Such a level of master, if willing to condescend to come to their group, not to mention a security team leader, they are willing to give even the position of director and vice president.

"Xia Jue, you are dead, waiting for the endless Revenge of the Wang family." Su Junhao looks at Xia Jue like a dead man.

After hearing this, all the people who came to the banquet came back to their senses.


At present, it is not important why Lin Xi agrees to be the security minister of Xia Jue's company.

What's important is that Xia Jue ordered Lin Shiyi to abolish Wang Heng.

This is a declaration of war on the Wang family.

Now Xiajue is dead.

This is the consensus.

Chen Guan, Liu Yiming, and Xiao Yu are very happy.

Xin Kui, yesterday, they drew a clear line with Su's real estate. Otherwise, they would have suffered a heavy loss from the Wang family.

"Quick, quick, send Wang Shaoxian to the hospital." Su Changqing greets the bodyguard behind him to lift Wang Heng into the car.

Su Junhao sat in the driver's seat, and Wang Lin also sat on it. When he sat on it, he swept Xia Jue and Lin 11 with his hateful eyes.

"Well, everyone, go to the engagement ceremony between the Su family and the Wang family. Don't influence our business at the door of my hotel any more." Xia Jue said impolitely to these people.

"Hum, Xia Jue, I don't know how long you'll be able to jump if you offend the Wang family."

"Yes, let's wait for the endless Revenge of the Wang family."

The people who came to the banquet were chased twice by Xia Jue like a pig today. They were very dissatisfied. When they left, they did not forget to sneer at Xia Jue.


at the same time.

In a study of the Wang family in Kyoto.

A middle-aged man with a Chinese character face who is not angry and arrogant smashes the phone in anger.

The housekeeper standing on one side stood up to his head and did not dare to breathe.

He has been to the Wang family for decades.

It is clear that the owner of the family has not been angry with us for a long time.

"Let shi5617 go to Zhonghai city immediately and listen to henger's command." There was a voice from the master of the Wang family.

"Yes, master." The housekeeper hurried out to inform.


there were howls in an orthopedic department of Zhonghai first people's hospital.

About two hours later, the howling died out.

Wang Heng sweating was pushed out, and then was pushed into a senior ward.

Soon after, three people entered the ward.

"Wang Shao, here we are."

"Lin eleven, there is another Xia Jue. Break their legs first, and then bring them to see me." Wang Heng said, biting his teeth.

"OK, Wang Shao, let's do it."

After three people finished, they walked out of the ward.

Here, Xia Jue and Su Yihan return to the company.

"This will be your office in the future." Xia Jue pointed to Lin Shiyi.

"Yes, Mr. Xia." Lin 11 replied.

"Mr. Xia, it's no good. There are three people coming down here. These three people will fight when they see someone. Our people can't stand it." At this time, the dog came up in a hurry.

"It should be from the Wang family." Lin Shiyi said, holding his head.

"Let's go down and meet them." Xia Jue said lightly.

Soon, Xia Jue and Lin Shiyi arrived in the lobby on the first floor of the company.

At this time, on the floor of the lobby, there were many young brothers who kept wailing.

"Lin Shiyi, why did you betray the Wang family?" Said one in the middle.

"There is no betrayal, no betrayal." Lin 11 light answers a way.

"Then why do you want to fight against Wang Shao?"

"Because he provoked the wrong people, so I did it."

"Well, is that the ugly one who shouldn't be provoked?" A person on the right said coldly.

"That's right, but now you're also in trouble. As for you, you have two choices. One is to join Mr. Xia's company and become a security guard here like me, and the other is to lie down and go out from here today."

"Ha ha ha ha."

These three people seem to have heard a big joke.

"What's the ugliness? He's qualified to drive us?" One of them sneered.

"It seems that you chose to lie down and go out." Lin Xi finished without hesitation, and started directly.

Although Lin Shiyi knew that he was not the opponent of the three, he was not afraid, because the Xia Jue standing behind him was his boundless strength.

"Hum, Lin Shiyi, if you want to fight the three of us alone, you'll think too much of yourself. Wang Shao said, let's break your leg and take it back. Don't struggle."

After the other party finished, three people went to Lin 11."Bang bang."

The fight between the four made the dog dazzled and excited.

This is not as ornamental as Xia Jue, because Xia Jue's opponents are often beaten by him without fighting back.

In front of these four people have to fight back and forth, this can show the real kung fu.

It's better than the brute force moves such as running, smashing and splitting when they fight.

"Mr. Xia, who is the man you brought back? He is very powerful." Ah, the dog asked cautiously.

"He will be your captain in the future."


Ah, the dog is a little excited.

Such a powerful captain is accepted by Xia Jue, so Xia Jue's strength doesn't know where he is.

It seems that the captain of Xia Jue will have to work harder to train his skills.

Ah, the dog is thinking inside.

After ten minutes of fighting.

The besieged Lin Xi'an gradually lost some of his money. The sweat on his forehead left him without money, and his Tang suit was soaked with sweat.

Lin Xi was very anxious at this time.

Why didn't Mr. Xia do it?

I can't stand it if I don't do it again.

Xia Jue naturally saw that Lin Xi could not support himself, but he was not in a hurry. After a few minutes, he walked slowly towards the area where the four were fighting.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xi was overjoyed and quickly flashed to Xia Jue.

"Just in time, we'll clean up together, so that we don't have to work harder." One of them sneered.

"Mr. Xia, can you keep one for me?" Lin 11, who came to Xia Jue's side, said.

Xia Jue let Lin Xi know that he wanted to show himself, but he didn't refuse him.

"Yes, I'll leave one for you. If you can't solve one, you don't have to stay here."

Lin Shiyi knew that Xia Jue was making a military order for him, but he didn't flinch.

"I see, Mr. Xia."

When the three people across the street heard that Xia Jue and Lin Shiyi were randomly distributing them as pigs and sheep, they couldn't help laughing.

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