Cao Feiyu took out a talisman from the storage bag after saying this.


FAFU was soon attacked by Qian Rong, who was driven forward by him.

Cao Fei's side used the talismans, and the other four foundation building experts were not idle. They had secret skills, powerful martial arts, and powerful magic weapons. In short, their goal was Qian Rong.

And Qian Rong saw so many foundation building experts to fight with him, where did he neglect.

He quickly took out an axe shaped magic weapon from the storage bag.

"Die for me!"

Qian Rong had a big drink and chopped at Xia Jue, who was the first to attack.


The Dragon arm collided with each other's axe. Xia Jue's direct powerful power retreated seven or eight meters, and the light in his arm became dim. It seemed that he would soon return to the ordinary arm.

"Bang bang."

Xia Jue's side was shaken back, and the remaining five foundation building masters' martial arts and secret techniques also fell on Qian Rong.

He suffered so many powerful attacks one after another that even he was instantly disheartened.

"What's going on now, Qian Rong?" See let the other party eat not small loss, grass fly rain laughed.

"Hum, there are a lot of people. Qian will come to clean up your mob some other day."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qian Rong decided not to entangle too much. He picked up the axe and began to strike in the east direction

"it's not so easy to run, brothers, stop him!" Cao Feiyu drinks heavily and chases Qian Rong again.

The battle between the two sides began in the jungle.

The stalemate lasted for about a long time, and both sides spent a lot of energy. At this time, Qian Rong, who was still running in front of him, began to regret it.

He felt that at the beginning, he should not entangle with them too much. He should stay away from them while there are many of them.

At that time, the war between the two sides did not enter the white hot stage. If he wanted to go, it would be very easy.

At this time, the other party has spent so much money that it is not easy for them to stop.

"Qian Rong, don't run away. Hand over your natural resources and local treasures. Let's call it a day."

If it goes on like this, their strength will soon be exhausted. It will be dangerous if they meet other Tianjiao at this time, so Cao Feiyu doesn't want to hold a stalemate with each other.

In the face of Cao Feiyu's words, Qian Rong, who is still running away, is entangled in his heart.

For one thing, he didn't want to be in a stalemate in this situation. For another thing, it was hard for him to find these treasures. How could he be so willing to hand them over.

"Qian Rong, you're different from us. We're rotten. But you're the one who has a chance to get a place in this trial. If you go on like this, don't mention getting a place. It's a question whether you can live for three hours."

Cao Feiyu saw that the other party seemed to be hesitant, and then said again.

"Well, I'll give you the natural resources and the local treasures. That's it."

Cao Feiyu is right in saying that Qian Rong has a chance to take the place in this trial. There is no need to fight with them here.

Even if he has lost some natural resources and land treasures now, as long as he carefully searches for some more, and then slowly moves towards the central area, there will still be great achievements.

After stopping, he took out more than 20 Tiancai Dibao trees from the storage bag and threw them in front of these people.

"Ha ha, that's good. You're smart." It's also overjoyed to see the other party so aware of current affairs.

"I've already given it to you. Let's finish this time. Qian will leave."

"Wait a minute!"

Just when Qian Rong wants to leave, Mo Shan immediately scolds each other.

"What else do you want?" Qian Rong turned around with a gloomy face.

"Is that all you have?"

According to the truth, Qian Rong, a genius of this level, should not have got this talent and treasure only after he had been in the test for so long, so Mo Shan suspected that he was hiding something.

"What else?" Qian Rong asked.

"Open your storage bag and show it to us. You can't leave until we confirm that there are no problems." Mo Shan said.

"That's right. Open the storage bag, or you won't leave!"

Others echoed.

"Ha ha, do you think you are too clever or I am too stupid?" Qian Rong looks at Mo Shan and others with the eyes of a fool.

You should know that the storage bag is the most hidden thing for a monk. How can ordinary people easily show it to others.

"If you don't open the storage bag, go ahead!"

Cao Feiyu also thinks that it is impossible for him to search this point for such a long time with his opponent's strength.

"Go ahead and see who dies first." Qian Rong is also enraged. At least he is No.1 in Lingnan. What's the point of being threatened by this mob."It's not like this. Isn't there a talent and treasure on the token? You can take it out and have a look."

Just as the situation was on the verge of breaking out, a light voice came into the people's ears.

Hearing this voice, people suddenly realized.


Since the other party is not willing to show the storage bag, you can see if the other party has any privacy by looking at the points on the token.

"Xia Daoyou is right. If you don't have privacy, take out the token and let me wait." Cao Feiyu turns his eyes from Xia Jue and puts them on Qian Rong.

"Good." Qian Rong didn't write ink either. He immediately took out the token from the storage bag, and the integral number on the token has now become 0.

"Open your eyes and see if Qian is a liar." Qian Rong looked around the crowd viciously.

"Well, you go." See the other side really only so many natural resources, grass fly rain a little disappointed.

"Hum." Qian Rong snorted coldly, then used his body method to go far away, and soon disappeared in the jungle.

When Qian Rong left, people's eyes immediately turned to look at the twenty odd Tiancai and Dibao trees.

Cao Feiyu knows what people are thinking at this time, and he doesn't have too much ink.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the six of us contributed the most in the first World War. We take 60% of it, and the remaining 40% is yours. Is that reasonable?"

"Reasonable, brother Cao and brother Xia, you are the biggest power to attack Qian Rong, and should account for 60%."

"We're just fighting on one side, and we'll be satisfied if we get to four cities. Thank you brother Cao and brother Xia..."

a lot of experts at the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage speak one after another.

"Well, six of us make up 60% of the total, that is, 14 strains. Among them, brother Xia, you're the biggest contributor this time. Let's divide them into three strains."

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