According to Xia feijue's promise, he didn't get more benefits.

"In this way, Xia will not be respectful!" Xia Jue didn't refuse either. He took the three treasures and put them into his pocket.

When these geniuses entered the storage bag, the token changed again.

The original four points above have been changed into eight points. The reason is that one of them has a higher level, so the points are also a little higher.

Eight points.

I don't know what kind of position he has got in this trial.

However, judging from Qian Rong's 20 or so talents, it is estimated that other Tianjiao will not be much less than him, and his eight points should be at the bottom.

But Xia Jue didn't have to worry about it at all.

As time goes on, people in this league will become fatter and fatter. When they are actually mature, they will harvest by themselves. I believe that his points will soar soon.

The array is beyond the big array.

Hou Xiaotian side of a crowd to see Xia Jue and others actually put the famous Qian Rong forced to look like this is also very excited.

"I didn't expect that Qian Rong was quite wise. He took the initiative to hand over the natural materials and treasures to pray for a way out."

"What kind of wisdom is actually the fear of death."

"Ha ha, that's right. Being chased like a mad dog by six foundation building experts and more than ten experts at the peak of the later stage of Tianjie, who can be afraid of that?"

"Although Qian Rong is a bit famous, he is still far behind Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng. If they are here, I'm sure Xia Jue will not be able to please them."

The people who bet on Xia Jue are talking happily.

Now Xia Jue has defeated Bai Yi and defeated Qian Rong. They can see more and more potential in him, which makes them feel that the idea of fighting can not come true, so they all have some expectations in their hearts.

"Suzerain, Xia gongfeng has already been regarded as two big arrogants in a row. I don't know what will happen if he meets Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng." Thirteen elder said with great interest.

"Don't hold too much hope for this. Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng are not ordinary people. Don't you see that countless outstanding talents in the six major sectors of the table are left behind by them. We can only pray that Xia Gong won't meet these two people, otherwise it will be dangerous."

"This is.." Thirteen elders embarrassed touched his beard, "I have to say that these two people are really brilliant, if you don't mind, they are settled this time."

"More than six major branches have been settled. I'm afraid many senior managers of the six major branches will rush to accept them as apprentices." Hou Xiaotian said.

"Li Zhuifeng and Wang Xixue met."

While they were talking, suddenly a voice came from the distance.

Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng are two of the brightest people in the field, and they are also the two people with the highest degree of attention. When they met in the Taoist school test, it was just explosive news.

Many people outside the big array of the Taoist temple began to circle towards their God's perspective.

"Suzerain, I didn't expect these two people to meet so soon. Shall we have a look?" To tell you the truth, he is always very interested in the fight between the two.

"There's nothing to see in Xiagong temple for the time being. It's OK to see their fight."

Xia Jue and others in the field are expected to explore the way after solving Qian Rong. This kind of picture is very boring, so Hou Xiaotian also wants to see how the two fight.

"Let's go." With Hou Xiaotian's consent, the five elders can't wait to walk towards the light screen on the left.

At this time, the light curtain of two people's pictures appears on the left. It can be said that there is a sea of people in front of the wall, which shows how much influence these two people have.

In the picture, Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng do appear.

But there's another group besides the two of them.

This scene is the same as the scene Xia Jue and Bai Yi met before.

They just stood in the same place and looked at each other. Neither of them dared to do it first.

Finally, the other group couldn't help it. They scattered and began to flee.

See them flee, Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng two people very tacit understanding of the separate action.

About a quarter of an hour.

They took five of the ten who fled, so to speak, equally.

In the picture, the two seem to be talking about something. In the end, they both show a smile, and then turn around and leave.

Seeing that they didn't do it in the end, many people watching on the spot were disappointed.

But there are also a lot of people who are happy.

Of course, these happy people are the ones who bet on them.

Originally, both of them had great hope to get the place in the trial. If they had to fight for life and death here, they would not like to see it.In addition, Xia Jue and others over there finished the distribution of natural materials and land treasures, and Cao Feiyu and others signaled to continue to explore the way to the depth.

As Xia Jue's hard work has completely won the trust of Cao Feiyu and others, the other side is no longer on guard against him, and let him lead a five person team to explore in the southwest direction.

Half an hour later, Xia Jue and others, who are exploring, suddenly feel that the air around them is becoming hot.

"What's the situation ahead? How can it be so hot?" An expert at the peak of the later stage of the heaven order said depressed.

"Elder Qiao said before that there are not only the danger of monsters and enemies, but also some unpredictable dangers. We should be careful."

Another expert thinks that this is probably the unpredictable risk that elder Qiao said, so he quickly reminds everyone.

"Don't worry about it. Just look ahead."

After Xia Jue's sense exploration, it didn't look like there was any danger ahead, except that it was hot.

Soon, people came to the front, and they finally knew why it was so hot. There was a volcano here.

At this time, the crater kept spraying magma, which slowly flowed down the lower edge, melting the surrounding plants and trees, resulting in a large area of magma bog around.

"The Daochang array is really a peerless God array. It can even be transformed into such a volcano." An expert at the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage was not only surprised to see this spectacular scene.

"Look what that is An expert at the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage seems to have found something, and then he points to a magma bog on the right.

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