At this time, Xia Jue launched a counterattack, and the power of the magic mirror was full.


Xia Jue suddenly turned around. A beam of light in the magic mirror burst out and swept directly towards the monster.


The monster felt a danger approaching, but it was too late for him to react. He was so close to Xia Jue that he had no chance to escape.


The beam of the magic mirror directly hit the monster. A loud noise came out, and the monster howled, and the body broke up quickly.

The monster's eyes were full of complicated emotions. If he hadn't seen his bloody appearance, Xia Jue would have thought it was a living creature rather than a monster like a fighting machine.

The brilliance in the eyes was quickly dim, and then the monster's body came down, suddenly turned into dust and disappeared in the same place.


Xia Jue breathed a sigh of relief and finally killed the terrible monster. If he had been half a minute slow, the monster's palm would have touched his body.

Fortunately, everything was in accordance with his expectations, and there was not much error.

Just now that blow had consumed all the Yuan Li in his body. After putting away the magic mirror and taking back the Tai Long Sword, Xia Jue took several Hui Yuan pills again.

After half an hour, his Yuanli finally recovered to the peak state.

Then Xia Jue went over and put away the storage bags of the people who had just killed him.

To sum up, he has collected dozens of such storage bags, and he can't do more.

Dan medicine and some secret scripts are also, but they are all low-level and not very effective.

There are several middle grade pills, but they will be used at the last moment. Xia Jue doesn't want to waste them like this.

Then Xia Jue left here quickly.

The secret place of the empty sky is vast. Although it is not as big as the yuan Kingdom, it is not small.

All the way to the secret place, Xia Jue received some miraculous drugs. The age of the drugs was pretty good. Some of them were still hundreds of years old, so they could be called the king of medicine.

If you become a pill, the effect will be many times better than the ordinary one.

In the following time, Xia Jue was not attacked and killed by others.

But I met some disciples who didn't know what sect. When I met him, they all dodged like snakes and scorpions, as if they were afraid of provoking something.

Xia Jue was a little strange. He guessed which cheap master he should be. He certainly didn't have a good reputation in the cultivation world. Even the people of the Holy Land and the imperial dynasty had to swallow their breath, so it was common.

The ordinary little sects are afraid to provoke him, otherwise they don't know how to die.

"It seems that the reputation of cheap master is still good. At least it saves me a lot of trouble."

Xia Jue said to himself.

After a long distance, Xia Jue suddenly heard a quarrel. It was not far from here.

"This is the elixir that I found out first. Is it too much for you to rob me like this?"

"Well, what did you find out first? I said we found out first? Do you have any evidence? "

"You Why are you so unreasonable? "

"Reasonable? I'm not reasonable. What can you do? I tell you, today, this elixir is mine. I don't want to do it, so you'd better go away. "

"Roll, roll..."

Xia Jue followed the voice and saw that a group of people were encircling one person. The first one was vicious, but he was the master of the mid-term peak of the foundation period. The other people were not weak.

These people all wear the same clothes and look like disciples of a sect.

The man in the middle of the siege, who looked thin and ragged, was a monk in the early days of foundation construction.

Xia Jue frowned slightly. In the early stage of foundation construction, it should not be so miserable, right?

Although it is not worth mentioning at the beginning of the foundation period in this cultivation world, he is also a monk anyway.

In some small sects, such as dilingzong, it also plays an important role.

In principle, there should not be such a situation, but it doesn't seem to be pretending to look like that person, and I don't know what's going on.

"Are you not afraid of retribution when you do this?"

At this time, the friar who was surrounded in the middle said angrily. Anyone can hear it. There's no one in the world with any momentum. It's weak.

"Ha ha ha What are you talking about? Retribution? As a friar, what kind of retribution are you talking about here? Are you in the middle of the door? "

The man at the head laughed, as if he had heard something incredible, and his eyes were contemptuous."Ha ha ha..."

The rest of the friars, also pointing to the frail friar, laughed.

"Get out of here, or don't blame me for being rude!"

The first man suddenly gave a shout and slapped the friar on the shoulder.

All of a sudden, which friar stood unsteadily, and then fell to the ground.


He sighed a long time, his eyes showed a burst of disappointment and sadness, and slowly got up from the ground.

Unwilling to cast a glance at the plant on the ground, shook his head, and was ready to leave.

"What are you looking at? Look, dig out your eyes and feed the dog

The gang yelled.

Xia Jue couldn't help getting angry. Although he had seen a lot of things like this, he should have been numb.

But now see which friar, despondent bullied appearance, his heart or Teng up a flame.

In the cultivation world, the power is respected, and Xia Jue has nothing to say.

However, Xia Jue couldn't bear to see this man deceiving others so much.

Then he used the Yu Feng Jue and rushed to the group of people.

"Well, I think it's yours to roll!"

A cold voice rang out, which scared the group of people.

The monk also looked up in surprise.

"Hum, what are you? Do you dare to meddle in my uncle's business and seek death?"

Which man of the head, cold hum a, discontented of looked to the summer Jue to say.

"Ha ha, I'm not something, but you. I'm not something!"

Xia Jue gave a sneer.

"To die!"

Which man of the head drinks, the whole body momentum erupts, one punch toward Xia Jue here hit to come over.

The others, looking at Xia Jue's look, showed a teasing smile.

Dare to offend the boss, this guy is really looking for death!

Are you impatient with leisure?

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