"Damn it. How can this boy have such treasures?"

Li HUFA here saw that Xia Jue was carrying such a huge treasure. He was afraid that something might happen. He became very nervous again.

Chang Dharma's heart is also constantly rolling at this time.

When Lin Kui, his apprentice, went to dilingzong and was injured, he knew that the other side had a very powerful sword. Even when he came to dilingzong, he asked Xia Jue to come to see it, but Xia Jue refused to take it out.

He thought it was just a magic weapon that would be more powerful in the future.

I didn't expect that it would be such a great treasure.

If he had known it was such a great treasure, he would have threatened to snatch it.

But it's too late to say anything.

First of all, Xia Jue has entered the trial of the Taoist school.

Secondly, it is well known that Xia Jue has this sword in his hands.

Even if Xia Jue can come out of the trial, he who dares to rob will be afraid of being despised by the people in the world.

"It's over, Chang Dharma protector. Are you sure that Lin Kui and his family can deal with this boy? Don't end up with nothing."

Li HUFA is really in a hurry. You know, it's about his personal survival.

If he really wanted to pay for the Yuan Stone, he would be ruined in an instant, and he would be severely punished by Wan guzong.

"Li Dharma protector doesn't need to panic. We Luoyang are still in it. We can't reach the little rampant with Luoyang."

After seeing Xia Jue's various means and the sword in his opponent's hand, Chang Dharma protector has lost his confidence.

"Damn it, how can I meet such a evil star? I've really been killed for eight generations!"

Li HUFA continued to abuse, it is obvious that he has understood that Xia Jue is now a very uncertain factor.

In the field.

Wu Hui and others who have recovered from the state of shock have begun to retreat.

"Why, I want to run now, but my sword has come out of its sheath. How can I stop without blood?"

Xia Jue sneered, and then cut off the disciples of the three swords on the right.

These three people are just the realm in the early days of foundation construction. How can they resist the power of the dragon sword.

With a bang, they vomited blood and flew out.

"Brother Wu, stop me for you Seeing that the situation was deteriorating so fast, elder martial sister sun had to choose to abandon the soldiers and protect the car.

"Younger martial sister sun, you are not strong enough. You go first and I'll stop him." Wu Hui is a man and a man. How can he let a little woman stay and break the queen.

"Don't worry, none of you can run away!"

In a short time, Xia Jue solved the problems of the sword sect disciples, and then he killed them.

"Elder martial brother Wu, let's go separately and see who he pursues!" Sun Shi came up with a compromise.

After a little thought, Wu Hui thought that this method was not bad. Anyway, there was a high probability that one of them could not run away. It was better to fight. Then he replied, "good!"

Say to do, two people immediately display body method to escape in two opposite directions.

"If I say you can't run, you can't run."

Looking at the direction of Wu Hui's escape, Xia Jue pats the storage bag, and the magic mirror falls into his hands again.


A ray of light fled into the distance and Wu Hui attacked.

"No, it's magic light!"

Wu Hui, who is trying his best to escape, feels an extremely terrible breath coming towards him. This breath is the one that God, magic, mirror and Dharma have come out before, and he is no stranger.

There was no way. The light was too fast. He had no way to hide. He had to fight hard.

Panic, he played dozens of protective light curtain in his rear, but the result seems to be in vain.

Because the terrible magic light directly penetrated the light curtain and shot directly at his heart.

At this critical moment, he tried his best to open his body slightly, and the magic light directly hit his right shoulder, and there was a huge hole in his right shoulder.

It's not over. Before he recovered from his injury, a powerful sword cut him.


Wu Hui flew out and hit a tree. His life and death were unknown.

He solved Wu Hui with the speed of thunder, and the opposite elder martial sister sun had already run out for tens of feet. At this time, Xia Jue immediately showed his performance and Yu Feng decided to catch up with him.

Although she didn't know what had happened, she didn't think it was a good thing.

But did not have time to let her think too much, behind a strong breath of pressure, let her a heart instantly to the throat up.

"How could it be so fast..."Elder martial sister sun was already surprised. Before, she clearly felt that she had escaped dozens of feet, and the other side didn't catch up. Even now, it took a certain amount of time for the other side to catch up. How could she catch up so quickly?

Is the speed of each other's body method really terrible to this point?

"Not good."

Just as her heart kept turning, a very dangerous breath from behind attacked her.

There is no way, she dare not hard, can only be fast to the right side of the place to dodge.

However, it was the dodging time that delayed her body speed, which led to her being directly chased by Xia Jue in the rear.

"As I said, none of you can run away. Why don't you save your strength?" Xia Jue stopped and stood opposite looking at the woman.

"You are not from Lingnan. Who are you?"

It's impossible for Lingnan, an unknown Tianjiao, to have such strength and treasures, so elder martial sister sun thinks that this man should have come from other places.

"What's the use of a dead man knowing so much?" Xia Jue approached each other step by step.

"I ask you, did you kill my elder martial brother Wu?" Elder martial sister sun asked as she stepped back.

"Yes, you can go down with him soon." Xia Jue did not deny it.

Although she had this guess in her heart, after the other side said it herself, it still set off waves in her heart.

How long has it been?

It's less than 20 breaths.

He killed her elder martial brother Wu in 20 breaths, which even Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng could not do.

This person is a little bit too scary.

Elder martial sister sun regretted very much. It would have been better if they had used their body method to escape far away.

It could save a life.

But now it's too late to say anything.

If the other party can kill Wu Hui in such a short time, it's as simple as killing an ant.

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