There was a bang.

Xia Jue hit heavy water with magic mirror again, and a large area of heavy water sank down again.

The luck this time was not as good as just now, but there were also four altar stones.

Li Zhuifeng in the distance didn't hesitate to see the situation. He came here from the side for the first time.

Xia Jue didn't care about him. First, he went into the sunken space of heavy water to harvest the altar stone. When he went to collect the second one, Li Zhuifeng also came here.

At this time, he suddenly stopped collecting the second altar stone. Instead, he patted the storage bag, and the dragon sword fell into his hand. Then, without stopping, he cut a sword at Li Zhuifeng with his backhand.

Li Zhuifeng, who is preparing to collect Yuanshi, can't imagine that Xia Jue doesn't even care about the altar stone. Suddenly, he attacks him. In a panic, he shows his magical skill of Qingmang and gathers a light curtain to resist.

If he tried his best to exert his green light magic power, he might be able to resist Xia Jue's sword, but it was just his hasty exertion. How could he resist the powerful power of Tai Long Sword.

With a bang, the cyan light curtain broke, and Li Zhuifeng was shocked to fly out.

This scene just happened in an instant. Wang Xixue, who rushed to the rear, was shocked.

"Poof." Li Danfei took out a bag of medicine and quickly vomited it out of his mouth.

In addition to the great array of the Taoist temple, the people were surprised.

They have never seen Li Zhuifeng end up in such a mess since they entered the trial of Daoism.

However, in front of him, he was hurt by Xia Jue, who was inferior to him in both fame and realm, which had to be filled with emotion.

"There are talented people coming out of the country. I think Xia Jue will win the first place in this Taoist trial."

"Yes, he has great potential. At present, Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng have suffered such a big loss in his hands. No one can do it except him in the Daoist trial."

"Damn, things are getting more and more out of control!" At this time, Li HUFA could not restrain his anger in the position of wanguzong.

Now this Xia Jue not only let Wang Xixue do nothing but also hurt li Zhuifeng, so even if they were the Tianjiao of wanguzong, they would not be able to kill him steadily.

If we can't solve him in the trial of the Taoist school, it will be a painful price to wait for Li to protect the Dharma.

"Li HUFA doesn't have to worry too much. It's only the second day now. Even if Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng can't help him, the crises in the Daoist trial are not vegetarian."

Even Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng can't help this guy, and some changes in the test of the Taoist school probably won't have much effect. Chang HUFA said this just to comfort himself and Li HUFA.

"When things get to this point, why don't I worry about protecting the Dharma? It's tens of millions of Yuan Stone. I can't afford to lose, nor can I afford to lose." Li HUFA is more and more anxious.

The picture turns to the heavy water lake where the Taoist trial is.

Because he had been plotting against Li Zhuifeng before, Xia Jue only took one altar stone and the heavy water healed again.

But he didn't regret it. Li Zhuifeng dared to disgust him. It's time to teach him a lesson.

"I told you not to think about taking advantage. Why don't you listen, brother Li?"

Xia Jue saw Li Zhuifeng, who had already stood up in front of him, but his face was still a little pale.

"What is your sword?" Li Zhuifeng looks at Xia Jue.

He really couldn't figure out what kind of sword he was using just now. It was so powerful that even the light curtain built up by his Qingmang magical skill could not resist it.

Wang Xixue on one side heard this, his heart was also a little uncertain.

It's absolutely not a common magic weapon that can hurt li Zhuifeng like this. At least that imitation magic mirror can't do it.

So what sword does Li Zhuifeng talk about?

If the other side has such a powerful sword, why didn't they take it out when they fought with her last time?

Do you want to preserve your strength?

I dare to preserve my strength in front of myself. I have to say that this guy is really powerful.

At this time, Wang Xixue is a little lucky that it was Li Zhuifeng who just came here for the first time instead of her. Otherwise, it might be him who ended up like this.

"You don't need to know so much." Xia Jue did not answer the other side's words.


Li Zhuifeng choked on the other party's words, and his heart was already burning with anger.

No one has ever dared to speak like this in front of him, and now this is the first time that he has hurt himself, which is a great shame.

Just as a few people were looking at each other, suddenly there was a change in this space.

Xia Jue and Wang Xixue only felt that they were dragged by an inexplicable force towards the far shore."Time's up!" Xia Jue understood that it was time for a stick of incense. They were rejected by the power of taboo here.

The power of this taboo is very powerful. Even though Xia Jue's strength is incomparably strong, they still can't resist, so they are dragged to the shore.

"It's quite a harvest for you The Tianjiao, who was stationed here, saw that Xia Jue and others had got a lot of altar stones, with an inexplicable color in his eyes.

"Just luck." Xia Jue didn't stay much. He went straight outside.

Soon, the three returned to the place where Tianjiao was stationed. Every act and every move in the

six block gate is naturally known to the people. So they look at three people at this time, and their mindset has changed a lot.

"What do you mean Looking at this group of people so bad appearance, Xia Jue can't help asking.

"It's not interesting. It's just that the old accounts between you and me should be settled." Behind Zhu Hong stood a figure, which Xia Jue was not unfamiliar with. It was Lin Kui.

To tell you the truth, Lin Kui didn't expect that Xia Jue could be so powerful after he entered the Taoist trial, and let Wang Xixue suffer such a big loss, and won the top of the table.

But no matter what, Xia Jue treated his father like this and destroyed their Wumo mountain. This hatred has long been invincible. He has long made up his mind that in this trial, either he or he will die.

"It's you Before, he did not see Lin Kui among the people of wanguzong. He thought that this person should have come while he was taking the altar stone.

"I didn't expect you to come this far. I have to say that you really opened my eyes." Lin Kui continued.

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