Nine of the ten precious natural resources and land treasures have long been coveted by monsters.

Although it's an illusion of the great array of Daoism, which is different from the outside world, no one can guarantee that it will not be synchronized with the outside world.

Once they rush up, the monster hidden in the treasure suddenly comes out to attack. Maybe they will come to the same end as Wang Hua before.

"Brother Cao has a point. We are almost in danger." Mo Shan's eyes kept searching around the Tiancai and Dibao, hoping to find something unusual.

The others didn't neglect it. They were all like Mo Shan, constantly releasing their senses to spy on everything around the tree.

After dozens of breaths, no abnormality was found.

"What's the risk, brother grass?" Mo Shan asked.

"Be careful and sail well." I don't know why, Cao Feiyu always feels some different feelings around him, as if something is monitoring them, but no matter how he releases his sense, he can't find any abnormal situation.

As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there will be demons. Cao Feiyu thinks that the tree is absolutely not simple. As long as they dare to do it, maybe danger will come at any time.

But in the face of such a treasure, he would not be at ease.

"Well, I'll wait together. If there's any danger, so many people will be able to cope with it. What do you think of brother Cao?" Seeing that everyone was silent, Xia Jue put forward such a suggestion.

"Brother Xia, it's true. I'll wait for many people to go up. I don't believe that if there are really shadow coveting monsters, what can they do to so many of us?" Mo Shan also thinks that Xia Jue's proposal is very good.

"Let's go." Now there is no better way. Cao Feiyu thinks that this proposal can be tried.

As soon as they said they would do it, they began to see and listen, moving slowly towards the genius treasure.

Twenty steps, ten steps, eight steps, seeing that the tree is getting closer and closer, the danger in people's imagination still does not appear, which makes people's hearts can not help but have doubts.

Do they think too much?

Or is it different from the natural habits of the outside world?

Didn't let people think too long, a sharp voice let people's sweat instantly erect.

"Ouch, ouch."

"No, the beast is in the sky. Be careful." Although he didn't have time to look up at the sky, the sense of danger had made Cao Feiyu confirm that the danger really came from the sky.

In fact, there is no need to talk about the grass flying rain. Everyone can obviously feel the sense of danger from the top of their heads.

Maybe feeling able and avoiding are two different things.

Xia Jue and other foundation building experts can evade by virtue of their own powerful strength, but those who are at the peak of the later stage of the heaven level can't.

"Ah, ah."

Two screams, hiding to one side of Xia Jue and others finally see what kind of monster this is.

This is a big eagle about two feet high with red feathers.

The eyes of Da Diao are scarlet. On one of his sharp mouths, he is poking the bodies of two top experts in the later stage of the heaven order. The two giant claws are deeply trapped in the floor for about half a meter, which shows the overall weight of Da Diao.

"Good guy, I'm afraid this guy was hiding in the tree just now, but I haven't found it until now."

Cao Feiyu had to sigh about the beast's ability to restrain his breath. He also knew that they had the sense of five foundation building masters and the later peak masters of the ten meter sky level. After searching for a long time, he still couldn't find where the beast was hiding.

"The beast doesn't feel worse than the red monster we dealt with before. It may be more difficult. We should be careful."

The red monster not only made them suffer a lot, but also made them pay the death of a foundation builder. It can be said that it was extremely heavy.

But in front of this big carving from the breath said not weaker than that red monster also even if, the key it also has an extremely troublesome skill.

That is, it is not restricted by the Royal Air and can attack them at will.

That is to say, when it wants to attack people, it can attack, when it doesn't want to attack, it doesn't attack. How can it not be a headache.

"Brother Cao, if not, let's leave. This animal is too difficult to deal with." It was Mo Shan who said this.

After weighing the pros and cons, he felt that it was too risky to fight with the beast, and he could not tell the outcome in a short time.

If the fight lasts too long, it may attract some of the enemies around. At that time, we don't know what the situation will be like.

"That's right, brother Cao. Although that treasure is precious, it's not worth wasting so much time on it. Maybe we can find more valuable things at this time." Zhao Qian had the same idea as Mo Shan."Brother Xia, what do you think?" At this time the grass flying rain heart is also very tangled.

In fact, he didn't want to let go of the natural resources and local treasures, but now several people are ready to retreat, and he is not good at dictation, so at this time, he has to ask Xia Jue's opinion.

If Xia Jue decides not to leave, then he can convince the public that Guo Xiajue has the same idea as them, so he has to leave.

"Come on, it's not a good deal."

It's hard to deal with this sculpture. If he doesn't show his real strength, it will take a long time for them to win.

As Mo Shan said, it takes too long and hard work. It's better to go to other places to explore. In this way, there may be a lot of harvest. There's no need to entangle with this animal.

"Well, since you all said that, brother Xia, let's go."

No one to support him, the grass flying rain can only give up this idea, ready to leave.

The big eagle on the other side didn't stop the people who were about to leave. Obviously, it was also very intelligent. It knew that the people in front of it were not easy to provoke, so it could fight without fighting.


Back to the side of the grass after the rain reluctantly looking at the tree, then want to turn away.

But at this time, he felt a huge breath coming towards them.

In fact, it was not only grass flying rain, but also the strong breath of the scene.

They turned their heads and saw a beautiful shadow appear in their eyes.

Seeing this beautiful shadow, everyone was shocked.

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