Hou ling'er thinks wildly, won't summer worship be so miserable in the future? Thinking of this, she was very worried.

Those people seem to see the general idea of Hou ling'er and come to persuade one after another.

"Don't worry, the Taoist priest has different requirements for everyone."

"Only elder martial brother is suitable for this kind of practice. Others can't do it at all. It's useless to do it."

"Yes, that's what Taoist priest said. As for why, we don't know."

"The second elder martial brother is much more relaxed and less miserable."

"Yes, I stay in my room here every day and say that I am studying everything important."

"Listen to the second elder martial brother, if you study it, you will shock the whole cultivation world!"

After hearing this, Hou ling'er was dumb and speechless. This sect is really strange, isn't it?

After recovering for a while, Hou ling'er asked these servants what the Third Elder martial brother's cultivation method was.

The servants shook their heads.

"We don't know. Since the Taoist priest accepted the Third Elder martial brother as an apprentice, the Taoist priest has never appeared."

"Maybe I'm still waiting for a chance. That's what happened when the second elder martial brother and the master came here."

"Well??? You're here before elder martial brother comes in? "

Hou ling'er looks surprised.

The servants nodded and said.

"The Taoist priest is kind-hearted. We are all homeless orphans, so the Taoist priest takes us, gives us food and clothes, and allows us to practice some inferior skills. But the Taoist doesn't want to hear us call him Shifu, but then we meet him. "

"The Taoist priest said that his apprentice must be one of the ten thousand talents. We don't have the qualification yet."

Said here, but the face of those people who have gone away is a color.

"Probably, I might be like that too."

Hou ling'er is indifferent and speechless. Thinking of his own situation, he may not be much different from these servants.

But the only difference is that Hou ling'er still has a home, and the reason why he was able to enter here was that he delayed the summer worship.

Sure enough, without a good time, the elder martial brother appeared in front of them with full of energy.

And the scars on the body, all dissipated, the recovery of even a little scar did not appear.

This makes Hou ling'er very surprised. The elder martial brother's constitution seems unusual.

Even a monk, normal people will not be able to recover so soon.

The day after the elder martial brother recovered, Xia Jue went out of the gate again, and he was successfully promoted to the middle stage of foundation building.

Xia Jue was very satisfied with the result, and Hou ling'er also praised it.

But the elder martial brother didn't show much about it, even sneered and said.

"The way of squinting cultivation is wrong. It's too slow. If you let master know, you must be taught a lesson by him."

"But these days, the master should also be looking for a gradual way for you, but I don't know what the result is."

Xia Jue was dumbfounded when he heard the elder martial brother say that. Is the speed still slow? What are you talking about?

"It's a little slow indeed, ha ha, but it's not bad. After all, it's much faster than I used to be."

"But the master said that my way of cultivation is a little different. If I really want to achieve anything amazing, I have to give up the opportunity of short-term promotion and study my own way of cultivation."

It was Zhao Tong, the second elder martial brother who was hiding in the room and didn't know what he was studying.

At the moment, Xia Jue was surprised to hear the second elder martial brother say that he didn't use the normal way of cultivation when he wanted to improve his realm. What else is the way of cultivation?

However, no matter how Xia Jue asked, the second elder martial brother refused to say. He claimed that the research had not been completed, and when it was finished, he would know.

Xia Jue can't say anything about the second elder martial brother's perfunctory, and it's about other people's secrets, so it's not convenient for him to ask more.

Let him go.

When Xia Jue heard about elder martial brother's way of cultivation, he couldn't help but wonder.

Passers-by in purgatory, to withstand numerous challenges, and ultimately win, cocoon into a butterfly.

Just from the name purgatory, we can see how amazing it is.

It must also be a hellish existence, otherwise how can it be worthy of this name.

Now the Marquis is a little depressed. What's his way of cultivation?

The master has not come back for a long time. She didn't say anything before she left, and she didn't know.

In the following time, Xia Jue completely came out of the closed door. No more shut ups.

He also understood that if he wanted to be quick, he would not be able to achieve it, and that cultivation would have to be gradual.It's not very useful for him to keep on dying.

The elder martial brother didn't seem to be in a hurry to go to purgatory. Instead, he spent the whole day under the tree quietly experiencing these feelings.

Before long, a thunder suddenly came from the sky, blowing up the whole world.


The roaring sound is endless. Thunder and lightning, like towering giant trees, come down from the sky and fight to the elder martial brother.


The elder martial brother bathed in the thunder, and his body glowed like an immortal in the dust. At the same time, he exuded a terrible smell, which made him look very strange.

Those thick thunder and lightning struck the elder martial brother, as if nothing had happened. There was no trace left on him.

Xia Jue knows that this is the legendary thunder robbery. Only the monks who have reached the Xuansheng stage can trigger the thunder robbery and bring down the divine punishment.

In this way, Xia Jue learned that the realm of the eldest martial brother had been completed in his infancy.

No, now it should be said that it has entered the Xuansheng period, but it needs the elder martial brother to successfully survive the thunderstorm.

Finally, it seems that God is not satisfied with the power of his own thunder robbery. He drops the colorful thunder robbery and hits the elder martial brother.

This sudden change attracted Xia Jue's attention. Seeing that the second elder martial brother hiding in the room was disturbed, he opened his mouth and looked at everything here in surprise.

As for those servants, they had been moved by the sound, but they all stood far away and did not dare to get close.

I'm kidding. Who dares to get close to the elder martial brother at this time? Isn't that looking for death?

It would be too late to repent and have fun if the thunder robbery was brought to us.

It's also the highest level of the elder martial brother.

So Xia Jue and others are very surprised and shocked.

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