Seeing Hou ling'er, Xia Jue just smiles and nods. He doesn't say anything.

Of course, he also knows Hou ling'er's mind, but Xia Jue himself knows that he can't promise anything to Hou ling'er.

That's why I keep pretending I don't know anything.

Xia Jue and Hou ling'er said hello, then they went to Hou Tianxiao.

Hou Ling er's face can't help showing disappointment, as if lost soul general, also turned back to Hou Tianxiao's side.

Seeing this, Hou Tianxiao could not help shaking his head, then sighed and looked at Hou ling'er with a complicated look.

"Congratulations to Xia Gong. He won the first prize in the trial."

Hou Tianxiao turned and looked at Xia Jue, with a surprise smile on his face.

Since Xia Jue came to their dilingzong, their dilingzong has become more and more prosperous.

In the past, dilingzong was just a humble sect, but these days, in the trial of the six major sects in Nanling.

Xia Jue is out of the limelight, of course, also let them lingzong fame.

Xia Jue was defeated by Wang Xixue, and Li Zhuifeng, the two most favored sons of heaven, was not even the one of the six major schools.

How can Hou Tianxiao not like it?

And Xia Jue's final points, however, exceed all the talents of Nanling, and no one can compete with him.

With this, Xia Jue's future achievements must not be low.

And his Di Ling Zong was also on the same front with Xia Jue.

It can be said that both the prosperity and the loss of each other.

Nowadays, Xia Jue is famous in the new generation, so the benefits of his Di Ling sect are inevitable.

Not to mention anything else, Xia Jue was able to enter the six major gates of Nanling for cultivation.

This is the dream of all practitioners in Nanling.

Xia Jue comes from their local lingzong. Because of Xia Jue's relationship, future resources and those who want to join the six major sects must also consider the excessive cultivation in the local lingzong.

"Thank you for taking me in."

Xia Jue arched his hand to Hou Tianxiao. Even now, he did not forget that Hou Tianxiao and di lingzong had helped him.

"Good! The summer worship is serious. "

Hear Xia Jue say so, Hou Tian Xiao Lang smile a, connect to say two good words.

In the heart can not help but very proud, he really did not see the wrong person, Xia Jue is not that kind of ungrateful generation!

"Congratulations on the summer offering!"

The five elders on one side also came over and congratulated Xia Jue, with a smile on his face.

"Five elders!"

Xia Jue also bowed his hand to the five elders.

All the people on one side could not help looking at Xia Jue with a complicated look.

This son has such terrible strength, but he comes from an unknown small clan.

If it wasn't for the facts, they wouldn't believe it anyway.

A poor sect can cultivate such terrible talents.

This shows that Xia Jue's talent is so high that his eyes can't help changing and full of fire.

"I'm afraid that in the six major schools, this one will soar to the sky?"

"Yes, such a terrible performance, I think the six major doors must have been fighting, right?"

"Haha, it's really interesting. I'd like to see which school this boy will enter to practice in the end."

There was a lot of discussion.

For Xia Jue's future, very optimistic.

Only when you enter the six gates of Nanling, can you have a chance to see a wider world in the world!

The Yuanjie continent is vast. Even Nanling is just a small place in the continent.

All his life, the friars in the foundation period were just in this eastern region.

If you want to go to other regions, you have to use the domain gate!

Nanling is just a place in the eastern region.

In addition, there are four areas: the north, the Central Plains, the East and the Xishan.

Not to mention the other four areas, the area is daunting.

Only those great powers in the legend have a chance to show the whole continent.

Nanling has always been a place of great pride, but few people have reached the realm of great power.

Xia Jue has this potential!

It's definitely the target of the six major departments competing with each other.

Next, it mainly depends on how Xia Jue chooses.

"Ha ha, Xiaoyou is really unpredictable. With the strength of one person at the initial stage of foundation building, all the arrogant people in the trial of defeat are really the model of our generation!"

At this time, Wen Jiankong came over with a smile and said hello to Xia Jue.

"I'm flattered, master!"Xia Jue looks at Wen Jiankong with some doubts and doesn't understand his intention.

Xia Jue had never dealt with Wen Jiankong, so he didn't know him, which was quite normal.

"He is an old man in Nanling. Although his accomplishments are not high, he has a great reputation! You call him Mr. Wen

At this time, when he saw Xia Jue's puzzled look, Hou Tianxiao explained to Xia Jue.

"It's Mr. Wen. It's polite!"

Xia Jue arched his hand and said.

"No harm, no harm! Xiaoyou, I have a banquet in Xuantian restaurant. I'd like to invite you and all Daoyou of dilingzong. I hope you don't refuse! "

But Wen Jiankong didn't care. He said to Xia Jue with a smile.

Xia Jue looked at Hou Tianxiao. Seeing that he nodded, he accepted.

Wen Jiankong praised Xia Jue again, and then left here.

"Lord, what's the matter with Mr. Wen?"

Xia Jue was a little confused. He didn't know about the six main doors. He opened the door here.

Hou Tianxiao said with a smile.

"To tell you the truth, after the beginning of the trial in the Taoist temple, someone opened an opening here. That is to bet on the position that the examiners will get. Once they are doomed to win, they will get the Yuan Stone according to the odds."

Xia Jue suddenly realized that it was so. He quickly guessed the reason.

If you want to come to old Mr. Wen, you will bet on your own ranking. You must have made a lot of money, otherwise you won't come to make friends with him.

"How much did he take?"

Xia Jue asked suddenly.

"Ten thousand stone!"

Hou Tianxiao said with a smile.

"So much?"

Even Xia Jue could not help but be surprised. Ten thousand yuan stone was a huge sum of money.

That old man Wen has put so much money on him. It can be said that he has high expectations for him!

"What's my odds?"

Thinking of this, Xia Jue can't help but ask in surprise.

Hou Tianxiao already knew that Xia Jue would ask, so he was ready to speak.

"Mr. Wen bet that you will be in the top ten, the odds are one to three hundred, while the odds of the top five are one to five hundred, and the number one is one to one thousand."

How can Xia Jue say that his odds are so high? If you bet three million yuan, don't you want ten thousand yuan?

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