Xia Jue could not help but be surprised. No wonder the old man didn't give a little good face to the sixth major gate when he was at the sixth major gate.

However, listening to Zhao Tong's tone, I didn't want to mention it all. Obviously, there is something hidden in it.

But since Zhao Tong was not willing to say more, Xia Jue would not ask.

Moreover, he is about to become a disciple here. If he bumps into the master, it will be no fun.

Next, Zhao Tong and Xia Jue talked about some other topics, but they were all irrelevant.

After eating and drinking, it was getting late. Zhao Tian arranged a room for everyone to have a rest and had nothing to say all night.

At noon the next day, the old man came out.

Xia Jue has learned from the two elder martial brothers that the master's name is Daoqing.

Daoqing's so-called teacher worship is simple, just like other sects in other places. After kneeling down, they salute and offer incense to the portraits of their ancestors.

It can be said that it's simpler than the worship ceremony of those sects.

However, Xia Jue didn't care about it. On the contrary, he saved the tedium and made him relaxed a lot.

The next day, Hou Tianxiao, five elders and thirteen elders left here. Before they left, Daoqing gave them a black token.

It is said that as long as there is any trouble that can not be solved in the future, you can take out this token. If the other party knows it, it will naturally retreat.

If they don't know each other, they have to run and come to Daoqing with this token.

Daoqing will help him to deal with it.

For this statement, Hou Tianxiao can not help but face some convulsions, but still very happy to accept.

As for Hou ling'er, at Xia Jue's request, Daoqing agreed that she could stay here to practice, but she could not become his disciple.

Everyone is very satisfied with this. As long as they can stay, whether they are disciples or not is just a title.

And since I can practice here, I am actually half a disciple of Daoqing.

In this regard, Hou ling'er is naturally extremely excited, and Hou Tianxiao is also very happy to leave.

From then on, dilingzong had a big backing in Nanling.

It's just that it's not as well-known as liudachangmen. Moreover, there are a few disciples in liudachangmen. They are not as many as their local lingzong.

It is reasonable to say that Daoqing is so powerful that the disciples should only spread the world, but the situation is not the same as they thought.

However, from the attitude of the six major departments, we can see that Xuanqing must also be a tough one.

Even the top sects of the six major sects in Nanling are very scared, not to mention other sects. Hou Tianxiao can safely develop their di lingzong.

After Du'an was arranged properly, Daoqing left some pills for Xiajue to grasp and stabilize his Daoguo.

In a few days, it will be handed down to Xia Jue's sect.

Then, Xia Jue began to practice with ease. After several days, Daoqing didn't appear and didn't know what to do.

Zhao Tian, the elder martial brother, is also assigned a task by Daoqing. He doesn't know where he has gone.

Although Zhao Tong, the second elder martial brother, was in the door, he didn't see anyone all day.

this makes Xia Jue unable to make complaints about it. What kind of ghosts are they? How could the staff be so cold?

If it wasn't for Zhao Tian and Zhao Tong's accomplishments, even Xia Jue couldn't see through. He had to suspect that he had been cheated.

Hou ling'er didn't have so many ideas. Except gradually, he was eager to stay with Xia Jue.

It's a pity that Xia Jue is always in the state of cultivation and seldom appears, which makes him a little disappointed. At last, he gets into a fight with those servants in the sect.

To Hou ling'er's surprise, the servants here also had the accomplishment of building the foundation period, which was much better than that of her perfect heaven.

Can't help but be surprised not to speak, and feel much hit, in the Earth Spirit sect, her talent has been very good.

But I found that compared with this school, it was still a little bit worse than one and a half stars.

At the same time, I can't help but be more curious about this school. What kind of school is it? With two or three people, it can make the six major schools in Nanling dare not despise it, so we should be cautious?

However, the knowledge of these servants was limited, and Hou ling'er could not find any useful information.

We can only judge some clues from their words.

"It's said that the cultivation of Taoist priest is no less than those legendary powers."

"Taoist priest is very strange, moody and unpredictable. We can't see what he is thinking all day."

"Once upon a time, there was a sect in Nanling that was no less than six major sects. It offended the elder martial brother. In a rage, the Taoist priest killed which sect overnight."

"The Taoist only asked us to call him Taoist. We don't know where he got these Mountain Gate buildings."

"It's strange that there is not even a name for the school."……

After hearing this, Hou ling'er didn't get any useful information, but he probably knew Daoqing's character. It was very strange.

The disciples are free all the year round, and they are not allowed to be raised.

In Daoqing's words, everyone's Tao is different. Although they all end up with the same goal, they still have to understand it by themselves. I can't teach you anything. On the contrary, it will make you fall into my shackles.

When he learned that this sentence came from Taoist priest, Hou ling'er was speechless for a while. What's the matter?

It's just being lazy, OK? To sum it up in three words is unreliable!

However, it is interesting to hear about the deeds of those Taoist priests, and Hou ling'er also enjoys them, so he comes to chat with those servants every day.

Xia Jue's only way to pass the time here is not to be here.

After such a month, the elder martial brother Zhao Tian came back with blood all over his body, which made all of them startled.

After Zhao Tian returned to kezong gate, he was in a coma. Those servants rushed to apply medicine to Zhao Tian, the healing of the wound, all at once.

This makes Hou ling'er dumbfounded, but those servants are used to it.

"Hey, don't worry. Elder martial brother must have stopped the Taoist priest's words and gone to purgatory to practice."

"Since I came here, elder martial brother, I've been here more than ten times, so I've seen it for a long time."

"Don't worry about it. Just rest for a while, because you are a little strong

still suffering from the shock, hearing these people make complaints about it.

What kind of Taoist priest is this? It's too strange!

And this way of cultivation is too cruel, isn't it?

It's a mission.

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