has become like this is naturally that Xia Jue has used the chaotic spirit sting.

Xia Jue not only felt that he had expended a lot of internal Qi, but also suffered a slight attack on his sense.

This is normal.

After the other party took the pill, his strength rose sharply, and if the luanshen stab was used by someone with higher strength, it would be strongly resisted by the other party, so it would make him feel a little difficult.

In view of the fact that the other party is higher than himself for the time being, Xia Jue knows that luanshen can't disturb the other party's sense for long, and he can probably recover from the convenience of three breathing.

So he Xia Jue where dare to have half of neglect, he directly with extremely fast speed made a really big handprint to attack the other side in the past.

As soon as Xia Jue was about to hit each other with the speed of thunder, Bai Yi's eyes, which had fallen into chaos, suddenly regained consciousness.

"No, it's a skill of attacking sense!"

Aware of something bad, Bai Yi's mind is in a state of extreme tension. He doesn't have much time to make actions. He can only hasten a few light curtains to protect his body.


How can Bai Yi's body protecting light curtain resist Xia Jue's vacuum fingerprints.

I saw that he was directly flew out by Xia Jue's hand array, his body solidly hit on some thick trees, until he broke seven or eight trees with people's waist.


The Qi and blood in his body rolled, and he didn't know how many ribs were broken. Bai Yi couldn't help gushing out a mouthful of blood.

It took about ten breaths before he had the strength to move.

He first looked up at the soft armor in his clothes. When he found that the soft armor had broken, he looked up at Xia Jue not far away.

"Can you tell me what kind of magic weapon it is?" When he comes to the place where Bai Yi was before, he picks up the small mirror. Xia Jue raises it and asks him in the distance.

"Who on earth are you? I don't think you can find any martial arts in Lingnan. How can you do that?"

Originally, Bai Yi thought that he was a disciple of an old monster, but he didn't expect that he could even master this almost lost martial arts. As far as he knows, even the six major sects in Lingnan have no sense of attack. So who is the old monster behind him?

"I asked for answers, but I didn't ask you questions." See the other side did not answer his words, but asked him questions, Xia Jue no longer have patience, he step by step toward each other's body.


At this time, Bai Yi has been seriously injured. He only saved his life by the soft armor he was wearing. There is no fighting back. Therefore, in the face of Xia Jue, he can only wriggle back instinctively.

"Answer my question honestly, and I'll give you a good time." Xia Jue came to him in three steps.

"What do you want to know?" When Bai Yi saw it, he was sure to die.

"First question, what is it?" Xia Jue raised the mirror in his hand.

"This is an imitation of the magic mirror." Bai Yi replied.

"Magic mirror?" This made Xia Jue startled.

He knew that the mirror was not simple, but he did not expect that it was an imitation of the magic mirror.

When he came to the yuan Kingdom, he had learned a lot in the Dian ge of the di Ling sect.

For example, this magic mirror is one of the magic weapons in heaven and earth.

Although the magic mirror ranks lower in the list of magic weapons in heaven and earth, it does not mean that its power is not enough.

You should know that every magic weapon that can be on this list is not simple, even if the one at the bottom of the list is taken out, it is enough to sweep the world.

And now he got this, although it's an imitation, as long as the imitation has one tenth or even one twentieth of the power of the genuine product, it's amazing.

Now Xia Jue began to be glad that he didn't let the other party urge this fake magic mirror just now. Otherwise, the result now is really hard to say.

"Well, there's another question. People outside all say that you've got a chance of great power before. Is that true or false?"Xia Jue saw the information about this guy in the drawing Hou Xiaotian gave him, so he was also quite interested in this matter.

"That's right. When I was young, I accidentally fell off a cliff, and then I unexpectedly found a place where the ancient powers could sit." Bai Yi did not deny it.

"Well, if you answer so well, I'll give you one." After saying that, Xia Jue claps a chapter on the other party's tianlinggai, and Bai Yi's body falls to the ground in an instant.

The reason why he solved this guy so quickly and didn't go on asking is that there was no need.

As long as you get his storage bag from the other person, you will know how many treasures the other person gets from that powerful cave.

After finishing this, Xia Jue came to the four seriously injured guys again and solved them easily. Then he took off each other's storage bags one by one.

After all this last night, Xia Jue found a hidden bush, and then he began to study the imitation of the magic mirror.

Just like the storage bag, when the original owner of the magic weapon has been used for a long time, his body will also be stained with some of the original owner's breath. At this time, it is also necessary to use the elimination curse to eliminate the residual breath of the magic weapon.

At this time, Xia Jue began to play the elimination curse, and began to eliminate the breath of the imitated magic mirror.

Just as Xia Jue was busy, the group of people beside Hou Xiaotian outside the big array of the Taoist temple were still in a state of surprise. It was obvious that they had not recovered from what happened just now.

Things have changed so much.

It's so huge that their thoughts can't keep up.

Originally, they thought that after Bai Yi took out the magic mirror, he was sure to win.

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