The leader is even more outrageous. If you bet 10000 yuan, you can get 10 million yuan stone. This odds is really amazing?

"You're not going to bet, are you?"

Xia Jue suddenly said strangely.

At this time, the thirteen elders suddenly came out and said with a smile.

"That's right. The patriarch took the Xia worship Association into the top five, which is also 10000 yuan stone, so now we have made five million yuan stone

Around is Xia Jue, also can't help a surprise, this Hou Tianxiao really play big, unexpectedly pressed so much to enter, and still took him into the top five.

You know, ten thousand yuan of stone is already a lot of income in dilingzong.

Hou Tianxiao can bet so much. I really don't know how determined he is.

This is the strength of their own, very confident ah?

Fortunately, he didn't have an accident, smoothly entered the top five, and won the first place. Otherwise, Hou Tianxiao would lose 10000 yuan, and Xia Jue would be embarrassed!

"Suzerain, you are really in a mess!"

Xia Jue can't help blaming.

"Ha ha, it's not that I have confidence in Xia Gong's strength, otherwise I wouldn't have put so much money into it, and it's still the top five."

"Now it seems that Xia Gong is really amazing. I'm not wrong. He won the first prize."

Hou Tianxiao said with a smile.

"Yes, we earned five million yuan for nothing. It's just a pity that Xia Gong exceeded our expectation and won the first place. Tut tut?"

"It's really a pity. If we had won the first prize, we would have ten million yuan now."

Hou Tianxiao stares at elder five and elder thirteen in a hurry, and they don't speak at once.

Xia Jue can't help but be speechless, which is really speechless. However, it was a matter within their local lingzong, so Xia Jue didn't say much.

It's up to them to make a steady profit anyway.

At this time, all the talents who survived in the test of the Taoist school have come out.

All of them are standing in the square, waiting for the selection of the six major departments.

In addition to Xia Jue, almost all of them were slightly or seriously injured.

Qiao Changlao, who is in charge of the host, came out at this time, looked at the audience with satisfaction, and then said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the trial is over. Congratulations to all of you for living in the trial and getting great marks."

"Next, I'd like to announce the ranking. At present, Xia Jue has won the first place with a score of 6268."

"Wang Xixue won the second place with a score of 3109."

"The third place winner was Li Zhuifeng, with a score of 2876."

"The fourth place winner is Xing Wuchang, with a score of 2523."


Joe said, and then he announced the top 20 points.

"This time, the top 30 Tianjiao, in addition to the original disciples of the six major sects, can choose their own sect. Of course, if there is any sect elder, they can also choose their favorite disciples. However, all examiners have the right to refuse."

"As for the disciples other than 30, their performance is also good. After the six major schools have been assigned, you Tianjiao can get started."

After that, elder Qiao retired. He had finished the work he presided over, so next, there was nothing for him.


At this time, several elders of the six sects rushed out in an instant and rushed straight to Xiajue.

"Xia Jue, our Shenquan sect is willing to accept you as the core disciple of the inner sect. You can learn the martial arts in the classics of the sect. Can you join our Shenquan sect?"

The elder of Shenquan sect said first.

"Nonsense, Xia Jue certainly joined our tieyizong, your Shenquan Zong. It's just those moves. What's there to learn?"

The elder of the iron clothes sect said with a blow beard and glaring eyes.

"Hum, Xia Jue has some chances with our wanguzong. Joining our wanguzong is the most suitable choice!"

The elder of wanguzong is not willing to show weakness.

"Ha ha, you wanguzong want to win over Xia Xiaoyou? Not afraid of jokes? I'm afraid you don't want to get back at him? "

The elder of jianyizong sneered.

"I'm afraid that your sword sect is not much better, and the purpose is not pure. If you want me to say, it's best for you to join our five element sect!"

Said the elder of the five elements.

"Xiaoyou, don't listen to them. I'm willing to ask Xiaoyou to be the deacon of Yinyang sect for me!"

The elder of Yinyang sect disdained the other five elders.


They could not help but be dumb. As expected, things were developing in the direction they expected. The elders of the six major schools in Nanling all threw olive branches to Xiajue one after another.As for Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng, they directly ignored them.

Joke, is there such a genius, Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng, who can defeat all Tianjiao present? Don't worry!


Wang Xixue and Li Zhuifeng are embarrassed.

Is this the feeling of being ignored? Why do I want to kill?

At least we've been famous for a long time.

Would you mind paying attention to me?

However, the elder of Liuda sect directly ignores Wang Xixue's and Li Zhuifeng's resentful eyes.

I didn't even look at it.

As for which clan Xia Jue should join, they quarreled here regardless of face.

"No, I can't, little friend. Isn't he a deacon? As long as you join our five element sect, I will be the law enforcement envoy. "

"Well, it's not too much to be the elder of our Yin Yang sect, just because of the talent of Xiaoyou."

"My divine boxing sect..."

…… Several elders are red faced and want to draw Xia Jue into their clan.

In their opinion, Xia Jue, such a genius, should join their clan.

The six elders argued endlessly, and there was a posture of fighting when they didn't agree.

All the onlookers were silly. Even if they expected something, it's too exaggerated, isn't it?


Even Xia Jue could not help but feel speechless. How could he feel that he had become a sweet cake.

"I said, Xiaoyou, which clan do you want to join? Let's show our attitude? Otherwise, the six elders will fight! "

At this time, Qiao Chang appeared again with an embarrassed face. He had already retired and was ready to discuss with the six elders about how to distribute the rest of the disciples.

But what he didn't expect was that the six elders had quarreled about Xia Jue's belonging here.

Like a couple of street thugs.

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