So now he can only intensify his attack on heavy water, otherwise he will come to this place in vain.

"Magic mirror!"

"It's a magic mirror!"

As soon as the magic mirror came out, a breath of photography came out, which made all the monks at the scene aware.

Li Zhuifeng, who was working hard in the distance, also stopped for a moment to look at the mirror in front of Xia Jue.

He said that Xia Jue was just the cultivation in the early days of foundation construction. No matter how powerful he was, how could he get such a big advantage from Wang Xixue's hands? It turned out that he was still carrying such a huge treasure.


When people were still in different states, Xia Jue over there had already cast the light of magic mirror to shine on the heavy water below.

By the light of the magic mirror, about seven or eight feet of heavy water sank in.

"Altar stones, a lot of altar stones!"

It's hard to see a single stone in such a huge space, even if it's bad luck.

Xia Jue's luck was not bad this time. There were five or six altar stones emitting light in the sunken heavy water space.

Seeing the friars around these altar stones, their first thought was to rush up, but then they thought of the three guys before and calmed them down.

However, although they have some fear in their hearts, some people in the field do not have this fear.

For example, Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng.

Even if the other side used the magic mirror, they still had some confidence to retreat under the imitation magic mirror.

At this time, Wang Xixue launched a battle between heaven and man.

At present, the altar stone is in front of her. As long as she dares to go there, she will have a good chance to get it. Moreover, as the healing speed of heavy water is very fast, Xia Jue probably won't waste his time pestering her too much. I'm willing to give it a try.

And last time, this guy robbed the natural resources and local treasures that she was about to get. Now that he has a chance, he has no reason not to revenge.

Thinking of Wang Xixue, she didn't hesitate any more. Her figure flashed towards the sunken heavy water in the distance.

Wang Xixue's body is moving here, and Li Zhuifeng is not slow there. He will never give up this kind of cheap thing for nothing.

"Well, these two guys are here." Xia Jue, who was collecting an altar stone, frowned when he saw the two guys coming.

But the healing speed of heavy water is very fast. He has no time to entangle with these two guys too much. He can only rush to collect the second lesson altar stone first.

There were five yuan stones in this sunken place, among which Xia Jue collected three, Li Zhuifeng and Wang Xixue collected one each.

When the three people finished collecting, the heavy water began to heal. Xia Jue didn't dare to neglect it. Once he was engulfed by the heavy water, even if he was a master of building foundation, he would have a great risk, so he quickly withdrew.

"Ladies and gentlemen, is it a great feeling to sit and reap the benefits of the fisherman?" Xia Jue looks at these two people coldly.

"Brother Xia, this is not true. With the speed of heavy water healing, you can collect three altar stones even if we don't collect them. Why waste them in vain?"

Li Zhuifeng said with a smile, as if he didn't care about anything before.

"Last time you robbed me of my talent and treasure, now I charge some interest back. Is that too much?" Wang Xixue seems to have a bad breath in her heart.

"Ha ha, I'll help you to enjoy your success. You're very smart in your calculation." Xia Jue's skin does not smile.

"Well, brother Xia, the power of your magic mirror is good. Why don't you use it to break through the heavy water? Let's just collect some altar stones that you can't collect in time. We'll give you a certain reward afterwards. What do you think?" Li Zhuifeng continued.

Hearing Li Zhuifeng's words, Xia Jue couldn't help laughing.

It seems that this guy is treating him as a fool.

Let's not say how much energy he needs to expend each time he casts the magic mirror. It's just a question whether these two guys can willingly do it afterwards.

What's more, if the magic mirror is used for a certain number of times, the vitality in his body will not be able to withstand. Won't these two guys be slaughtered at that time?

"Why, brother Xia, don't you believe me and Wang Xixue?"

"No, I'd like to ask you a question. I don't know if I can answer it."

"Brother Xia, please say it." Li Zhuifeng was all ears.

"Not only one altar stone is enough to enter that treasure land, why do you all want to rob so many altar stones?" Xia Jue said the doubts in his heart.

Facing this problem, Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng are surprised.

They didn't expect that Xia Jue didn't even know this.

After thinking about it, Li Zhuifeng felt that this problem could not be concealed for long, so he simply told the other party.

"If you fail to enter the land of treasure, you will be rejected by the power of taboo. At this time, if you still have extra altar stones, you can enter it again. That is to say, one more altar stone will give you one more chance."After hearing Li Zhuifeng's explanation, Xia Jue finally understood.

So it is.

It's strange that they have to take care of the people from the six major branches, or Li Zhuifeng and Wang Xixue, who are all trying so hard to search for Tanshi. It turns out that's the reason.

Duobao land heard them say that every time they go in, there will be a lot of harvest. If they can go in ten times and eight times, the harvest will be terrible.

In any case, we must do our best to search Yuanshi now.

But these two guys are staring at him all the time now. If they see a bargain, they will take it. This is not a way.

"I said, have you collected enough altar stones for both of you? Now the time for incense is almost the past." Xia Jue reminds the two people in front.

"Brother Xia, are you not going to cooperate?" The kindness explained the function of the altar stone to the other side, but the other side didn't appreciate it at all, which made Li Zhuifeng's face a bit gloomy.

"There's nothing to cooperate with. If you're here, you can rely on your abilities." Xia Jue didn't pay any attention to each other's words.

"Well, let's all rely on our abilities." Li Zhuifeng looks at Xia Jue coldly and then turns to leave.

And Wang Xixue over there saw that Li Zhuifeng had left, so she had to retreat for a while.

Although they left, they were not far away. They were twenty feet away from Xia Jue.

This distance is only seven or eight breaths if they rush towards Xia Jue at full speed.

Looking at their actions, Xia Jue didn't know their thoughts.

"In that case, I'll let you suffer!" Xia Jue sneered in his heart, then pretended to be indifferent and prepared to hit heavy water again.

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