Because this beautiful shadow is the famous Wang Xixue.

And at this time, outside the big array of the dojo.

Hou Xiaotian and others who are observing see Wang Xixue and Xia Jue meet with each other, and they are also worried.

As for those who bet on Xia Jue's face, it turned into pig liver color.

"It's too bad luck to meet Wang Xixue at this time."

"My 500 yuan stone is gone. It's too bad."

"I had a chance to go on like this, but I didn't expect to meet Wang Xixue so soon, alas!"

"Why do you sigh? I haven't spoken yet." Wen Jiankong is also very depressed.

Although he was very free and easy to bet before, it was just for the sake of performance in front of the public.

Now I see that my 10000 yuan stone is about to disappear. It's false to say no heartache.

"I've really lost eight generations of blood. It's not good to meet someone, but this woman." The article sword hollow medium secretly scolded a.

After hearing Wen Jiankong's words, people came back to their senses.

You know, this man has paid a lot of money.

And these people who have only bet a few hundred yuan and less than a thousand yuan are rolling and complaining here. What will the man who lost 10000 yuan think?

"Dad, what should I do?" Hou ling'er has been watching here for a long time. Naturally, he knows that Wang Xixue is very powerful. But now Wang Xixue meets Xia Gong. How can Xia Gong survive.

"Lord, it's over." Thirteen long old face like ashes, legs are almost unsteadiness.

"This..." Hou Xiaotian's face is also frozen. If someone looks at him carefully, he can see that his body is shaking slightly unconsciously.

Wang Xixue is still firmly occupying the first place in the cumulative points, which can be said to be the most eye-catching existence of the Taoist trial.

So at this time many people on the scene issued a warm voice.

"Who are these people? Why are they so strange?"

"That guy seems to be a grass flying rain, but he has some strength."

"What kind of grass flying rain, even the famous Hai Daming was killed by Wang Xixue before. Wang Xixue, the gang of grass flying rain, can solve it without destroying it."

There was a great deal of discussion.

When people were talking, Wang Xixue seemed to speak, but they couldn't hear him.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, but if any of you dare to run, the first one will die. If you don't believe it, try it."

Wang Xixue, who was in the test of Daochang, killed the big eagle for the first time after saying this.

Just as the so-called shadow of the famous tree, Cao Feiyu and others were scared out of their wits when they saw that the visitor was Wang Xi. What the other party said made them even more uneasy. They didn't know what the woman meant.

The big eagle obviously felt that it was not the stream of grass flying rain. It did not dare to confront Wang Xixue head on. It opened its two Zhang wide wings and wanted to escape to the sky.

But before it could fly high, Wang Xixue cut out the big carving in the sky and fell on the ground.


The huge noise awakened Cao Feiyu and others who were still in a state of uneasiness.

The disillusioned people's faces turned into shock.

You know, even if five of them go up together, they can't win it.

But in front of Wang Xixue's light sword, he cut it down. This strength is too terrible.

"Brother Cao, what should we do now?"

Wang Xixue's strength is too terrible. If she turns around the gun to deal with them after she solves the big carving, how can they survive.

If the snow, then they will not dare to run before the first one in the heart.

Mo Shan asked Cao Feiyu, but he didn't know what to do.

Although they are all in the realm of building foundation, it is a question whether he can take Wang Xixue's move if they really fight.

"Wang Xixue is also from a famous and decent family, and she has a good reputation in Lingnan. I think she just said that she would not kill us." Zhao Qian said in a deep voice.

"But he said not to kill is not to kill, but if he asked us to hand over the natural resources, treasures and tokens, what's the difference with killing us?" Mo Shan continued.

It has to be said that Mo Shan's words still have some truth. After listening to them, no one made a sound. The scene was silent again, only the sound of Wang Xixue fighting with the big carving in the distance.


Just when Cao Feiyu and others were still hesitating, the two later peak masters of Tianjie stage, who were scared by Wang Xixue's name, frantically used their body methods to escape in the same direction.

"Hoo Hoo."

Shortly after they left, Wang Xixue sent out two swords and roared away behind them."Bang bang."

Two sounds sounded, and the bodies of the two people who fled in the distance burst out.


seeing this scene, people were so shocked that they couldn't say anything.

As the saying goes, once an expert comes out, he will know if he has one.

Such a long distance, such a crisp means to solve the two escape days of the late stage of the peak master, this strength they are flattering also can't catch up.

At this time, people have believed Wang Xixue's words before.

That is who dares to run that end is dead.

"Wang Xixue really deserves to be the top talent in Lingnan. Even if he tries his best, it will be very difficult for him to win, unless Tailong sword is powerful again." Xia Jue sighed in his heart.

The big sculpture in the field is just a little rough and thick. How could it be Wang Xixue's opponent? She soon became moribund under her hands.

"You brute, you have a lot of meat." Wang Xixue looks cold, and then the sword in his hand cleaves toward the neck of the carving.


Even the neck is a fragile place, so how can it resist Wang Xixue's real sword.

"Gulu." The head rolled several times, then its huge body fell to the ground, making a huge sound.

When the eagle's body is underground, Wang Xixue's sword tip gently stabs the eagle's heart, and then picks it slightly. A blue demon pill is put into the storage bag by her.

After finishing all this, Wang Xixue moves slowly towards Xia Jue and others.

Seeing this killing God coming towards him, Cao Feiyu and others subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

"Wang Xixue, we have no injustice and no enmity. What do you want?" Cao Feiyu summoned up the courage to say so.

"Do you think it's necessary to kill people in such a place?" Wang Xixue looks at him like a fool.

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