After fighting for such a long time, there have been a lot of scattered practitioners and disciples of other sects in the dark.

When the time comes, both sides will be hurt. It is intolerable for Xing Wuchang to let them take advantage.

Even Li Zhuifeng, at the moment the heart gave birth to a retreat.

I can think of it. How can he not think of Li Zhuifeng?

So when Li Zhuifeng said which word to withdraw, Li Zhuifeng went away without looking back.

"Well! Boy, don't be complacent. When the trial is over, someone will still deal with you! "

Xing Changchang's face was quiet. He gave a cold hum and took the lead to retreat.

This battle, they sword a son of heaven, only survived him.

It can be said that the losses are heavy. If we don't go, the end will be obvious.

The rest of them couldn't help looking at each other, but when they saw Xing Changchang, they all agreed to leave.

They didn't dare to stay here too much, for fear that Xia Jue would be upset, so they gave them a magic mirror. At that time, even if they wanted to cry, there was no place to cry.

Xia Jue breathed a sigh of relief, put away the magic mirror and the dragon sword, at the same time, he ate a Huiyuan pill to recover his consumed Yuanli.

Just now, he was aware that at least dozens of master builders had gathered in the dark.

So just took out the magic mirror, strong shot killed a few people, at the same time also want to kill Wang Xixue here.

Although Wang Xixue gave him an accident, he succeeded in shaking Li Zhuifeng and Xing Wuchang.

Let them retreat.

However, it almost consumed Xia Jue's strength. If they continued to attack, Xia Jue did not dare to guarantee how long he could last.

In addition, people peep in the dark, so Xia Jue just let go.

In order to calm down Li Zhuifeng and others, but also let the people in the dark, dare not easily start on him.

Fortunately, he succeeded. After Li Zhuifeng and Xing Wuchang retreated, those who were hidden in the dark also gradually retreated.

Although there were a few people who were not willing to leave, they had to leave after seeing Xia Jue's great power.

Who dares to ask Xia Jue for trouble at this time?

If one doesn't please, he will be killed directly, then all his previous achievements will be wasted and everything will be over.

Seeing this, Xia Jue finally relaxed. Fortunately, everything was developing in the direction he expected.

Huiyuandan soon recovered a lot of duyuanli for him. Although it was not much, it was better than nothing.

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, Xia Jue was in full bloom.

These are all integral points!

Immediately, Xia Jue began to collect the storage bags on those people.

This scene, let the people outside are shocked, this Xia Jue, unexpectedly so terrible, one person alone against many experts, and also successfully won!

This is not something anyone can do. Even the well-known Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng do not have such fighting power.

Just as Xia Jue was collecting the storage bag, he suddenly trembled in the void, and he was very weak.

If not for Xia Jue, I'm afraid it's hard to feel it.

In the fight with Wang Xixue and other favored sons of heaven, Xia Jue has already noticed this abnormality.

From time to time let his body a shock, and now there.

This makes Xia Jue a little surprised. This is the test of the six major schools. How can such an abnormality happen?

Without waiting for Xia Jue to think about it, the tremor in the void became bigger and bigger.


At this time, the invisible void suddenly seemed to be cracked, and then a huge force rushed towards Xia Jue.

Xia Jue was so surprised that he didn't care to collect those people's storage bags any more. He used Yu Feng Jue and fled quickly.

"Is the void broken?"

Xia Jue is creepy. It's a great event, although in the trial of this Taoist school, it's all illusory scenes of array.

But there is still a void here. If the void is really broken, if Xia Jue is involved in it, I'm afraid there is no way to live.


The sound of fragmentation is getting louder and louder, and an invisible black hole suddenly appears beside Xia Jue.

At the same time, there are breathtaking breath from the black hole.

Xia Jue could not help but feel numb and sped up his escape. As for the bodies and storage bags in place, they were directly involved and turned into fly ash.

"Where is the void breaking? If it wasn't for the great power, I'm afraid those monks below the great power would not be able to do so! "

Xia Jue stabilized his mind and soon understood the reason.

This trial has existed for so many years, and there has never been such a situation.

But unfortunately, he appeared beside him. If there was no ghost, Xia Jue would not believe it.

Just a little thought for a while. Xia Jue knew.This is the big array of Daoists that maintains this place. If something goes wrong, it will lead to the instability of the void here and make mistakes!

However, the big array of Daochang is maintained by the array mages of the six major sects. How can it suddenly make mistakes?

Thinking of this, Xia Jue couldn't help but feel shocked, as if he thought of something.

"Damn, are these six gates so shameless? I can't beat my own disciples. I'm even thinking about this array! "

Xia Jue looked back at the crack of the void behind him and couldn't help taking a breath.

Good guy, if this is affected, it will turn into fly ash in an instant.

Xia Jue pats the storage bag, takes out several pieces of Huiyuan pills, swallows them, and quickly refines them to restore his own Yuanli.

Then he played Yufeng Jue to the extreme and rushed out quickly.

"Damn, can't you kill any boy when such a terrible array collapses?"

At this time, Lu Chen, the master of wanguzong's array, cursed secretly and wanted to enlarge the array.

But he was stopped by a mage.

"Lu Chen, are you crazy? Now it must have attracted the attention of the senior management. For the sake of 500000 yuan stone, you want to die, but we don't want to die! "

The mage said in a hurry.

"Yes, Lu Chen, we have violated the rules several times just now, but I don't know what's strange about this little guy. There's nothing wrong with him."

"It's our limit to do so. Didn't Li HUFA also say that? Even if you don't kill him, there's nothing wrong. There will be no less than 500000 yuan stone! "

"We'd better repair it as soon as possible. I think the high level should have sent someone to come here now. If there is any delay, I'm afraid we're not far from death!"

Other people are also advised to say.

Lu Chen shook his head and finally nodded. Although he didn't kill Xia Jue, he was disappointed.

If at present, he will have lost the chance.

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