This multiple choice question is not difficult to do.

Then he turned his head to see Wang Heng.

Wang Heng doesn't know why Lin Shiyi knows Xia Jue, but he has no time to think so much now.

because it seems that Lin Shiyi will turn the gun to deal with him.

"Lin Shiyi, what do you want to do? If you dare to do something to me, no matter what ability you have, you will get endless revenge from the Wang family."

Wang Heng knows Lin Xi's ability, so he can only carry out the Wang family to threaten him.

"I'm sorry, Wang Shao." Lin Shiyi is about to start with Wang Heng.

"Protect Wang Shao."

The bodyguard leader nearby saw something was wrong, and immediately called the bodyguard to protect Wang Heng and Wang Lin behind him.

Other people saw that the fight was about to start, and in order to avoid bringing disaster to the pond, the fish quickly dodged to one side.

"Lin Shiyi, you are such a creep. How dare you offend the Wang family?"

The leader of the bodyguard also knows Lin Xi's ability and doesn't want to fight him, so he continues to try to threaten him.

"Get out of the way, I only do it to Wang Heng."

Lin Shiyi himself stood on one side, while there were more than 30 black bodyguards on the other side.

But what makes people feel funny is that it seems that dozens of bodyguards in black are the weak side.

"Hum, if you want to move Wang Shao, first step on our bodies and give it to me." The head of the bodyguard had to fight against Lin Shiyi.

"Bang bang."

Lin's fist seems weak, but every time he hits the bodyguard in black, the bodyguard in black will vomit blood.

But in a few minutes, none of the more than 30 black bodyguards could stand up again.

People who came to the banquet were stunned to see this scene.

The same question arose in their hearts.

So who is Lin Xi?

How can you fight like this?

Wang Heng is so gloomy that he can drip ink.

He could have expected the result.

It's just that he has nothing to do now.

He can't run, either.

Because it will tarnish the prestige of his family.

"Wang Shao, I don't want to fight against you. You can break your legs and let me have an account in front of the God of war." Lin Shiyi looks at Wang Heng coldly.

God of war?

Wang Heng doesn't understand why Lin Shiyi calls that ugly eight monster that way.

But he swears.

As long as he can come back to Wang's house alive today, he must launch the most severe revenge on the ugly and his relatives and friends.

"If you touch my brother, I promise you will die." To such a situation, Wang Lin anxious, can only keep threatening.

Have threatened for so long, Lin eleven if want to stop long ago stop, he certainly won't pay attention to Wang Lin's words.

"Wang Shao, since you don't do it, don't blame me." Lin Xi approached Wang Heng step by step.

Seeing Lin Shiyi approaching himself, Wang Heng's forehead unconsciously shed a few drops of sweat.

"Xia Jue, don't let that Lin 11 stop. No one can save you if you offend the Wang family." Su Changqing is in a hurry.

If Wang Heng has an accident in Zhonghai, it's hard to guarantee that he won't be involved in their su family.

After all, Zhonghai is their su family's territory. If Wang Heng can't keep it, what face does his Su family have.

"Yes, Xia Jue, that's the son of the king's master. If you touch him, the king's family will chase you." Su Junhao also threatened.

Listening to these threats, Xia Jue didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, he raised his mouth slightly.

"After all, it's not like the Grand Duke of Kyoto who worries about this.".

"Don't worry, the Wangs are just a few smelly mole ants in my eyes. They can't make waves." Xia Jue comforts Su Yihan.

When people around heard Xia Jue's remarks, they took a breath.

How many smelly mole ants are the Wangs in his eyes?

It's so ugly. It's a big tone.

Is Wang Ni really a family?

"Don't move me, brother." Wang Lin stands in front of Wang Heng.

Lin Shiyi stretched out her seemingly small arm, then gently pushed it, and Wang Linna's body, which was close to 200 Jin, stepped back to one side.

"Pa pa."

Lin Shiyi stretched out his toes and gently pointed towards Wang Heng's knee joint.

See Wang Heng's legs instantly folded down, his body also fell to the ground, constantly wailing.

"Lin Shiyi, Xiajue, my royal family will destroy you all." Wang Heng, who is wailing in pain on the ground, still ignores the threat.

Lin Xi ignores Wang Heng's threat and turns to Xia Jue."Zhan"

"just call me Mr. Xia."

It's strange to call Xia Jue the God of war, so Xia Jue asked him to change his words.

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

"Mr. Xia, I have abolished Wang Heng now. Do you have any instructions?" Lin eleven respectfully asked Xia Jue.

"By the way, there's one thing I don't know if you're interested in." Xia Jue seems to think of something.

"What's the matter?" Lin Shiyi was a little nervous. He was afraid that Xia Jue would let him do something difficult.

"We are short of a security team leader in Su's real estate. Are you interested?"

Security chief?

All the people were dumbfounded when they heard this.

The level of master Lin Xi'an is not like that of ordinary people, and only the level of Wang family can get it.

And now Xia Jue said that he would give the other party a small security captain position?

Although Xia shiyijue and Lin Fanshui don't know why.

But Xia Jue is obviously insulting Lin Xi.

People think that Lin Xi will never agree.

Lin Xi was a little excited when he heard Xia Jue's words.

As if that scene in Africa reappeared before his eyes.

At that time, he had completely worshipped Xia Jue.

He thought about it day and night.

Maybe if he had one tenth of Xia Jue's ability at that time, he would not have to withdraw from the international battlefield now.

There's no need to do home care for the Wangs of the secular family.

And now Xia Jue invited him to be the security captain of Su's real estate.

Although I don't know why Xia Jue came to the secular world to set up such a company, as long as he can learn some tricks from Xia Jue, how can he still run in such a big world?

And with Xia Jue, a little Wang family is nothing. There is no need to be afraid of their revenge.

Because the Wang family is really no different from an ant to Xia Jue, the God of war. Xia Jue can crush to death with one hand.

"I will, Mr. Xia." Want to understand this point, Lin eleven mouth agreed without hesitation.

They didn't expect that Lin Shiyi agreed so easily, which shocked and envied them

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