At this time, people finally realized Xia Jue's terror.

"Zong... Zong Zhu, is what Mr. Wen said true?" After listening to the analysis, the thirteen elders were stunned.

He has known Xia Jue for a long time. He knows that he has some wisdom, but he didn't expect that he has such an old heart.

"Well." Hou Xiaotian nodded slightly, with some changes in his expression. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"Opening, opening, now the situation in the field has entered the stage of white hot, you Daoyou want to bet to play a little bit more can come."

Just when Hou Xiaotian and others are still shocked by Xia Jue's heart in the field, a voice of piercing the eardrum comes.

"Open? What's the offer? Is this a good place? " A master of Building Foundation asked.

"Daoyou, this game was opened by Li HUFA of wanguzong, and it was approved by the other five major departments. It's absolutely legal and compliant. If you want to play, you can take a hundred heart."

"How to play?"

"It's very simple. Now Wang Xixue ranks first in the scoreboard. At present, he has 78 points. The odds for him to win the top five of the trial are 10-12, and the top ten is 8. Li Zhuifeng's score is 74, and he ranks second in the scoreboard. If he enters the top ten, the odds are 10-8, and the top five are 10-13.

or you can bet on that hero They will give you an odds, of course, only for those who are still alive in the field, and those who are dead can't bet The little guy who yelled at the opening said.

"Well, I want to crush the young man." The master of building foundation pointed to Xia Jue in the Taoist field and said, "what's his odds?"

"You wait, I'll see." After that, the boy took out a token.

The appearance of this token is similar to that of those who have entered the test of the ashram, but the only difference is the color change.

The token in the hands of those heroes in the field is ancient wood color, while the one in front of him is purple.

After taking out the token, he injected a new energy into it. Then he closed his eyes and seemed to meditate.

After about five or six breaths, the boy's eyes opened again: "his name is Xia Jue. He is the worship of di lingzong. At present, his score is four points. Now, the odds of pressing him into the top ten are 300 for one, and 200 for the top twenty. Are you sure you want to press him?"

"Sure, I'll give him a 500 yuan stone to get into the top 20."

After learning that Xia Jue has such an old heart and the strength of Zhuji, the old man who wants to bet on Zhuji thinks he can have a fight.

One to three hundred odds, that is to say, he is now pressing 500 yuan stone, once the other party enters the top 20, he will get 10000 yuan stone, which is worth gambling.

"OK, please take out the stone and I'll bet for you." Some people like to fight a bike to become a motorcycle, which is not a strange thing, so there is no big accident.

"Here you are." The old man took out five hundred yuan stone and handed it to the boy.

"Xia Jue's 500 yuan stone of Yadi lingzong entered the top 20 places, and the bet took effect. After the settlement, is there anyone else who wants to bet?" The boy continued to drum up business.

"I also put down 500 yuan. Shi Xiajue entered the top 20 of the trial."

"I'll pay 300.."

"I'll pay 200.."

these people who are clamoring to take Xia Jue down are naturally those who have just heard old Mr. Wen's analysis. They think Xia Jue has great potential, and the odds are still so high, so it's worth spending a little yuan to fight.

"I'll give you ten thousand!"

Just as the boy was busy dealing with the people who needed to bet, a voice came to everyone's ears like thunder.

As soon as he said this, both the gambler and the boy turned their heads to pursue the owner of the voice. At last, their eyes fell on Mr. Wen.

"Old man, what did you say just now? I'm a little confused. "

Although his cultivation is not high, he also has the strength of the peak in the later stage of the heaven stage. How could he not hear clearly.

It's just that the old man in front of him said he would bet ten thousand on Xia Jue, which made him a little unbelievable.

"I said I would lay down 10000 yuan stone, just Xia Jue." Mr. Wen is worthy of Xia Jue's figure in the big array of the Daoist field, and then he turns his head to look at the young man.

"Elder, are you serious?" Once again confirmed, the boy still some can't believe it.

It's very common for someone to gamble with a few hundred yuan stone in his heart. After all, the number of a few hundred yuan is not very large, and if he loses, he will lose.

But now the old man is ten thousand yuan stone.

You know, ten thousand yuan stone is not a small sum even for a master of building foundation, and it's still on an unknown nobody. It's either crazy or funny."I'll say it again. I'm going to press the Xiajue of the dilingzong, 10000 yuan stone, and I'm going to press him into the top ten. Do you dare to take it?" Mr. Wen said again.


He was surprised by the words of the old man.

The old man not only wanted to lower the ten thousand yuan stone, but also pushed him into the top ten.

This is crazy.

Let's not mention that the top ten names are Li Zhuifeng, Wang Xixue, and they are fighting for each other. There are also six major schools and a group of high-strength disciples.

How can he have so much confidence in this boy when so many people are fighting for ten places?

"Mr. Wen, do you have so much confidence in this Xia Jue of dilingzong?"

"Mr. Wen, ten thousand yuan stone is not a small sum of money. Although the young man's mind and strength are good, it's unrealistic to strive for the top ten places. Why don't you beat the top 20?"

As Mr. Wen had helped them solve Xia Jue's strange behavior in the arena before, everyone around him had a good impression on him, so he was advised not to be so impulsive.

"You don't have to say that I have my own opinions. What's more, it's just ten thousand yuan stone. Even if I lose you, I won't feel any heartache." Mr. Wen said very freely.

"This senior, Xia Jue's odds in the top ten are three hundred for one. Are you sure you want to bet ten thousand yuan?" If he doesn't listen to the last word, he can't take care of him.

"Ten thousand yuan stone, three hundred odds. Once I bet, that's three million yuan stone. Are you sure you can afford it?"

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