At the same time, outside the big array of the dojo.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this sword sect? How can it not even have a magic mirror?"

"The magic mirror can't help but reflect the light back. This is the most powerful place."

"That's right. If it wasn't for Xia's body method, he would have caught this one this time."

A group of people were very surprised at Wu Hui and others' sword skills.

Looking at the people talking, the face of another sword is very bright.

"Elder Chen, do you think these boys of our clan can take this Xia Jue?"

Sword a religion a worship cloud light breeze light of ask a way, obviously don't have too big worry to the war situation inside.

"It's estimated that the magic mirror will take three blows to break our sect's sword fighting skill, but with the previous lessons, the other side will not dare to use the magic mirror again. In this way, the other side's other means are not very powerful, and Wu Hui will surely win."

Said the man, known as elder Chen.

"Ha ha, it seems that elder Chen thinks as much as I do. As long as Wu Hui and they win this boy, then the scoreboard of our jianyizong team will instantly surpass the Tianjiao of the other five major teams. This is really brilliant."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Jian Yizong and others laughed happily.

Here Xia Jue put the magic mirror into the storage bag.

Because the other side has that sword fight here, his magic mirror attack will not cause any threat to the other side; on the contrary, he will be subject to the risk of backfire, so the magic mirror is not suitable to use.


"Clang, clang, clang."

Seeing that Xia Jue put away the magic mirror, Wu Hui made a few more gestures, and then the countless long swords scattered in the sword fight and cut towards him.

"Well, let's show you what real swordsmanship is."

Xia Jue clapped the storage bag, and the Dragon Sword flew out and fell into his hands.

It's been a long time for Tianzong to taste the power of these swords.

Wu Hui and others on the opposite side saw that Xia Jue took out a golden sword, and their eyelids jumped again.

Because they feel a strong power in this sword.

It's no exaggeration to say that it's even more powerful than the magic mirror before.

What kind of magic weapon is this?

"How can this bastard have so many powerful treasures?"

It's amazing that most people can have one of these powerful treasures, such as imitations of magic mirrors.

At the moment, Xia Jue has not only the magic mirror but also the powerful sword. It's hard to guarantee that there won't be other treasures next. This is what Wu Hui is worried about now.

"Elder martial brother Wu, what should we do now? This man has so many treasures that it's hard for us to take him down."

Although elder martial sister sun didn't want to admit this fact, she had to say it because of the endless powerful treasures in her opponent's hands.

"Elder martial brother, heroes don't suffer immediate losses. Let's retreat. This guy is really a variable. We don't have to fight him."

Another disciple of wanguzong also advised.

"Qiang Qiang."

While they were still talking, Xia Jue cut out a sword directly in the distance. After he cut out the sword, all the swords attacked by Wu Hui and others broke.


Wu Hui and others who saw this scene were all stunned.

You know, these swords are all made by the great master of sword refining.

These swords can split mountains and seas, but each one is extremely hard and powerful.

But these powerful swords were cut off by the opponent's sword. The key is not this.

The key is that the other side's sword cuts all their swords.

It's a little bit weird.

Wu Hui and others were so shocked, and so were those outside the great array of Daochang.

By this time, most of their faces were frozen.

After a long time, the people who came back to God spoke.

"How can Xia Jue have such a huge treasure?"

"What is his sword? I have lived for hundreds of years and have never seen such a powerful sword. "

"There must be an expert behind him, otherwise how could he have such martial arts skills and such a sword?"

People keep guessing about Xia Jue's background.

And at this time, the most wonderful look in the field is the one of sword.

Originally, they thought that they had a great chance of winning this time. Even they were talking about the situation after they got so many points.

But I didn't expect that Xia Jue's sword would kill them instantly."It's impossible. How can he have a sword of this level? Even the broken empty sword of our sword clan is just like this?" Elder Chen can't believe it.

"Elder Chen is right. The power of this sword is not under our broken sword. Where did this boy get it from?" Another elder of jianyizong made a startling sound.

The dialogue between the two elders made a group of disciples of jianyizong come to watch the battle secretly surprised.

You know, pokong sword is the treasure of their family. Its power is not the strongest in Lingnan, but it is at least the top five magic weapon.

And in the trial, the man named Zuo Xiajue had this top-level magic weapon. How could they not be shocked.

"Brother Hou, no wonder you have so much confidence in your summer worship. It's hard for you to hide it from us." There is ecstasy in the hollow of the sword.

No matter how Xia Gong got this powerful magic weapon.

It can be said that the chance of getting the famous weapon will be greatly increased in this trial.

It made him feel like three million dollars.

"Yes, Lord Hou, Xia gongfeng has such treasures. You are really calm."

"Xia Gong has such strength and treasure. It's a sure thing to get the place. I'm afraid we'll get rich."

The rest of the people who bet on Xia Jue were also ecstatic.

"Don't be happy too soon. The result will be a few days later. No one knows what will happen until the last minute."

Since Xia Jue's popularity, these people have often come to talk to him, which makes him tired now, so they can only always reply to them with this sentence.

"Lord Hou, is there any other treasures besides the sword offered by Xia A master wants to know that Xia Jue has no other treasures.

"Keep looking." Hou Xiaotian doesn't want to say too much more.

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