There's really no need to do it again.

If found by the high level, I'm afraid it's not as simple as his own death. If it's serious, I'm afraid it will destroy the nine ethnic groups!

Lu Chen has no doubt that the top management of the six major departments will do so in order to stabilize people's minds.

Next, six mages, including Lu Chen, began to repair the array.

People outside, of course, were shocked to see this scene.

"What's the matter? Where is the void, how can it break

"Yes, it's too sudden, isn't it?"

Some people who understand the array can't help but stand up and say.

"It's caused by the instability of the array, not the collapse of the void."

"Yes, it's inevitable that accidents will occur during the operation of the array."

"But this is the grand array maintained by the six major sect mages. It's reasonable to say that there won't be such a big mistake."

Everyone nodded, thinking that what he said was really reasonable.

"Lord, what do you think is the situation?"

Five elder's heart, worry unceasingly, for fear that Xia Jue has what accident.

This is the root of whether they can rise or not!

Even if it wasn't, the five elders didn't want anything to happen to Xia Jue for his contribution to their Di Ling sect.

"Look! It's natural for a good man to be worshipped in the summer. "

Hou Tianxiao shook his head. He was also worried. Seeing this, he had some ideas, but he didn't say them.

Hou ling'er is also extremely nervous, staring at the picture in the sky for a moment.

It was only after the void had suddenly dissipated that she was relieved.

"Don't panic, everyone. It's a little bit of the big array in the Taoist temple. Some monsters appear and bite a array flag, which leads to this situation."

"Now that the monster has been killed by us, the mage of the array is also urgently repairing the big array and restoring the array flag. Please be calm. It will be OK."

At this time, two figures suddenly flew into the sky to stabilize the minds of the people.

"So, shh."

"It's a false alarm. Those monsters are really hateful. When I see one, I'll kill one!"

"There are six reasons for such mistakes."

"Yes, the monster is not under our control. No one wants to have this accident."

The crowd soon showed a sudden insight. Liudachangmen also had disciples among them, plus liudachangmen's reputation and prestige in Nanling.

So they didn't go there at all because someone was making trouble.

And in their opinion, there is no reason to sit like this.

Although Hou Tianxiao thinks that something is wrong, he just worries about the accident of Xia Jue.

As long as Xia Jue has nothing to do, the rest will be irrelevant.

These two people are naturally called by Li HUFA, in order to stabilize people's mood.

He didn't expect that Lu Chen's mages actually made such a big move, which really shocked him.

In a hurry, he asked someone to deal with it, but he and Chang HUFA went to Lu Chen to find out.

Fortunately, there were no casualties, otherwise when the high-level accountability of zongmen came down, Li HUFA would be even worse off!

"What's going on? What are you doing? "

After Li HUFA arrived, he angrily scolded Lu Chen and other six mages.

A few people can't help a tight heart, deeply understand which are serious, Lu Chen this just said in a hurry.

"Just now, one of them accidentally pulled up a flag. That's why such a situation happened."

Hearing what Lu Chen said, Li HUFA was even more out of breath. What's the matter? A mistake?

Mad, are you trying to kill me?

"I told you to be careful? Now, everyone knows! "

Li HUFA didn't say well.

Lu Chen and other mages could not help sweating.

"Don't worry, if the high-level accountability, we have some words to say!"

"So good!"

Li HUFA dropped a few words and left here with a wave of his sleeve.

"Li HUFA, when will our Yuanshi be given?"

Another mage pondered for a while, then said.

Since Lu Chen doesn't talk about it, the other mages will not.

After all, Lu Chen is also a member of wanguzong. It's normal to be afraid of Li HUFA's power.

However, five of them are the other five major mages. Although Li's position is higher than them, they are not afraid.

"Hum, don't worry. You will be indispensable then."

Li HUFA snorted coldly, and his voice spread far away.He doesn't dare not to give it away. Lu Chen can punish him, but the other five major mages can't even teach him.

In order to seal their mouths, it is said that each person should have 500000 yuan of stone.

Otherwise, he will be the first to commit the crime of protecting the law!

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the consequences. Frustration is light.

Several array mages looked at each other, but they did not dare to say anything more.

At this time, all the best children in the test of Daochang gathered beside a platform.

As long as you take out the token, you can quickly leave from which array.

As long as the outside world, no one dares to die.

Unless you don't hesitate to offend the other party.

Many people have left, such as Li Zhuifeng and Xing Wuchang.

Of course, they are aware of the changes that have taken place in the Taoist array.

So I can't wait to gather here and want to leave as soon as possible.

If this big formation is unstable again and something happens, it will lose a lot if it dies here.

After the powerful son of heaven left, the rest of them slowly went out with the token.

At this time, Xia Jue also shows his Yufeng Jue and rushes towards here. He also wants to leave the trial.

Anyway, no one can surpass his points.

It doesn't make much sense to stay here!

Seeing the arrival of Xia Jue, people could not help but make way for him to go first.

This is Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng alone, as well as the five big favourites of heaven, who are not inferior.

He was also strong to kill many five major disciples, such a cruel man, but no one is willing to provoke.

Xia Jue, of course, didn't care about it. He rushed to the platform and swept it with a token.

Suddenly a burst of light rushed up, wrapped Xia Jue in it, and then sent him out.

At this time, outside, Hou ling'er saw that Xia Jue finally came back safe and sound, and ran towards Xia Jue, with a strange emotion in his eyes.

"Xiagong, you are back."

After running over, Hou ling'er suddenly forgot what he wanted to say, and then changed his voice.

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