The crowd followed the place he pointed to, and saw how many flaming flowers came out of the lava bog.

"This is the treasure of heaven and earth. Send a signal quickly!"

When they saw clearly that the magma was made of natural materials and treasures, they were very excited, and then one of them sent a signal to the sky.

Soon after the signal was sent out, Cao Feiyu and others rushed to the scene.

"I said how the air around here became so hot. There was another volcano here." After arriving at the scene, Cao Feiyu sighed and watched everywhere.

"Brother Cao, don't worry about the others. You can see what they are first." Xia Jue pointed to the flame flowers in the center of the right side.

"This... This is the treasure of genius. It seems that the level is not low."

Cao Feiyu and others were surprised to see those flaming flowers.

Their sense can clearly distinguish those flame flowers, even higher than the level of any one of them from Qian Rong.

"What kind of natural material and local treasure is this? It can be bred in such hot magma." Mo Shan is a little curious.

"Don't worry about so much, Mo Daoyou. Go and pick it first."

A master named Huang Yi beside Mo Shan has been itching for a long time. He doesn't care about the situation. He directly urges his body method to go towards the flames in front of him.

But when he stepped on the surface of that layer of magma, an unexpected scene happened.

Huang Yi urged the Qi on his legs to evaporate immediately after stepping on the surface of the magma. Without the Qi on his legs, his body immediately fell down.

"Ah, ah, ah."

Although Huang Yi madly urged yuan Qi to protect the body, it seemed that Yuan Qi was useless in the hot magma, and it was soon corroded away.

In less than five breaths, the magma had covered Huang Yi's legs. If anyone could see the bottom of the magma, he would find that his legs were burned to the bone.

"Help me, Mo Daoyou, help me, Cao Daoyou." Huang Yi, who is miserable and helpless, has no choice but to ask for help from the people in the rear.

But in front of us, the magma that can even corrode the internal gas is too weird. How dare people rush to do it? They can only watch it helplessly.

"Ah, ah."

In a scream, Huang Yi's head completely submerged into the magma, leaving only a gruesome scream.

For a long time, there was no sound in the field, and everyone seemed to be calmed by this sudden scene.

"What on earth is this magma? It can even corrode the vitality of the peak experts in the later stage of the heavenly stage?" Mo Shan said such a sentence with lingering fear.

"Get out of the way, please." Grass flying rain seems to do something.

After waiting for everyone to get out of the way, Cao Feiyu's palm condensed a vitality, and he patted the magma in front of him.

"Hoo Hoo."

Yuan Qi palm mixed with the power of the mountain and the ground breaking, but the closer to the surface of the magma, the more I don't know what blocked it, and the power gradually weakened.


In the end, when the Yuanqi palm approached the surface of the magma, it was like a drop of water dripping on it, sending out a ripple, and then there was no more waves.

"This... How is this possible..."

people who saw this scene were shocked again.

At this time, Xia Jue's heart is also constantly tossing.

It's really hard to deal with the strange magma.

How can I get those flaming flowers?

"Brother Xia, do you have any ideas?" Cao Feiyu has no way. He can only turn around and ask Xia Jue and others to see if there is any good plan.

"This magma is too strange, even if we are building the foundation, I'm afraid we can't cross it and pick the flame flower back."

"If only you had a flying weapon. If you had a flying weapon, you would be able to cross over and pick the flame flower back." Mo Shan sighed.

Mo Shan's words made others feel speechless.

Flying magic weapon is such a precious thing. Apart from the six major sects and some powerful families, how can they have other casual practitioners like them.

Next, they discussed for a while, but still didn't come up with any good way.

"Damn, it's really worrying that you can't get this treasure." Mo Shan couldn't help cursing.

Those flame flowers are ordinary natural resources and local treasures, but they are likely to increase 2 or even 3 points. How can they give up like this.

Just when they didn't know what to do, Xia Jue took out a sword from the storage bag.

This sword is exactly the magic weapon obtained by killing Bai Yi.

Compared with the magic mirror, the taboos in this magic weapon are easier to eliminate. After casting the eliminating curse, it takes only ten breaths, and Xia Jue almost eliminates the original owner's breath."Do you have any magic weapons? Don't be too good. Just take out some defective products. " After many observations, Xia Jue thought of a method.

Then operate the magic weapon to suspend on this layer of magma, and then let a person suspend and trample on these magic weapons to quickly pick the flame flowers back.

"Xia Daoyou, what do you want these magic weapons for?"

Before Xia Jue took out the magic weapon, the people were very curious. When they heard that he asked the people to take out the magic weapon, they were even more confused.

"I see. Brother Xia, you can try this method."

Cao Feiyu seems to understand Xia Jue's intention, and then he takes out some magic weapons from the storage bag. These are all obtained by killing some heaven level masters when he first comes in. Even if they are destroyed, it's no pity.

"I see, too. But brother Xia, I think this magic weapon is extraordinary. I'd better take it back and keep it for my own use. I still have some defective ones here." Mo Shan, who wanted to understand, also took out a few magic weapons from the storage bag.

"There's a plan, so who's going to have a try?" Cao Feiyu looked around the crowd.

Everywhere his eyes went, people were afraid to look at him, obviously they didn't want to risk themselves.

"Ladies and gentlemen, those trees are all high-grade natural resources and land treasures. I don't need to say how precious they are. If anyone wants to try, we can take 50% of them later, and we can take the remaining 50%

No way, such a dangerous thing no one is willing to do, grass rain can only be out of the temptation of heavy money.

"Cao Daoyou, I'll go." It was Mo Shan who volunteered to say this.

After careful consideration, he felt that his building foundation was worth trying, and the risk was not too terrible compared with his strength.

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