"I think it's more than fifty." Seeing that the two have made their stand, Wang Xixue is naturally not willing to be outdone.

Zhu Hongxing and others here saw that their attitude was so tough; they whispered a few words.

"OK, 50 points."

In the end, Xing Wuwu and others compromised. They thought they should make peace and make money. There was no need to work hard with these three tough guys.

"Here you are." Seeing that the other party agreed to come down, Li Zhuifeng didn't ink either. He took out a pile of natural materials and treasures from the storage bag and threw them at the other party.

"Go in, logarithm!" After confirming the quantity, he motioned Li Zhuifeng to go in.

"This is mine."


Wang Xixue and Xia Jue also threw a pile of natural resources and local treasures.

"Logarithm, you two can go in, but the others either accept our rules or get out of the way." Zhu Hong opens his mouth.

As soon as these words came out, a group of arrogant people at the scene immediately scolded.

However, they still dare not express it because they don't have the strength of Xia Jue's three people.

Here, Xia Jue and his three men came to a lake all the way after they were released by the people of the six main gates.

In the center of the lake, there is a stone altar about ten feet in size, on which there are seven or eight monks.

"There's only one incense stick in the pure altar. If you can't get the altar stone in one incense stick time, you will be directly excluded by the taboos in it. You have to hurry up."

At the lake, a liudamen Tianjiao who stayed here reminded us.

"How can we get the altar stone?" Xia Jue couldn't help asking.

"You can stop here for a while and see how they work, and then you'll know."


Xia Jue and the three turned to look at the seven or eight friars in the center of the lake.

Not let the three people wait for long, a master on the stone altar in the distance started.

His sword was not cut on the lake in the distance.

But what surprised the three of them was that the lake water seemed different from what they had imagined.

Generally speaking, if a sword like this is cut on the surface of the lake, the water will splash everywhere.

But now the monk's long sword cut on the lake did not have much destructive power. What we can see is that the pool of water is only a large depression, and there is no half a drop of water splashing out.

"What kind of water is this?" Xia Jue asked with doubts.

"It should be the legendary heavy water!" Li Zhuifeng highlighted these words in his mouth.

"You have insight. This is the heavy water. The altar stone you want is bred in the heavy water. You can only split the heavy water to find it. It also needs some luck. If you are lucky, you can find one altar stone three or five times. If you are not lucky, it's hard to say."

The garrison of the six major Tianjiao explained.

"I see!" Xia Jue understood.

"It's not too late. Let's go in." After understanding the rules, Li Zhuifeng couldn't help trying.

"Let's go." Xia Jue also followed to walk in.

There is no road for the lake to enter into the distant altar stone. Because this place of trial is restricted to travel in the sky, it can only enter by stepping on water.

Li Zhuifeng was the first one to go on the stage.

He showed his body method and stepped on the surface of heavy water. His body turned into a shadow. In a short time, he came to the stone altar in the distance.

Li Jue no longer has any scruples about pursuing the wind and water in the distance.

After seven or eight breaths, both of them are located in the stone altar.

"Vacuum fingerprints."

Xia Jue didn't waste any more time. When he got here, he directly played a martial art.


This martial art hit on the water, and the water was as deep as the monk just now.

At this time, Xia Jue accidentally found a concave place, there is a shining light emitting out.

"Stone altar!"

The friars nearby exclaimed in surprise, and then they rushed towards the sunken heavy water like crazy.

"My things are not so easy to grab!" Xia Jue is also angry to see that these people dare to hit their own things.

"Ah, ah, ah."

Three screams came out, which surprised Li Zhuifeng and Wang Xixue.

You know, those three guys are building foundations.

But without any reaction, they were killed by Xia Jue. The two of them asked themselves that it was difficult to achieve this clean and neat method.Here, Xia Jue used luanshen stab to kill the three guys, and then immediately went down to the heavy water.

However, it took some time to solve these three problems. At this time, the sunken heavy water recovered quickly.

The altar stone he found before was also submerged by the recovered heavy water.

"These damned bastards." Seeing this, Xia Jue couldn't help scolding in his heart.

If these bastards hadn't interfered with it just now, maybe he would have got this altar stone.

There is no way, after scolding Xia Jue hit the position of the altar stone again.

However, after this attack, the altar stone had disappeared from its original position.

Sure enough.

Once the heavy water is concave and then calms down, the water flow below will be staggered, and the previous altar stone is supposed to be staggered in it. I don't know where it is.

Now Xia Jue thinks it's too easy for those bastards to die before.

After a long time, I was lucky. I met an altar stone at the first blow. I won't be so lucky next time.

Just when Xia Jue is still regretting for missing the previous altar stone, Li Zhuifeng and Wang Xixue have already started to work.

Two people move to start to come, that can be said to be mighty, around sent out a burst of vitality fluctuation.

Time went by, and Xia Jue's luck was bad.

Half a column of incense in the past is nothing.

"If it doesn't work like this, how can we get into the land of treasures when we can't get a single stone?"

Without hesitation, he took out the magic mirror directly from the storage bag.

Before, he used martial arts or energy to hit heavy water, which can save a little energy. Otherwise, it will cost too much energy. What will Wang Xixue think later.

However, there are both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that the area of the chongshui depression is too small, which leads to the low probability of finding the altar stone.

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