To see this scene, di lingzong and others were even more happy.

Xia Jue became the pride of all the people, and their di lingzong also had a long face.

This is exactly what Hou Tianxiao hopes to see.

"Let me think about it!"

At this moment, Xia Jue hears elder Qiao's words, can't help thinking.

To be honest, he hasn't thought about it before.

But even he did not expect such a situation.

At the beginning, he just thought that he could enter one of the six major sects.

I didn't expect that I didn't get the first place and became the target of the six major departments.

But now that he has a choice, he can't help thinking it over.

At this time, the six elders heard Xia Jue's words and quieted down.

They suddenly realized that even if they were fighting fiercely, the final choice should be left to Xia Jue himself.

Xia Jue was thinking that Wan guzong would not go in. After all, he killed so many thousand of his favorite sons, and even Lin Kui, the disciple of Chang Dharma protector, was killed by him.

This action must have offended the Changhu law. Although it is clearly stipulated that no matter life or death in the trial, it can not be targeted after coming out.

But after all, rules are dead, and people are alive. Few people will break the rules.

It's just that weinanling people don't make any big moves.

If it's in the dark and no one knows, maybe someone will jump out.

This is the worry of Xia Jue. Although the Dharma protector promised that he would not target at di lingzong.

But in the face of interests, nothing can be the norm.

In the world of cultivation, the strong are respected, which is the eternal truth.

As for the other five major sects, Xia Jue suddenly remembered the changes that had taken place in the big array of Daochang before the end of the trial.

Xia Jue would not believe it if he said that it wasn't the six major sect's array mage.

It's understandable that a wanguzong aimed at him.

However, the great array of Daochang is not maintained by one sect master, but by six sect masters.

It's certain that every master of the array has a certain relationship. It's just that he didn't make a big noise.

As for who was able to mobilize the six array mages, Xia Jue did not know.

At the moment, Li HUFA's face was very blue, and he was walking back and forth in the hall. He turned to one side, and Chang HUFA's eyes were a little blurred.

"What to do? What shall we do? "

Li HUFA murmured to himself.

He trembled at the thought of paying tens of millions of yuan.

Ten million yuan stone, let alone him, even if the whole ten thousand drum clan add up, there are not so many yuan stone.

If Wan guzong's high-level know, Li HUFA is very clear about his fate.

"Always protect the Dharma, you should pay attention to me!"

Li HUFA couldn't help getting a little annoyed. When he thought of the advice that Chang HUFA had just given him, he couldn't help feeling distressed.

Now we have to pay not only ten million yuan stone, but also five hundred thousand yuan stone for each of the six mages.

But the key is, those unreliable guys, things are not done well, otherwise he would not be so anxious.

However, he also made a promise that no matter whether he could succeed or not, he would not get less than half a million yuan per person.

Li HUFA has a pain in the flesh. I don't know what to do.

"Well, I can't help it!"

Chang HUFA sighed a long time, looking a little gray and said.

I knew those mages were useless. What's his idea?

Now, I'm tied to a boat by Li HUFA. Even if I want to run, I can't help it.

"Let's wait and see what the other five people will say. After all, there are also their shadows in it!"

"Yuanshi must pay for it, even if it's the cost of bleeding, otherwise the reputation of the next six major gates in Nanling will be destroyed."

After thinking for a moment, Chang said.

"Hum, I also know that I have to pay for it. The key is that I don't have this Bi Yuan Stone. Who should bear it?"

Li gave a cold hum.

Chang HUFA's face also flashed a trace of anger, but it was fleeting and was not noticed by Li HUFA.

At the same time in the heart of greasy crooked, this is obviously your own play big, now blame me? I just had an idea.

Li HUFA saw that Chang HUFA didn't have any good opinions, so he scolded secretly and went out in a rage.


"I said, Xiaoyou, have you figured out which sect you want to join?"Elder Qiao saw that Xia Jue had been thinking for a long time, but he didn't speak. He couldn't help but remind him.

The other six elders are also in a bit of a hurry.

Qiao Changlao himself is the elder elected by the six major sects to preside over the trial of the Taoist school. He is not a member of one of the six major sects. At the same time, he is also a member of the six major sects.

So for him, Xia Jue joined any clan.

After all, no matter what, the six major departments are very friendly on the surface.

Xia Jue can't help but feel a little embarrassed. To tell you the truth, Xia Jue doesn't want to join the six major sects after the big battle.

But the six major sects are all the top sects in Nanling. If they all offend him, it will do him no good in the future.

With his current strength, he can't fight against any school at all.

What's more, because of the reason of dilingzong, Xia Jue didn't want dilingzong to be targeted by the people of the six major sects.

So for now, it is safe to choose to join one of the six major sects.

However, in addition to the sword sect and the Wangu sect, there are four sects: the Tieyi sect, the Shenquan sect, the Wuxing sect and the Yinyang sect.

The iron clothes master's martial arts skill is iron cloth shirt, which is also defense. It's not suitable for Xia Jue, so he doesn't consider it.

The martial arts of Shenquan sect are very powerful. You can choose to consider them.

It seems that wuxingzong is a good choice because of its profound skills.

Xia Jue was not very interested in the study of FAFU as an attack.

Then it is the choice between Shenquan sect and Wuxing sect.

Just when Xia Jue hesitated, a figure suddenly broke through the air, and his figure reached the acme, almost in a flash.

The figure was hanging in the air, sending out a breath of soul, which made the people present feel shocked and depressed.

The elder of Liuda sect, of course, also saw the person coming. He couldn't help showing his strange expression, but he didn't dare to speak.

At this time, the figure put away his power and quickly fell down to Xiajue.

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