"Good Mo Daoyou, be careful. We are ready to activate the magic weapon for you." Said the grass.

"I'm ready, please." Mo Shan's momentum was shocked, and his eyes looked at the flame flowers in the distance like a hungry tiger.

"Okay, let's do it." Cao Feiyu is about to break the magic weapon into the magma.

As they expected.

After the weapon fell into the magma, it became rusty, but it didn't melt away immediately.

Seeing the success of the plan, Zhao Qian followed the first magic weapon spread on the magma and threw the second one.

Then Xia Jue also played the third.

After the three magic weapons were laid on the magma, they were close to the flame flowers.

"Mo Daoyou, speed!" Looking at the magic weapon about to melt away, Cao Feiyu had to shout in a hurry.

When he finished shouting, Mo Shan urged his body to the first sword at the magma.

He put his toes on the first sword to borrow some force, then the second and the third, and he was about to get close to the flames.

"Cao Daoyou, please give me another hand." Mo mountain head also don't return of shout a way.

When he heard this, Cao Feiyu didn't neglect him. He once again shot a magic weapon at the side of those flame flowers.


The magic weapon landed steadily at the distance of one foot from the flames, while the tip of Mo Shan's foot in the sky also touched the magic weapon.

Knowing that there was not much time, Mo Shan was dissatisfied with the neglect. He injected his vitality into his palm and grabbed the flowers.

"Great, I got it!"

Seeing that Mo Shan had caught those flaming flowers, Cao Feiyu and others were excited.

But the next moment, the look on their faces became strange.

Because when they saw Mo Shan, it seemed that they had a lot of effort and could not pick those flame flowers.

"Mo Daoyou, what's the matter?"

"Brother Mo, are these flame flowers difficult to pick?"

People who didn't know why made inquiries.

The people on the shore are asking him, but Mo Shan still wants to ask them.

He has made great efforts to build the foundation. Even if it is heavy, it will not be so motionless.

In his heart is tossing is not to give up, suddenly he felt in the hands of these flame grass seems to have happened something strange, in the violent shaking.

"What's the matter?"

Mo Shan was stunned by this sudden change.

"Mo Daoyou is in danger, go back quickly!"

Cao Feiyu, who can be called the old slicker, is extremely smart. At this time, he feels that there seems to be an extremely dangerous breath coming from the magma.

After being drunk by Cao Feiyu, Mo Shan woke up immediately, and then he quickly used his body method to run back to the shore.

"Whew, whew."

Several groups of flames flew out from the bottom of the magma and attacked behind Mo mountain.

"Be careful, Mo Daoyou!" Xia Jue yelled.

"Everybody, help me!"

Mo mountain is still deep above the surface of the magma. If a person is careless, he will be like Huang Yi before. So he knows that there is danger behind him, but he has no time to ignore it.

"Xia Daoyou, help Mo Daoyou." After Cao Feiyu called out this sentence, he gave a slap to the fire that attacked Mo mountain in the distance.

Here, Xia Jue's four foundation building masters are not slow either. They all hit each other one after another.

"Bang bang."

Each person's vitality Palmprint and the fire collided with each other, producing a sound.

Taking advantage of this, Mo mountain on the surface of the magma is also safe to return to the shore.

"That's close." Mo Shan originally thought that with his own strength, he could not be said to be able to pick those flame flowers, but there was a seven step chance.

But I didn't expect that such a dangerous danger was hidden under the flame. I almost lost my life here.

Thinking of this, Mo Shan felt a burst of fear.

"Gulu Gulu."

After Mo Shan came ashore, bubbles began to emerge from the magma, and then people felt that the vibration was getting bigger and bigger, and even spread to the shore.

"Back up now." Cao Feiyu has an ominous feeling in his heart. He doesn't intend to stay any longer and immediately greets the people to leave.

"Step, step, step."

People are not fools. They know that there is an inexplicable danger here. They all run faster than rabbits.

"Poof poof."

Not long after they raised their feet, they saw a red monster about three feet in size leaping out of the magma.

The whole monster is in the shape of a horse, but its head looks very fierce and its limbs are very strong. A big tree like iron tail is shaking back and forth, and several flowers stand on its head, which is the flame flower Mo Shan and others wanted to pick before."Is this... Is this a Kirin..."

people who are still frantically fleeing in the distance are cool when they see the monster in the dark.


Red monster seems to be in front of these humans angered, his mouth slightly a, a group of flames toward his mouth flew out, toward the distant door attack.

"Ah, ah."

Several low-level heaven level masters didn't leave any bones after being burned by the fire.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this?" Cao Feiyu saw that several people in his alliance died in the fire of the monster, and also scolded.

"Brother Cao, brother Xia, we can't escape any more, otherwise our people will be killed by this monster."

There are more than ten top experts in the league. If Mo Shan and some of them only want to escape by themselves, they will be the only ones left.

After all, they can resist the monster, but those with low strength can't.

"Stop the monster first, see if there is a chance, and kill it if there is a chance."

After the monster landed, Cao Shangfei noticed the smell of the monster, that is, the appearance of the foundation.

Although the monsters of the same level are stronger than the human friars of the same level, there are six foundation building masters here. The scene is about fifty fifty.

In addition, as long as you kill this monster, you will not only get the flaming flowers on its head, but also get the demon pill.

The demon Dan that builds the foundation is also rare. Maybe it's also the talent and treasure that can increase points, so this risk is worth taking.

After Cao Feiyu and Xia Jue stopped, the monster in the distance was no longer in charge of other people. It directly attacked Xia Jue and others.

Do it. Let's kill the beast. " Cao Feiyu took out a hammer from the storage bag.

"Turn the tiger's arm!"

Xia also played a martial arts skills.

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