Xia Jue's momentum is amazing. Raising his hand is a big vacuum handprint, and he shoots it out to the man.

The man roared and stretched out his hand to resist Xia Jue's attack.

Xia Jue's fingerprints fell down and directly hit the man's arm.


There was only a crisp sound and the man screamed. Then he quickly stepped back out with a look of pain on his face. His eyes were really surprised.

"How could it be?"

Several other people also took a breath of air conditioning. Their eldest brother was a master at the peak of the late foundation period. He was beaten off an arm with one hand?

No one believes that.

However, they have to believe the facts before their eyes.

"Who are you?"

The man's face was gloomy, and he had already begun to repair his injury with Yuanli. At last, he didn't suffer as much as before.

"Well, you don't need to know my name. You just need to know that I'm here to teach you a lesson."

Xia Jue snorted coldly, and the dragon sword was already in his hand.

Which skinny friar who was bullied just now can't help looking at Xia Jue with gratitude.

"Thank you very much."

Xia Jue waved his hand and didn't say anything.

He just can't stand such behavior, so he is ready to teach these people a lesson.

"I don't care who you are. Now that you've provoked me, don't think about it. Let's go together and kill him."

The man stopped the pain, but the broken bone was not so easy to recover, so he did not start, but stood there, waiting for his little brother to entangle Xia Jue.

Then the man was ready to find a good chance to leave.

He could see that although the old Xia Jue was young and had only the cultivation in the middle of the foundation building period, his fighting power was very high, no less than his peak monk in the later period of the foundation building period.

Don't talk about himself, even if all the people are together, they can't be Xia Jue's opponent.

So running is the best choice.

As for those younger brothers, in his eyes, they were just cannon fodder that was thrown away at any time. He didn't care at all.

After hearing what the boss said, the younger brothers couldn't help looking embarrassed. However, after seeing the man's angry face, they all rushed towards Xia Jue.

"Ha ha, it's a good way. Unfortunately, you've become cannon fodder. Even if you don't know it, you still want to come up for death. In that case, I'll help you."

Xia Jue laughs and rushes over with his dragon sword.

Most of them were friars at the beginning of the foundation period. Only one or two of them reached the peak at the beginning of the foundation period. Therefore, under Xia Jue's command, they were just like a local chicken and a dog. They died and injured a lot every minute.

A moment later, all of them were on the ground without any sound.

That man hasn't had time to escape at the moment, love grass media saw this scene, can't help but the spirits of the dead all take, look at Xia Jue in horror.

"You, don't come here. I'm wrong. Please don't kill me."

The man quickly knelt down and begged for mercy from Xia Jue, with blood on his head.

"You let your little brother die, but you have to run away. Do you think there is any need for you to survive?"

Xia Jue didn't intend to let him go. This man's behavior is really disgusting.

Although he and Xia Jue have no deep hatred, but since they have already started, Xia Jue will not be soft hearted and leave disaster for himself.

Who knows what sect is behind this guy?

Keep it and wait for him to make trouble for himself later?

When the man heard Xia Jue's words, he couldn't help but be full of despair. He didn't expect that Xia Jue would not enter so much. She kowtowed and didn't have any effect.

"In that case, you will die with me."

That man heart next horizontal, in the hand already took out a law Fu, toward summer Jue here rushed to come over.

Xia Jue is slightly surprised, and hastily uses the Yu Feng Jue to retreat, making him pounce on the air.


Immediately, the talisman exploded instantly, and the violent energy surged around here.

As for the man's body, directly in the explosion of the talisman, it turned into a blood mist, and even a complete body was not left.

It can be said that as miserable as it is.

The skinny friar on one side had been stunned for a long time. He never thought that Xia Jue's strength and reaction were so amazing.

How much time is it? He killed so many people one after another. It would be strange if he was not surprised.

"Thank you for saving your life. I don't think I can repay you. I'll give you this treasure. It's a reward."The thin man, at this time, had already pulled up the treasure and arrived in front of Xia Jue.

Xia Jue took a look and said with a smile.

"No, keep it for yourself. I have plenty of Chinese medicine."

It's just a better elixir. It's only a few decades old. It really doesn't work for Xia Jue. It's better for him to keep it and strengthen his cultivation, so that he won't be bullied in the future. He doesn't even have the ability to fight back.

What's more, Xia Jue can't see the emotion in his eyes?

Maybe this elixir has no effect on himself, but for this monk, it may have a great effect.

"Well, you'd better take it, or I'm sorry. After all, if you hadn't taken it, they would have taken it."

Said the frail friar.

Sir Xia shook his head and said that he would not accept anything. After several refusals, the monk took it away.

In the heart very happy, also don't know to say what good, then repeatedly toward summer Jue thanks.

At last, Xia Jue took the Friar and continued to set out towards the depth of the secret place.

He didn't want to take him with him. But I don't mind taking him with me because he has a good heart.

For this, he was even more grateful.

In the past, when people saw him, they either bullied him or robbed him. To meet Xia Jue was like meeting a benefactor.

Of course, he thinks so in his heart. If he has a chance, he will surely repay him.

In this regard, Xia Jue did not care.

They went on their way and soon became familiar with each other. Xia Jue also learned that the Friar's name was Wednesday.

Xia Jue felt that the name was a little strange.

Xia Jue naturally told him his name, and it seemed that he didn't know Xia Jue at all.

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