What Mr. Wen wanted to talk about was whether they could afford Li HUFA, but he changed his words to "dish mouth" at the thought that it would be disrespectful to Li HUFA.

"Ha ha." The young man laughed, "don't worry, old man. Although this is the price that Li HUFA has raised, some elders of the other five major sects also have a share. Don't worry. No matter how many yuan you win, we can afford to pay for it."

"OK, here is ten thousand yuan stone. Please count it." Mr. Wen threw a storage bag directly.

"Ten thousand yuan stone bet on Xiajue of dilingzong. It's effective now, and it's settled." After counting the Yuan Stone in the storage bag, the little man yelled.

"Dare to ask, what's the odds of our lingzongxia worship entering the top five?" After watching for a long time, Hou Xiaotian finally opened his mouth.

"Why, sir, do you also want to bet on Xia Jue of your clan?" Seeing the people of dilingzong here, he couldn't help looking up and down at Hou Xiaotian.

After hearing Hou Xiaotian's claim that he was a dilingzong, Mr. Wen and other people who had bet on him also turned their heads and looked at him.

"Yes, but I want to know the odds first."

"OK, just a moment, please." Once again, Xiaosi inputs the vitality into the purple token for investigation.

"The Xia Jue of your clan entered the first five trials, and the place was six hundred for one. Are you sure you want to go down, the elder of the Earth Spirit clan?"

"That's good. I'll put down ten thousand yuan stone, and the Xia worship of our sect has entered the top five trials."

Hou Xiaotian thinks that since these people and Mr. Wen all believe in their Xia worship, as the leader of the Earth Spirit sect, he can't destroy his family's prestige.

So he knew that this was a 99% bet, but he didn't hesitate to go up, just for a breath.


After hearing Hou Xiaotian's words, all the people on the scene took another breath.

At first, they thought that Mr. Wen was outrageous enough, but they didn't expect that there were more.

As for the boy's expression at this time, he became numb.

I haven't seen this wonderful thing in most of the venue, but I met one after another in front of my eyes. I really don't know what to say.

"Why, can't I?" Hou Xiaotian frowned when he saw that he had no response to half a day.

"No, no, I can do it." The boy came back in a hurry.

"It's a stone." One of his bags came out.

"The ten thousand yuan stone bet on Xiajue, the di Ling sect, will take effect immediately when he enters the first five years of the trial." Small Si routine of shout a.

"Daoyou, I dare to be famous for my empty sword?" When Hou Xiaotian finished his bet, Mr. Wen arched his hands and walked towards him.

"Hou Xiaotian, the leader of lingzong in xiadi." Hou Xiaotian also saluted.

"I've heard a lot about you, Lord Hou."

Hearing Hou Xiaotian's words, the faces of the people around him finally showed a trace of relief.

No wonder that the other party would have done so much before. Since the other party is the leader of the Earth Spirit sect, all this is not so strange.

But then they seemed to think of something, and then a crowd began to surround Hou Xiaotian.

"Master Hou, how did you cultivate such talents as Xia Daoyou?"

"Yes, Lord Hou, I think Xia Daoyou is decisive and resourceful. He is not like the flowers in the greenhouse at all. Surely Guizong has spent a lot of time to cultivate him?"

"Lord Hou, I've never heard of Xia Daoyou in your local lingzong before. Are you specially prepared for this test?"

The people who have already made a bet and are ready to join the Bo Xia Jue see that the leader of the Earth Spirit sect is here, so they can't restrain their curiosity.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have nothing to say about our Xia worship, but I can tell you a little bit that our Xia worship of the di Ling sect will never disappoint you."

Xia Jue's origin is mysterious, and he doesn't seem to want others to know his origin, so Hou Xiaotian doesn't dare to have too many heads with these people.

Hearing this, people were disappointed and didn't ask any more questions.

"Mr. Wen, I'd like to thank you for being so optimistic about the Xia worship of our dilingzong."

The other party did not hesitate to hold down ten thousand yuan stone on their Xia offering, and Hou Xiaotian wanted to express his feelings.

"Master Hou is serious. I'm just fighting. Don't worry too much." The text sword empty doesn't matter of say.

As for the great array outside the Taoist temple, so many people have set off so many waves for him. Xia Jue, who is in the place of trial, naturally doesn't know.

At this time, the fight in the field has fallen into a white hot stage.

Qian Rong is really worthy of the ranking given by Hou Xiaotian's drawing. His strength is incomparable. He is still very comfortable in the face of the siege of Xia Jue's six foundation building experts and so many top experts in the later stage of the heaven order.of course.

This is also based on the fact that Xia Jue retains his strength. If he gives full play to his real strength, I'm afraid the war situation will change dramatically.

"Damn it, this guy is even more difficult than he imagined. Don't leave him alone. Let's get rid of him first!"

Some people who dare to do their best to fight in dangerous places.

But the current situation is extremely unfavorable for them. The more they drag on, the more dangerous they will be. That's why Cao Feiyu said that.

"Good brother grass, look at Xia fighting with him."

Xia Jue had a big drink, then he made a tiger arm.

Among his many martial arts skills, this one is more moderate, so now that he takes it as a means, few people will doubt it.

"Brother Xia, if I win this contest this time, I'll get half of what you get."

During this period of time, the performance of Xia Jue was in the eyes of Cao Feiyu. It can be said that he fought for his life, which not only made his guard against Xia Jue disappear completely, but also made him feel ashamed.

It's a shame that he was so suspicious of others before. It's clear that they came to join their alliance sincerely. How can he doubt others.

"Don't worry, brother Cao. It's Xia's job to contribute to the alliance. We can't let other Taoists suffer in vain."

Xia Jue said with awe inspiring righteousness, just like a man who regards money as dirt.

His words once again made the five foundation building masters headed by Cao Feiyu feel ashamed again.

"Everyone, brother Xia, a person who just joined our league is so desperate. Why do we have to hide and use any powerful means?"

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