"Not so good. I'll just peel your skin and tendons." Wu Hui didn't want to go back to the other side. He was so arrogant when he heard that he was a swordsman.

"You don't think it's a lonely and unknown person. Do you dare to report it?"

Compared with the anger of Wu Hui and others, elder martial sister sun is much more rational.

She felt that the other party could kill huawuyu so easily, and now she didn't fear them at all. That person must have something to rely on.

"Xiajue." Xia Jueyun spits out these two words in a light atmosphere.

"What, you are Xia Jue!"

When sun Shijie and others heard that the man in front of them was Xia Jue, who was the top of the scoreboard, they were all surprised.

"Who am I? It's you. Do you think you're lucky? You think you're invincible after winning the first day's ranking?"

In Wu Hui's opinion, the reason why this guy got the first day's ranking was entirely due to his luck. Otherwise, how could he put Li Zhuifeng and Wang Xixue down?

"You're right. Xia is really lucky." Xia Jue smiles without too much refutation.

"Elder martial brother, this person can get the first place in the table, no matter how lucky he is, but at least his strength is absolutely not weak, we should be careful..." Sun whispered beside Wu Hui.

"Let's not say that this man killed our younger martial brother Hua, he is the first in the table. If we kill him, our points will soar instantly, which will let many elders and others outside see our performance. It's an opportunity to lose!"

Compared with Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng, Wu Hui is more willing to deal with Xia Jue.

First of all, Lingnan is such a big area. If there is any talent, the amazing Tianjiao can't be so long without any news.

Secondly, he said before that this guy has so many points. Killing him and taking his points is the chance to become famous. This risk is worth taking anyway.

"Good elder martial brother, it's not too late. Let's do it." Elder martial sister sun was also agitated.

After making up their mind, Wu Hui and others stopped writing ink, and they immediately surrounded Xia Jue in front of them.

"do you think it's useful to have more people? The mob? " Xia Jue looked at the people around him with disdain.

"To die!"

Jian Yizong and others were enraged by Xia Jue's words. They took out their swords and killed Xia Jue in front of them.

"Vacuum fingerprints."

Xia Jue killed three experts in front of him, and then he flashed to the other side. At the same time, he took out the magic mirror from the storage bag again.

Up to now, he already knew the power of the magic mirror. It was a powerful weapon, so he was not stingy to use it.

"Magic mirror!"

Elder martial sister Wu Huisun and others over there were shocked when they saw the mirror in Xiajue's hand.

At the same time, they finally understand one thing.

That's what he said before that younger martial brother Hua was smashed by something. It turned out that he was smashed by this magic mirror.

"Don't panic, how can the magic mirror fall into the hands of the other party? Even if it falls into the hands of the other party, how can it be inspired by the strength of the other party's foundation? It's just an imitation."

Seeing that the people on his side were a little uneasy, Wu Hui quickly made a speech to calm the minds of the people.

"Elder martial brother Wu, even if it's an imitation, its power can't be underestimated. Just look at younger martial brother Hua." Elder martial sister sun's eyes had been staring at the mirror that Xia Jue was holding in the distance.

"He Jian Shu!" Wu Hui gave a loud drink, and then five swords flew out of his storage bag.

Sun Shijie and others did not dare to neglect. They all took out their swords from the storage bags one after another.

When these swords were taken out, I saw Wu Huisun's elder martial sister and other swords. Tianjiao drew her fingers together and drew out strange handprints.

Soon, the sword they took out flew into the sky and kept spinning.

After about a breath, these swords seemed to be drawn by something and gathered together to form a sword array similar to a funnel.


Just at this time, the mirror in Xia Jue's hand sent out a ray of light, which was shining straight in the direction of Wu Hui.

"Brother Wu, be careful!" The magic mirror is not for fun. Elder martial sister sun quickly reminds us.

"Hum." Wu Hui looked at the light coming from the distance and gave a cold hum. Then he waved his big hand to the sky, and the sword suspended above quickly flew over and blocked him.


The light from the magic mirror went into the sword fight and made a slight sound, and then there was no response, as if a stone had sunk into the sea.

"How is that possible?" Seeing this scene in the distance, Xia Jue was slightly surprised.He has tried the magic mirror several times, and the power is needless to say, even if Wang Xixue wants to resist it hard, he has to work hard.

And the strength of the people in front of us can't catch up with Wang Xixue, so the question is, is the sword skill really so powerful?

Xia Jue's eyes kept looking at the sword fight with countless long swords.

Suddenly, a faint light appeared in the sword fight.

Then the light became brighter and brighter, as if something was brewing.

All of a sudden, Xia Jue's sense of a sense of inexplicable danger came to his heart.

Without the slightest hesitation, he urged Yufeng to escape to the right side.

At the moment of his escape, a ray of light in the sword came out at an extremely fast speed.


Behind Xia Jue's original position, the towering tree was deeply cooled by the light from the sword fight.

"It's dangerous."

The swordsmanship of this sword is really mysterious. It can even bounce back the blow he used to use the magic mirror. If he hadn't been smart just now, he would end up like the flower without fish. It's a fear to think of Xia Jue.

"What a quick body method!"

Xia Jue's body method was just a matter of a moment. At this time, elder martial sister sun was able to recover.

"It's a pity." Wu Hui's face was a little gloomy again.

Just now, the blow was unexpected. Originally, he thought that with this blow, the opponent was either dead or disabled. However, he didn't expect that the opponent had such a fast body method, which made things difficult.

After this attack, the other side will be on guard. With the other side's fast body speed, even if they can win, they will have to pay a heavy price.

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