"It's really a demon pill."

"Build base demon beast's demon Dan, also don't know how many points can increase."

"I don't think the demon Dan of Zhuji is less than five points."

Mo Shan and others began to talk excitedly after seeing the demon pill.

"Wow, it's demon Dan."

"Cao Daoyou and Xia Daoyou are so powerful that they even killed the monsters who built the foundation."

On the other side of the sky stage, the peak experts saw that the monster had been killed, and there was no risk, so they came around one after another.

"The six of us killed this monster this time. You didn't make any effort, so the harvest can't be shared with you. Do you have any objection?"

The reason why Cao Feiyu wants to establish this alliance is to rely on the strength of the group. Just now, he did not borrow the strength of these people. On the contrary, he saved their lives. Therefore, it is reasonable for him to give them regardless of this harvest.

"It's natural. If it wasn't for brother Cao and brother Xia, I'm afraid we would have died under the animal's tusks this time. How could we stand here and talk?"

On the surface, though they said so, they were all disappointed.

When they saw that the danger had been relieved, they rushed to see if they could get a share of it, but now they were disillusioned.

"Brother Cao, this is the flame flower taken from the animal's head. Let's see how we can distribute it." While Cao Feiyu was talking, Mo Shan had already brought down the flame flowers from the head of the red monster.

"In this way, brother Xia, first take out your token to see how many points the Zhuji demon Dan can increase." Cao Feiyu said to Xia Jue.

"Good." Xia Jue immediately took out the token from the storage bag. When his token was close to the Zhuji demon pill, the 8 on the token became 16, which means that the Zhuji demon pill increased by six points.

"I didn't expect that Zhuji demon Dan could increase so many points."

"That's right. I thought it would be great to add six points, but I didn't expect it to be eight points."

Mo Shan and others were surprised to see that the Zhuji demon pill increased eight points.

"This flame flower is also good, one can increase four points." Just as Xia Jue took out his token to test points, Cao Feiyu also took out his token to test the flame grass.

"This harvest is very good, but brother Wang..." thinking of this, Mo Shan is still a little depressed.

You know, the foundation building masters are not like those minions who are at the peak of the later days of the heaven stage. Every death is a huge blow to their league.

"In this way, there are four flame flowers and a demon pill, which add up to 24 points. Six of us just don't have four points. Brother Xia, just take this demon pill and give it to one of us."

The grass flying rain was soon calculated.

"Good." Xia Jue immediately took out several Tiancai and Dibao and handed them to Mo Shan.

"Brother Cao, since brother Wang is dead, his storage bag..."

Wang Hua is dead now, but there are many natural materials, local treasures and tokens in his storage bag. Mo Shan wants to ask how to deal with them.

"Since brother Wang is dead, we will distribute these things naturally. What do you think?" Cao Feiyu looked around the crowd.


"It should be!"

Xia Jue and others all nodded in agreement.

"Well, since everyone agrees, brother Mo will take out all the things in brother Wang's storage bag!" Said the grass.

"Well." Mo Shan nodded and then took out everything in Wang Hua's storage bag.

Knowing that this is a trial of life and death, Wang Hua's storage bag has nothing but a few magic weapons and some pills, as well as the token of natural materials and local treasures.

"Brother Wang has 16 points of talent and treasure. In this way, everyone can get three points, and the other person can get one point and add the token. What do you think?" Cao Feiyu's proposal again.

"Yes, that's it."

All agreed again.

Half a ring later, the relics about Wang Hua were divided up.

Xia Jue chose to take a point and the time on the token, while the others took three points respectively.

After that, some of Wang Hua's magic weapons and pills were evenly divided up.

"Well, time is running out. Let's move on to the central area."

With the order of the grass flying rain, people are on the road again.

This time, everyone's journey was very smooth. They didn't encounter any dangerous enemies. Of course, they didn't encounter any good babies.

"Everyone, it seems that we have been raided in this direction. Shall we move in another direction?"

There was no harvest for a long time, so Cao Feiyu had to call all the people to discuss."It's true that along the way, I've seen the roots of Tiancai and Dibao, but the fruits are missing. It's estimated that these first comers have cleaned them up." Mo Shan said thoughtfully.

"Go to the South and change the direction. Just now I went to the front and made some inquiries. It seems that there is no one passing by." It was Xia Jue who said this.

For such a long time, there were no natural resources and land treasures, which really depressed him. So he just quietly left the camp and went to the other side to investigate.

"Well, Xia Daoyou, you can lead the way to the position you said."

"Yes." Xia Jue immediately turned to lead the way.

Sure enough.

When he took Cao Feiyu and others to the south for about three miles, and then moved forward again, the front began to appear in twos and threes.

"Look what that is

Just as the people were happily picking the natural materials and local treasures, someone found that there were some differences ahead.

"That's the treasure of heaven and earth?"

Xia Jue and others looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw a flower about the height of a human in front of me.

A little sense of detection, people will come to a conclusion.

That is, this treasure is definitely the highest level one they have seen since they entered the Taoist school for a long time.

"Go and have a look!"

After knowing that this is a rare treasure, people can't help but rush to it.

When we arrived at the distance of about 20 meters from the genius treasure, Cao Feiyu suddenly said, "slow down!"

Listening to the words of grass flying rain, people put down their desire and stopped to look at him,.

"The level of care will be like this kind of monster

Cao Feiyu's words awakened people in a moment of astonishment.

Because he was right.

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